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Reflections on Companion Type Systems -
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
object CompanionTypeSystem {
def apply[SealedClass: TypeTag, Companion: TypeTag](fBoundedType: String): Set[Companion] = {
val sealedClassType = typeOf[SealedClass]
val companionType = typeOf[Companion]
val upperBound = sealedClassType
val refineCompanionWithTypeParameter = getTypeWithTypeParameterOrElseCheckTypeMember(companionType, fBoundedType, upperBound, isSelfRecursive = false)
val refineSealedClassWithTypeParameter = getTypeWithTypeParameterOrElseCheckTypeMember(sealedClassType, fBoundedType, upperBound, isSelfRecursive = true)
getSubclasses(sealedClassType).map { subclass =>
val subclassType = subclass.toType
refineSealedClassWithTypeParameter match {
case Some(refineSealedClassTypeWith) =>
val expectedSubclassType = refineSealedClassTypeWith(subclassType)
require(subclassType <:< expectedSubclassType, s"Class $subclassType must extend $expectedSubclassType")
case None =>
require(subclassType <:< sealedClassType, s"Class $subclassType must extend $sealedClassType")
checkTypeMember(subclassType, fBoundedType, subclassType)
val subclassCompanionType = subclass.companionSymbol.typeSignature
refineCompanionWithTypeParameter match {
case Some(refineCompanionTypeWith) =>
val expectedSubclassCompanionType = refineCompanionTypeWith(subclassType)
require(subclassCompanionType <:< expectedSubclassCompanionType, s"Companion object $subclassCompanionType of $subclass must extend $expectedSubclassCompanionType")
case None =>
require(subclassCompanionType <:< companionType, s"Companion object $subclassCompanionType of $subclass must extend $companionType")
checkTypeMember(subclassCompanionType, fBoundedType, subclassType)
private def getTypeWithTypeParameterOrElseCheckTypeMember(owner: Type, fBoundedType: TypeName, upperBound: Type, isSelfRecursive: Boolean): Option[Type => Type] = {
Try { refineExistentialTypeParameter(owner, fBoundedType, upperBound, isSelfRecursive) } match {
case Success(typeWithTypeParameter) => Some(typeWithTypeParameter)
case Failure(fBoundedTypeParameterException) => {
Try(checkExistentialTypeMember(owner, fBoundedType, upperBound, isSelfRecursive)) match {
case Success(_) => None
case Failure(fBoundedTypeMemberException) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Could not find a valid F-bounded type $fBoundedType in $owner: \n No valid type parameter (${fBoundedTypeParameterException.getMessage}) \n No valid type member (${fBoundedTypeMemberException.getMessage})")
private def getCompanion(clazz: ClassSymbol): Any = {
val m = runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
private def getSubclasses(classType: Type): Set[ClassSymbol] = {
val clazz = classType.typeSymbol.asClass
require(clazz.isSealed, s"Class $clazz of type $classType must be sealed.")
private def checkTypeMember(owner: Type, name: TypeName, expectedType: Type): Unit = {
val typeMemberType = owner.member(name).typeSignature
require(typeMemberType =:= expectedType, s"Type member $name in $owner is $typeMemberType, must be $expectedType")
private def checkExistentialTypeMember(owner: Type, name: TypeName, upperBound: Type, isSelfRecursive: Boolean): Unit = {
val typeMemberType = owner.member(name).typeSignature
require(typeMemberType.isInstanceOf[TypeBoundsApi], s"$typeMemberType is not a type bounds.")
val TypeBounds(lo, hi) = typeMemberType
require(hi =:= upperBound, s"Type member $name in $owner is $typeMemberType, upper type bound must be $upperBound")
if (isSelfRecursive) {
val selfType = owner.typeSymbol.asClass.thisPrefix
require(lo =:= selfType, s"Type member $name in $owner is $typeMemberType, lower type bound must be $selfType for it to be self-recursive.")
private def refineExistentialTypeParameter(owner: Type, parameterName: TypeName, upperBound: Type, isSelfRecursive: Boolean): Type => Type = {
require(owner.isInstanceOf[ExistentialTypeApi], s"$owner is not existential.")
val clazz = owner.typeSymbol.asClass
val paramPosition = clazz.typeParams.indexWhere( == parameterName)
require(paramPosition > -1, s"Type parameter $parameterName not found in $clazz of $owner")
val ExistentialType(existentialArgs, underlying) = owner
val TypeRef(_, _, args) = underlying
val existentialArgSymbol = args(paramPosition).typeSymbol
require(existentialArgs.contains(existentialArgSymbol), s"Argument $existentialArgSymbol for type parameter $parameterName in $owner is not existential.")
val existentialArgBounds = existentialArgSymbol.typeSignature
val TypeBounds(lo, hi) = existentialArgBounds
require(hi =:= upperBound, s"Existential argument for parameter $parameterName in $owner is $existentialArgSymbol: $existentialArgBounds, upper type bound must be $upperBound.")
if (isSelfRecursive) {
val selfType = clazz.thisPrefix
val selfTypeConstructor = selfType.typeConstructor
val isValidSelfType = selfTypeConstructor.isInstanceOf[RefinedTypeApi] && selfTypeConstructor.asInstanceOf[RefinedType].parents.exists( == parameterName)
require(isValidSelfType, s"Self type $selfType of $owner must be a subtype of $parameterName for it to be self-recursive.")
{ case refinedArgument: Type =>
require(refinedArgument <:< hi, s"Argument $refinedArgument for parameter $parameterName in $owner must be a subtype of $hi from $existentialArgSymbol: $existentialArgBounds")
require(lo <:< refinedArgument, s"Argument $refinedArgument for parameter $parameterName in $owner must be a supertype of $lo from $existentialArgSymbol: $existentialArgBounds")
underlying.substituteTypes(existentialArgSymbol::Nil, refinedArgument::Nil)
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