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Last active September 7, 2023 23:19
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# git config doc:
defaultBranch = main # use main branch on init from git v2.28
attributesfile = ~/dotfiles/git/.gitattributes
editor = vim
pager = less -eFRX
autocrlf = input
ignorecase = false
prune = true
conflictstyle = zdiff3
default = current # push the current branch to update a branch with the same name on remote
rebase = true # avoid merge when pulling from remote
ci = commit
lg = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)%an%Creset %C(bold blue)%-(trailers:key=Co-authored-by,only=true,valueonly=true,unfold=true,separator= - )%Creset' --abbrev-commit
new = !git init && git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/main # use main branch on init before git v2.28
pl = pull --rebase
set-current-upstream = !git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/$(git branch --show-current) $(git branch --show-current)
prune-local-branchs = !git fetch --prune
print-local-branchs = !git for-each-ref --format '%(refname:short)' refs/heads
delete-all-branchs-except-main = !git prune-local-branchs && git print-local-branchs | grep -v main | xargs git branch -d
delete-all-branchs-except-master = !git prune-local-branchs && git print-local-branchs | grep -v master | xargs git branch -d
pull-rebase-all-branchs = !git checkout main && git pull --rebase origin main && git print-local-branchs | grep -v main | xargs -n 1 -I {} sh -c \"git checkout {} && git pull --rebase origin main && git checkout -\"
[branch "master"]
rebase = true # reforce rebase on master branch
[branch "main"]
rebase = true # reforce rebase on main branch
autoSetupRebase = always
# delta for diff
# use `GIT_PAGER=delta git diff` if delta is not the default pager
# [core]
# pager = delta
# [interactive]
# diffFilter = delta --color-only
features = side-by-side line-numbers decorations
whitespace-error-style = 22 reverse
theme = 'Monokai Extended Bright'
light = true
[delta "decorations"]
commit-decoration-style = bold yellow box ul
file-style = bold yellow ul
file-decoration-style = none
# end delta for diff
[diff "plist"]
textconv = plutil -convert xml1 -o -
colorMoved = zebra
path = ~/dotfiles/git/configs/default/.gitconfig
[includeIf "gitdir:~/Projects/example/"]
path = ~/dotfiles/git/configs/example/.gitconfig
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