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Node - Mocha Testing

#Node - Testing with Mocha


npm install mocha -g

Mocha looks for something called test or a directory called test

You can run mocha using


You can specify the runner output using

mocha -R spec

You can add this to your mocha options using

echo "-R spec" > test/mocha.opts

To set the test runner to watch for changes use:

mocha -w



var Customer = function(firstName,lastName){

  this.firstName = firstName;
  this.lastName = lastName;

  var _register = function(){
    console.log("Customer registered");
  return {
    register: _register

module.exports = Customer;


This uses should.js which is available from npm install should, but you can also use expect.js or regular node asserts.

var should = require("should");
var customer = require("../lib/customers");

  it("has a register function",function(){


You can specify the options you want to use in a mocha.opts file.

-R spec

#####More Detailed Example

//All the MongoDB logic is encapsulated in the model
var User = require('../data/models/User');

 * Mocha Test
 * Tests are organized by having a "describe" and "it" method. Describe
 * basically creates a "section" that you are testing and the "it" method
 * is what runs your test code.
 * For asynchronous tests you need to have a done method that you call after
 * your code should be done executing so Mocha runs to test properly.

describe('Users', function(){
  var currentUser = null;

   * beforeEach Method
   * The before each method will execute every time Mocha is run. This
   * code will not run every time an individual test is run.

    user.register('', 'password', function(doc){
      currentUser = doc;

   * afterEach Method
   * Just like the beforeEach, afterEach is run after Mocha has completed
   * running it's queue.

    user.model.remove({}, function(){

  it('registers a new user', function(done){
    user.register('', 'password', function(doc){'');

  it('fetches user by email', function(done){
    user.findByEmail('', function(doc){'');
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