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MongoDB - Setting up a Replica Set

#MongoDB - Setting up a Replica Set

cd \mongodbdir\

mkdir db1
mkdir db2
mkdir db3

###Primary mongod --dbpath ./db1 --port 30000 --replSet "demo"

###Secondary mongod --dbpath ./db2 --port 40000 --replSet "demo"

###Arbiter mongod --dbpath ./db3 --port 50000 --replSet "demo"

mongo --port 3000


###Configuration You need to connect to one of the database sets and setup the configuration. The mongo client is a javascript repl so you can do all the usual javascript commands.

var demoConfig = { 
    _id: "demo", 
    members: [
        { _id: 0, 
          host: 'localhost: 30000', 
          priority: 10
        { _id: 1, 
          host: 'localhost: 40000'
        { _id: 2, 
          host: 'localhost: 50000', 
          arbiterOnly: true

###Initialize the Replica Set The rs stands for replica set.


Please note that this can take some time to setup the databases initially. When it is complete it will return back:

    "info" : "Config now saved locally.  Should come online in about a minute.",
    "ok" : 1

The prompt will change to demo:PRIMARY>.

###Test To test add some data to the primary:{_id:1, value:'hello world'})

Check that the data is saved on the primary:

This will return:

{ "_id" : 1, "value" : "hello world" }

Then log onto the secondary. This will have a prompt of demo:SECONDARY>.

This will return:

{ "_id" : 1, "value" : "hello world" }

####Error not master and slaveOk=false You may get an initial error error: { "$err" : "not master and slaveOk=false", "code" : 13435 } when you are trying to run This is because the secondary (ie the Slave) is not setup to perform reads. This can be enabled using the following command:


You should then be able to access the data.

###Replica Set Status To check on the status of a replica set just use:

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Hiestaa commented Feb 17, 2017

Just leaving this as a note, to connect to a replica set using pymongo 3.X the prefered way is to use MongoClient giving one of the addresses of the replica set as well as the name of the set. See the docs:

mongoserver_uri = "mongodb://{0}:{1}@{2}:{3}/admin".format(
                    username, password, host, port)"------- Mongo Server URI: %s --------" % mongoserver_uri)
self.client = pymongo.MongoClient(host=mongoserver_uri, ssl=True,

(Courtesy @

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checkaayush commented Dec 13, 2017

Makefile target to do the above for easy development setup:

Usage: Just use make setup-db in the directory with Makefile. Your replica set named demo will be live on mongodb://localhost:3000.

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