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Created November 12, 2017 13:51
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  • Save leohxj/efd36798005839ed22a3f9e9ef05303b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"config": {
"commitizen": {
"path": "node_modules/cz-emoji"
"cz-emoji": {
"types": [
"emoji": "🔩",
"code": "chore :nut_and_bolt:",
"description": "Doesn't modify src or test files",
"name": "chore"
"emoji": "🌟",
"code": "feat :star2:",
"description": "A new feature",
"name": "feat"
"emoji": "🐞",
"code": "fix :beetle:",
"description": "A bug fix",
"name": "fix"
"emoji": "️️️️✏️",
"code": "style :pencil2:",
"description": "Doesn't affect the meaning of the code (white-space, semi-colons, etc)",
"name": "style"
"emoji": "📚",
"code": "docs :books:",
"description": "Documentation change",
"name": "docs"
"emoji": "🚓",
"code": "test :police_car:",
"description": "Testing improved with new or fixed tests",
"name": "test"
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