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Created April 14, 2024 11:46
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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* University of Athens
* Department of Informatics and Telecommunications
* --------------------------------
* Class: Object Oriented Programming
* Professor: Izambo Karali
* --------------------------------
* Exercise 1 - Winter semester 2014-2015
* Description: Simulation of public service building
* Link:
* --------------------------------
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Developed and tested on: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS
* Compiler used: g++ 4.8.1
* --------------------------------
* Compile with: g++ -Wall -o pbs
* Run with: ./pbs
* ./pbs <N>
* ./pbs <N> <Nf>
* ...
* ./pbs <N> <Nf> <Ng> <No> <Nl> <K> <L>
* --------------------------------
* Coding styles followed :
* -- Linux Kernel
* Link:
* -- Google C++
* Link:
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Valgrind report for 20000 Visitors sim
* --------------------------------
* valgrind ./pbs 20000 100 200 5 20 20010 50
* --------------------------------
* in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
* total heap usage: 1,515 allocs, 1,515 frees, 14,160 bytes allocated
* All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
* ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
/* Libraries */
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
/* Constants */
#define NOTSET -1
#define ZERO 0
#define ONE 1
#define TEN 10
#define INIT_CNT 0
#define FLOOR_CNT 4
#define OFFICE_CNT 10
#define NONE NULL
/* Default Testcase */
#define PBS_DEFAULT_N 10
#define PBS_DEFAULT_K 11
#define PBS_DEFAULT_L 2
using namespace std;
class Visitor {
int priority_no;
int floor_no;
int office_no;
bool serviced;
/* Constructor */
: priority_no(ZERO)
, serviced(false) {
floor_no = rand()%FLOOR_CNT+ONE;
office_no = rand()%OFFICE_CNT+ONE;
/* Accessors */
int get_priority_no() {
return priority_no;
int get_floor_no() {
return floor_no;
int get_office_no() {
return office_no;
bool is_serviced() {
return serviced;
/* Mutators */
void set_priority_no(int priority) {
priority_no = priority;
void set_serviced() {
serviced = not serviced;
class VisitorQueueList {
int visitor_cnt;
struct Node {
Visitor *visitor;
Node *next;
Node(Visitor *visitor, Node *next)
: visitor(visitor)
, next(next) {
Node *head, *tail;
/* Constructor */
: visitor_cnt(INIT_CNT)
, head(NONE)
, tail(NONE) {
/* Destructor - Emptys the Queue before destruction */
~VisitorQueueList() {
while (not is_empty())
/* Returns # of Queue elements */
int get_visitor_cnt() {
return visitor_cnt;
/* Returns true if Queue contains 0 elements */
bool is_empty() {
return visitor_cnt == ZERO;
/* Appends a Visitor to the Queue */
void push(Visitor &visitor) {
/* Create a node to wrap around Visitor */
Node *pushnode = new(nothrow) Node(&visitor,NONE);
/* Adjust pointers to maintain Queue structure */
if (is_empty())
head = pushnode;
tail->next = pushnode;
tail = pushnode;
/* Alias push() to handle pointer type parameter */
void push(Visitor *visitor) {
/* Returns the top Visitor of the Queue */
Visitor& top() {
return *(head->visitor);
/* Removes and returns the top Visitor of the Queue */
Visitor& pop() {
Visitor &visitor = *(head->visitor);
/* Adjust the pointers accordingly */
Node *popnode = head;
head = head->next;
/* Free node and return the Visitor */
delete popnode;
return visitor;
/* Removes and returns a random Visitor from the Queue */
Visitor& pop_random() {
/* Pick a random queue position */
int random_visitor_queue_position = rand()%visitor_cnt;
/* Advance the Queue to find that node */
Node *previous = head, *popnode = head;
for (int iterator=ZERO ; ;
/* Step */
previous = popnode,
popnode = popnode->next
) {
/* Once the node is found get a reference of the Visitor inside */
if (iterator==random_visitor_queue_position) {
Visitor &visitor = *(popnode->visitor);
/* Adjust the pointers to maintain the Queue structure */
if (iterator==ZERO)
head = popnode->next;
previous->next = popnode->next;
if (iterator==visitor_cnt-ONE)
tail = previous;
/* Free node and return the Visitor */
delete popnode;
return visitor;
/* Removes serviced Visitors and returns a new Queue of them */
VisitorQueueList *pop_serviced() {
/* Allocate a new Queue to return to the caller */
VisitorQueueList *queue_serviced = new VisitorQueueList();
Node *previous = head, *current = head;
int const_visitor_cnt = visitor_cnt;
/* Iterate through the Queue */
for (int iterator=ZERO;iterator<const_visitor_cnt;++iterator) {
/* When the node contains a serviced Visitor */
if ((current->visitor)->is_serviced()) {
/* Push the Visitor into the queue_serviced Queue */
Node *nextnode = current->next;
/* Adjust the pointers in the original Queue */
if (iterator==(const_visitor_cnt-visitor_cnt)) {
head = current->next;
previous = head;
} else {
previous->next = current->next;
if (iterator==const_visitor_cnt-ONE) {
tail = previous;
/* Remove the node from original Queue */
delete current;
current = nextnode;
} else {
previous = current;
current = current->next;
return queue_serviced;
class EntryHall {
int visitor_cnt;
VisitorQueueList visitors;
/* Constructor */
: visitor_cnt(INIT_CNT) {
cout << "The entrance has been created!" << endl;
/* Destructor */
~EntryHall() {
cout << "End of waiting people!" << endl;
/* Returns true if EntryHall contains 0 Visitors */
bool is_empty() {
return visitor_cnt == ZERO;
/* Returns the top Visitor of the Queue */
Visitor& peek() {
/* Appends a Visitor to the Queue */
bool enter(Visitor &visitor) {
return true;
/* Removes and returns the top Visitor of the Queue */
Visitor& exit() {
return visitors.pop();
class GroundFloor {
int visitor_cnt;
int priority_cnt;
int max_capacity;
EntryHall *entryhall;
/* Constructor */
GroundFloor(int Ng)
: visitor_cnt(INIT_CNT)
, priority_cnt(INIT_CNT)
, max_capacity(Ng) {
entryhall = new EntryHall();
cout << "A floor has been created with number 0" << endl;
/* Destructor */
~GroundFloor() {
delete entryhall;
cout << "End of service!" << endl;
/* Returns true if GroundFloor contains 0 Visitors */
bool is_empty() {
return visitor_cnt == ZERO;
/* Returns true if GroundFloor max visitor capacity is reached */
bool is_full() {
return visitor_cnt == max_capacity;
/* Returns the top Visitor of the EntryHall Queue */
Visitor& peek() {
return entryhall->peek();
/* Attempts to append a Visitor to the EntryHall Queue */
bool enter(Visitor &visitor) {
if (not is_full()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
/* Removes and returns the top Visitor of the EntryHall Queue */
Visitor& exit() {
return entryhall->exit();
/* Assign a priority # to the Visitor */
void wait(Visitor &visitor) {
cout << "Waiting for the lift" << endl;
class Office {
int visitor_cnt;
int max_capacity;
int office_no;
VisitorQueueList visitors;
/* Constructor */
Office(int No, int office_no)
: visitor_cnt(INIT_CNT)
, max_capacity(No)
, office_no(office_no) {
cout << "Office number " << office_no << " has been created" << endl;
/* Destructor */
~Office() {
cout << "End of the work!" << endl;
/* Returns true if Office contains 0 Visitors */
bool is_empty() {
return visitor_cnt == ZERO;
/* Returns true if Office max visitor capacity is reached */
bool is_full() {
return visitor_cnt == max_capacity;
/* Attempts to append a Visitor to the Office Queue */
bool enter(Visitor &visitor) {
if (not is_full()) {
cout << "Entering office number " << visitor.get_office_no() << " (Priority=" << visitor.get_priority_no() << ")" << endl;
return true;
} else {
cout << "Please, wait outside for entrance in office number " << visitor.get_office_no() << " (Priority=" << visitor.get_priority_no() << ")" << endl;
return false;
/* Removes and returns the top Visitor of the Office Queue */
Visitor& exit() {
Visitor &visitor = visitors.pop_random();
/* Visitor is considered serviced after this point */
return visitor;
class Floor {
int visitor_cnt;
int max_capacity;
int floor_no;
EntryHall *entryhall;
Office *offices[OFFICE_CNT];
/* Constructor */
Floor(int Nf, int No, int floor_no)
: visitor_cnt(INIT_CNT)
, max_capacity(Nf)
, floor_no(floor_no) {
entryhall = new EntryHall();
for (int iterator=ZERO;iterator<OFFICE_CNT;++iterator)
offices[iterator] = new Office(No,iterator+ONE);
cout << "A floor has been created with number " << floor_no << endl;
/* Destructor */
~Floor() {
for (int iterator=ZERO;iterator<OFFICE_CNT;++iterator)
delete offices[iterator];
delete entryhall;
cout << "End of service!" << endl;
/* Returns true if Floor contains 0 Visitors */
bool is_empty() {
return visitor_cnt == ZERO;
/* Returns true if Floor max visitor capacity is reached */
bool is_full() {
return visitor_cnt == max_capacity;
/* Attempts to append a Visitor to the Office Queue he wants */
bool enter(Visitor &visitor) {
if (not is_full()) {
cout << "Entering floor number " << visitor.get_floor_no() << " (Priority=" << visitor.get_priority_no() << ")" << endl;
/* Floor attempts to place the Visitor inside the Office */
if (not (offices[visitor.get_office_no()-ONE]->enter(visitor)))
/* In case of failure he goes directly to Floor.EntryHall */
return true;
} else {
cout << "Sorry, floor number " << visitor.get_floor_no() << " is full (Priority=" << visitor.get_priority_no() << ")" << endl;
return false;
/* Removes and returns a random Visitor from a random Office Queue */
Visitor &exit() {
/* Pick a random Office # */
int office_no = rand()%OFFICE_CNT;
/* While its empty check next one */
while (offices[office_no]->is_empty())
office_no = (office_no + ONE) % OFFICE_CNT;
/* Remove the Visitor and return it */
return offices[office_no]->exit();
class Lift {
int visitor_cnt;
int max_capacity;
/* Lift contains a Queue for each floor */
VisitorQueueList visitors[FLOOR_CNT];
/* Constructor */
Lift(int Nl)
: visitor_cnt(INIT_CNT)
, max_capacity(Nl) {
cout << "A lift has been created" << endl;
/* Destructor */
~Lift() {
cout << "No more ups and downs" << endl;
/* Returns true if Lift max visitor capacity is reached */
bool is_full() {
return visitor_cnt == max_capacity;
/* Returns the top Visitor of the appropriate Lift Queue */
Visitor &peek(int floor_no) {
return visitors[floor_no].top();
/* Attempts to append a Visitor to the appropriate Lift Queue */
bool enter(Visitor &visitor) {
if (not is_full()) {
cout << "Visitor in the lift" << endl;
return true;
} else {
cout << "You are not allowed to enter! (Priority=" << visitor.get_priority_no() << ")" << endl;
return false;
/* Removes and returns the top Visitor of the appropriate Lift Queue */
Visitor &exit(int floor_no) {
return visitors[floor_no].pop();
/* Move Visitors from the Lift to the Floor until Lift Queue emptys or Floor Queue fills */
void stop_up(int floor_no, Floor *floor) {
while (not(visitors[floor_no].is_empty()))
if (floor->enter(peek(floor_no)))
/* Move Visitors to the Lift from the Floor until Floor Queue emptys or Lift Queue fills */
void stop_down(int floor_no, Floor *floor) {
while (not(floor->is_empty()) and not(is_full()))
/* Empty the Lift and return a Queue of the removed Visitors */
VisitorQueueList *empty_all() {
VisitorQueueList *queue_merged = new VisitorQueueList();
for (int floor_no=ZERO;floor_no<FLOOR_CNT;++floor_no) {
VisitorQueueList *queue_serviced = visitors[floor_no].pop_serviced();
delete queue_serviced;
visitor_cnt = ZERO;
return queue_merged;
/* Performs the Lift operations and returns a List of serviced Visitors to the caller */
VisitorQueueList *operate(GroundFloor &groundfloor, Floor **floors) {
/* Enter Visitors from GroundFloor */
while (not(groundfloor.is_empty()))
if (enter(groundfloor.peek()))
/* Call stop_up for each floor */
for (int floor_no=ZERO;floor_no<FLOOR_CNT;++floor_no)
stop_up(floor_no, floors[floor_no]);
/* Call stop_down for each floor */
for (int floor_no=FLOOR_CNT-ONE;floor_no>=ZERO;--floor_no)
stop_down(floor_no, floors[floor_no]);
/* Return the empty_all Visitor Queue back to the building */
return empty_all();
class Building {
int visitor_cnt;
int max_capacity;
GroundFloor *groundfloor;
Floor *floors[FLOOR_CNT];
Lift *lift;
/* Constructor */
Building(int N, int Nf, int Ng, int No, int Nl)
: visitor_cnt(INIT_CNT)
, max_capacity(N) {
groundfloor = new GroundFloor(Ng);
for (int iterator=ZERO;iterator<FLOOR_CNT;++iterator)
floors[iterator] = new Floor(Nf, No, iterator+ONE);
lift = new Lift(Nl);
cout << "A new building is ready for serving citizens!" << endl;
/* Destructor */
~Building() {
delete lift;
for (int iterator=ZERO;iterator<FLOOR_CNT;++iterator)
delete floors[iterator];
delete groundfloor;
cout << "Service not available any longer. Go elsewhere!" << endl;
/* Returns true if Building max visitor capacity is reached */
bool is_full() {
return visitor_cnt == max_capacity;
/* Appends a Visitor to the Queue of GroundFloor.EntryHall */
bool enter(Visitor &visitor) {
if (not is_full()) {
return true;
} else {
cout << "Please, come tomorrow" << endl;
return false;
/* Removes the Visitors from the Queue returned by Lift.operate */
void exit(VisitorQueueList *visitors) {
while (not(visitors->is_empty())) {
cout << "I cannot believe I finished! (Priority=" << (visitors->pop()).get_priority_no() << ")" << endl;
delete visitors;
/* Calls Lift.operate() L # of times and calls exit each time with the returned Queue */
void operate_lift(int L) {
while (L--) {
exit(lift->operate(*groundfloor, floors));
/* Prints error in case of invalid argument by user */
inline void print_arg_error(int argument_no, string variable, string restriction, int value) {
<< " === Warning === ------------------" << endl
<< "| Description : Invalid Argument (" << argument_no << ")" << endl
<< "| Variable : " << variable << endl
<< "| Value : " << value << endl
<< "| Restriction : requires " << restriction << endl
<< " =============== ------------------" << endl;
inline void init(int argc, char *argv[],
int &N, int &Nf, int &Ng, int &No, int &Nl, int &K, int &L) {
/* Seed the random number generator */
/* Set some default values in case user does not input some */
/* Input the correct arguments if given */
if (argc>1 and (not(istringstream(argv[1]) >> N) or N<1)) {
print_arg_error(1, "N (building max capacity)", "N > 0", N);
if (argc>2 and (not(istringstream(argv[2]) >> Nf) or Nf<1 or !(Nf<N/3))) {
print_arg_error(2, "Nf (floor max capacity)", "0 < Nf < N/3", Nf);
if (argc>3 and (not(istringstream(argv[3]) >> Ng) or Ng<1 or !(Ng<N/2))) {
print_arg_error(3, "Ng (ground floor max capacity)", "0 < Ng < N/2", Ng);
if (argc>4 and (not(istringstream(argv[4]) >> No) or No<1 or !(No<Nf))) {
print_arg_error(4, "No (office max capacity)", "0 < No < Nf", No);
if (argc>5 and (not(istringstream(argv[5]) >> Nl) or Nl<1 or !(Nl>No))) {
print_arg_error(5, "Nl (lift max capacity)", "Nl > No", Nl);
if (argc>6 and (not(istringstream(argv[6]) >> K) or K<1)) {
print_arg_error(6, "K (number of visitors)", "K > 0", K);
if (argc>7 and (not(istringstream(argv[7]) >> L) or L<1)) {
print_arg_error(7, "L (number of lift cycles)", "L > 0", L);
/* Print sim vars */
<< " === Public Service simulation variables ===" << endl
<< "| N = " << N << endl
<< "| Nf = " << Nf << endl
<< "| Ng = " << Ng << endl
<< "| No = " << No << endl
<< "| Nl = " << Nl << endl
<< "| K = " << K << endl
<< "| L = " << L << endl
<< " ===========================================" << endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
/* Variable Declaration */
int N, Nf, Ng, No, Nl, K, L;
/* Init */
init(argc, argv, N, Nf, Ng, No, Nl, K, L);
/* Part 1 - Create a building */
Building building(N, Nf, Ng, No, Nl);
/* Part 2 - Create K visitors */
Visitor visitors[K];
/* Part 3 - Attempt to enter the visitors into the building */
while (K)
/* Part 4 - Run L number of lift cycles */
return 0;
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