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Last active September 20, 2018 10:38
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whawt I need know to learn react?

  • basic concept of JavaScript

what is react?

what is jsx and virtual dom?

setup starterkit

understanding components

  • types of components smart x dumb

  • properties

  • expression

  • rendering a component

  • anatomy of a component dumb - dynamic - defaultProps

  • props

  • conditional variables

  • return smarth

  • extends from React.Component

  • constructor using super(props)

  • methods

  • render

  • conditional rendering

  • loops into the render

  • keys

  • data driven

  • lifecicles

  • nesting components - children

  • events handlers

    • event.persist
  • PureComponent

  • styles in react

  • importing modules

  • mapping components and works

  • challenges
  • challenge with each topic above
  • creating forms
  • counter
  • timer
  • todo app
  • 30 days of react

  • unit tests with jest and enzyme

  • how to architect component

  • build a real project

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