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Forked from grabear/SILVA_walkthrough.R
Last active July 9, 2018 17:57
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Parsing .biom files with SILVA formatted annotations using phyloseq
#' @examples
#' taxvec1 = c("Root", "k__Bacteria", "p__Firmicutes", "c__Bacilli", "o__Bacillales", "f__Staphylococcaceae")
#' parse_taxonomy_default(taxvec1)
parse_taxonomy_default = function(char.vec){
# Remove any leading empty space
char.vec = gsub("^[[:space:]]{1,}", "", char.vec)
# Remove any trailing space
char.vec = gsub("[[:space:]]{1,}$", "", char.vec)
if( length(char.vec) > 0 ){
# Add dummy element (rank) name
names(char.vec) = paste("Rank", 1:length(char.vec), sep="")
} else {
warning("Empty taxonomy vector encountered.")
#' @examples
#' taxvec3 = c("D_0__Bacteria", "D_1__Firmicutes", "D_2__Bacilli", "D_3__Staphylococcaceae")
#' parse_taxonomy_silva(taxvec3)
parse_taxonomy_silva_128 <- function(char.vec){
# Use default to assign names to elements in case problem with greengenes prefix
char.vec = parse_taxonomy_default(char.vec)
# Check for unassigned taxa
if (char.vec["Rank1"] == "Unassigned") {
char.vec <- c(Rank1="D_0__Unassigned", Rank2="D_1__Unassigned", Rank3="D_2__Unassigned", Rank4="D_3__Unassigned",
Rank5="D_4__Unassigned", Rank6="D_5__Unassigned", Rank7="D_6__Unassigned")
# Define the meaning of each prefix according to SILVA taxonomy
Tranks = c(D_0="Domain", D_1="Phylum", D_2="Class", D_3="Order", D_4="Family", D_5="Genus", D_6="Species")
# Check for prefix using regexp, warn if there were none. trim indices, ti
ti = grep("[[:alpha:]]\\_[[:digit:]]{1}\\_\\_", char.vec)
if( length(ti) == 0L ){
"No silva prefixes were found. \n",
"Consider using parse_taxonomy_delfault() instead if true for all OTUs. \n",
"Dummy ranks may be included among taxonomic ranks now."
# Will want to return without further modifying char.vec
taxvec = char.vec
# Replace names of taxvec according to prefix, if any present...
} else {
# Format character vectors for Ambiguous taxa
if( length(ti) < 7 ){
for (key in names(char.vec)) {
if ( char.vec[key] == "Ambiguous_taxa" ) {
tax_no <- (as.numeric(substr(key, 5, 5)) - 1)
char.vec[key] = sprintf("D_%s__Ambiguous_taxa", tax_no)
# Reset the trimmed indicies if Ambiguous taxa
ti = grep("[[:alpha:]]\\_[[:digit:]]{1}\\_\\_", char.vec)
# Remove prefix using sub-"" regexp, call result taxvec
taxvec = gsub("[[:alpha:]]\\_[[:digit:]]{1}\\_\\_", "", char.vec)
# Define the ranks that will be replaced
repranks = Tranks[substr(char.vec[ti], 1, 3)]
# Replace, being sure to avoid prefixes notK present in Tranks
names(taxvec)[ti[!]] = repranks[!]
# This functionality has been tested and a PR has been pulled with phyloseq here:
# While the function has been vetted, the maintainers are very busy and the PR has not
# yet been added to the main package. Below i've added some detail to explain how to parse
# your silva data. It's quite easy....
# Save the R script in a directory and source it
# import biom data
silva_biom <- system.file("extdata", "SILVA_OTU_table.biom", package="phyloseq")
# Create phyloseq object using silva parseing function
silva_phyloseq <- import_biom(BIOMfilename = silva_biom, parseFunction = parse_taxonomy_silva_128)
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