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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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  • Save leoluyi/e640adfa9ec25978228c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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write.spss <-
function(data, datafile, codefile, varlabels=NULL) {
# If you do not want to alter your original file, as in the example above,
# and if you are connected to the internet while you are using this function,
# you can try this self-contained function:
# df <- data.frame(id = c(1:6),
# p.code = c(1, 5, 4, NA, 0, 5),
# p.label = c('Optometrists', 'Nurses',
# 'Financial analysts', '<NA>',
# '0', 'Nurses'),
# foo = LETTERS[1:6])
# Add some variable labels using label from the Hmisc package
# require(Hmisc)
# label(df) <- "Sweet sweet data"
# label(df$id) <- "id !@#$%^"
# label(df$p.label) <- "Profession with human readable information"
# label(df$p.code) <- "Profession code"
# label(df$foo) <- "Variable label for variable x.var"
# write.Hmisc.SPSS(df, datafile="df.sav", codefile="df.sps")
# Original "write.SPSS" function taken from:
a =, data)
tempout = vector("list", length(a))
for (i in 1:length(a)) {
tempout[[i]] = Hmisc:::label(a[[i]])
b = unlist(tempout)
label.temp = structure(c(b), .Names = names(data))
attributes(data)$variable.labels = label.temp
# source("")
write.SPSS <- function (df, datafile, codefile, varlabels = NULL) {
if (!is.null(varlabels) & length(df) != length(varlabels))
stop("lengths of data and varlabels are different")
## we want ASCII quotes, not UTF-8 quotes here
adQuote <- function(x) paste("\"", x, "\"", sep = "")
dfn <- lapply(df, function(x) if (is.factor(x))
else x)
write.table(dfn, file = datafile, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE,
sep = ",", quote = FALSE, na = "",eol = ",\n",
fileEncoding = "UTF-8")
if(is.null(varlabels)) {
if(is.null(attributes(df)$variable.labels)) varlabels <- names(df)
else varlabels <- attributes(df)$variable.labels
if (is.null(names(df))) varnames <- varlabels
else varnames <- names(df)
varnames_original <- varnames
varnames <- abbreviate(names(df), 15L)
if (any(sapply(varnames, nchar) > 15L))
stop("I cannot abbreviate the variable names to 15 or fewer letters")
if (any(varnames != varnames_original))
warning("some variable names were abbreviated")
varnames <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]_\\$@#]", "\\.", varnames)
dl.varnames <- names(df)
if (any(chv <- sapply(df,is.character))) {
lengths <- sapply(df[chv],function(v) max(nchar(v)))
if(any(lengths > 255L))
stop("Cannot handle character variables longer than 255")
lengths <- paste0("(A", lengths, ")")
# corrected by PR#15583
star <- ifelse(c(TRUE, diff(which(chv) > 1L))," *", " ")
dl.varnames[chv] <- paste(star, dl.varnames[chv], lengths)
cat("DATA LIST FILE=", adQuote(datafile), " free (\",\")\n",
file = codefile)
cat("/", dl.varnames, " .\n\n", file = codefile, append = TRUE)
cat("VARIABLE LABELS\n", file = codefile, append = TRUE)
cat(paste(varnames, adQuote(varlabels),"\n"), ".\n",
file = codefile, append = TRUE)
factors <- sapply(df, is.factor)
if (any(factors)) {
cat("\nVALUE LABELS\n", file = codefile, append = TRUE)
for (v in which(factors)) {
cat("/\n", file = codefile, append = TRUE)
cat(varnames[v], " \n", file = codefile, append = TRUE)
levs <- levels(df[[v]])
cat(paste(1:length(levs), adQuote(levs), "\n", sep = " "),
file = codefile, append = TRUE)
cat(".\n", file = codefile, append = TRUE)
cat("\nEXECUTE.\n", file = codefile, append = TRUE)
write.SPSS(data, datafile, codefile, varlabels)
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