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  • Save leonbreedt/365fae61b96167fe6402 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save leonbreedt/365fae61b96167fe6402 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Convert iTerm2 color scheme to color scheme. To use, just save to disk and run it like you would any script. NOTE: Needs Xcode 8.0 or later, since it has been ported to Swift 3.0.
#!/usr/bin/xcrun swift
// Copyright © 2016 Leon Breedt
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Cocoa
/// Enumerates the colors in an iTerm color scheme.
enum iTermColors: String {
case ansi0 = "Ansi 0 Color"
case ansi1 = "Ansi 1 Color"
case ansi2 = "Ansi 2 Color"
case ansi3 = "Ansi 3 Color"
case ansi4 = "Ansi 4 Color"
case ansi5 = "Ansi 5 Color"
case ansi6 = "Ansi 6 Color"
case ansi7 = "Ansi 7 Color"
case ansi8 = "Ansi 8 Color"
case ansi9 = "Ansi 9 Color"
case ansi10 = "Ansi 10 Color"
case ansi11 = "Ansi 11 Color"
case ansi12 = "Ansi 12 Color"
case ansi13 = "Ansi 13 Color"
case ansi14 = "Ansi 14 Color"
case ansi15 = "Ansi 15 Color"
case cursorText = "Cursor Text Color"
case selectedText = "Selected Text Color"
case foreground = "Foreground Color"
case background = "Background Color"
case bold = "Bold Color"
case selection = "Selection Color"
case cursor = "Cursor Color"
/// Enumerates the colors in a color scheme.
enum TerminalColors: String {
case ansiBlack = "ANSIBlackColor"
case ansiRed = "ANSIRedColor"
case ansiGreen = "ANSIGreenColor"
case ansiYellow = "ANSIYellowColor"
case ansiBlue = "ANSIBlueColor"
case ansiMagenta = "ANSIMagentaColor"
case ansiCyan = "ANSICyanColor"
case ansiWhite = "ANSIWhiteColor"
case ansiBrightBlack = "ANSIBrightBlackColor"
case ansiBrightRed = "ANSIBrightRedColor"
case ansiBrightGreen = "ANSIBrightGreenColor"
case ansiBrightYellow = "ANSIBrightYellowColor"
case ansiBrightBlue = "ANSIBrightBlueColor"
case ansiBrightMagenta = "ANSIBrightMagentaColor"
case ansiBrightCyan = "ANSIBrightCyanColor"
case ansiBrightWhite = "ANSIBrightWhiteColor"
case background = "BackgroundColor"
case text = "TextColor"
case boldText = "BoldTextColor"
case selection = "SelectionColor"
case cursor = "CursorColor"
// Mapping of iTerm colors onto corresponding colors.
let iTermColor2TerminalColor = [
iTermColors.ansi0: TerminalColors.ansiBlack,
iTermColors.ansi1: TerminalColors.ansiRed,
iTermColors.ansi2: TerminalColors.ansiGreen,
iTermColors.ansi3: TerminalColors.ansiYellow,
iTermColors.ansi4: TerminalColors.ansiBlue,
iTermColors.ansi5: TerminalColors.ansiMagenta,
iTermColors.ansi6: TerminalColors.ansiCyan,
iTermColors.ansi7: TerminalColors.ansiWhite,
iTermColors.ansi8: TerminalColors.ansiBrightBlack,
iTermColors.ansi9: TerminalColors.ansiBrightRed,
iTermColors.ansi10: TerminalColors.ansiBrightGreen,
iTermColors.ansi11: TerminalColors.ansiBrightYellow,
iTermColors.ansi12: TerminalColors.ansiBrightBlue,
iTermColors.ansi13: TerminalColors.ansiBrightMagenta,
iTermColors.ansi14: TerminalColors.ansiBrightCyan,
iTermColors.ansi15: TerminalColors.ansiBrightWhite,
iTermColors.background: TerminalColors.background,
iTermColors.foreground: TerminalColors.text,
iTermColors.selection: TerminalColors.selection,
iTermColors.bold: TerminalColors.boldText,
iTermColors.cursor: TerminalColors.cursor,
/// Enumerates the names of iTerm color components in the scheme dictionary.
struct iTermColorComponent {
static let red = "Red Component"
static let green = "Green Component"
static let blue = "Blue Component"
/// Converts an iTerm color scheme file (.itermcolors), into a color scheme
/// file (.terminal).
func convertToTerminalColors(itermFile: String, terminalFile: String) {
if let itermScheme = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: itermFile) {
print("converting \(itermFile) -> \(terminalFile)")
let name = terminalFile.ns.lastPathComponent.ns.deletingPathExtension
let terminalScheme = convert(iTermColorScheme: itermScheme, toTerminalSchemeWithName: name)
terminalScheme.write(toFile: terminalFile, atomically: true)
} else {
print("unable to load \(itermFile)")
/// Converts an iTerm color scheme dictionary into a color scheme dictionary.
func convert(iTermColorScheme: NSDictionary, toTerminalSchemeWithName name: String) -> NSDictionary {
var terminalColorScheme: [String: AnyObject] = [
"name" : name,
"type" : "Window Settings",
"ProfileCurrentVersion" : 2.04,
"columnCount": 90,
"rowCount": 50
// SF Mono is pretty sweet.
if let font = archivedFontWithName(name: "SF Mono Regular", size: 13) {
terminalColorScheme["Font"] = font
for (rawKey, rawValue) in iTermColorScheme {
guard let name = rawKey as? String else { continue }
guard let itermDict = rawValue as? NSDictionary else { continue }
guard let itermKey = iTermColors(rawValue: name) else { continue }
guard let terminalKey = iTermColor2TerminalColor[itermKey] else { continue }
let (r, g, b) = (
(itermDict[] as? CGFloat) ?? CGFloat(0),
(itermDict[] as? CGFloat) ?? CGFloat(0),
(itermDict[] as? CGFloat) ?? CGFloat(0)
let color = NSColor(deviceRed: r, green: g, blue: b, alpha: 1)
let data = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: color)
terminalColorScheme[terminalKey.rawValue] = data
return terminalColorScheme
/// Creates an `NSData` representation of an `NSFont`.
func archivedFontWithName(name: String, size: CGFloat) -> NSData? {
if let font = NSFont(name: name, size: size) {
return NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: font)
return nil
extension String {
/// Gets the canonical version of a path.
var fullPath: String {
get {
let path = ns.standardizingPath
var directory = ns.deletingLastPathComponent
if directory.utf8.count == 0 {
directory = FileManager.default().currentDirectoryPath
return directory.ns.appendingPathComponent(path)
/// Convenience property for accessing this string as an `NSString`.
var ns: NSString {
return self as NSString
// Entry point.
let args = Process.arguments.dropFirst()
if args.count > 0 {
for itermFile in args {
let path = itermFile.fullPath
let folder = path.ns.deletingLastPathComponent
let schemeName = path.ns.lastPathComponent.ns.deletingPathExtension
let terminalPath = "\(folder)/\(schemeName).terminal"
convertToTerminalColors(itermFile: path, terminalFile: terminalPath)
} else {
print("usage: iTermColorsToTerminalColors FILE.itermcolors [...]")
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Jones-S commented Feb 24, 2016

does not work anymore, I think.
I am getting the following output

Any hints on how I could still convert a .itermcolors file to a .terminal file?

iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:85:76: error: '#' has been removed from Swift; 'name' already has an argument label
func itermColorSchemeToTerminalColorScheme(itermColorScheme: NSDictionary, #name: String) -> NSDictionary {

iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:93:37: error: missing argument label 'size:' in call
  if let font = archivedFontWithName("PragmataPro", 14) {
iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:132:16: error: use of unresolved identifier 'C_ARGC'
  for i in 1...C_ARGC {
iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:143:18: error: 'stringByStandardizingPath' is unavailable: Use URLByStandardizingPath on NSURL instead.
      let path = stringByStandardizingPath
Foundation.String:382:16: note: 'stringByStandardizingPath' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
    public var stringByStandardizingPath: String { get }
iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:144:28: error: 'stringByDeletingLastPathComponent' is unavailable: Use URLByDeletingLastPathComponent on NSURL instead.
      var directory = path.stringByDeletingLastPathComponent
Foundation.String:339:16: note: 'stringByDeletingLastPathComponent' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
    public var stringByDeletingLastPathComponent: String { get }
iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:145:10: error: use of unresolved identifier 'countElements'
      if countElements(directory) == 0 {
iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:148:24: error: 'stringByAppendingPathComponent' is unavailable: Use URLByAppendingPathComponent on NSURL instead.
      return directory.stringByAppendingPathComponent(path)
Foundation.String:326:17: note: 'stringByAppendingPathComponent' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
    public func stringByAppendingPathComponent(aString: String) -> String
iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:155:5: error: 'println' has been renamed to 'print'
    println("converting \(itermFile) -> \(terminalFile)")
Swift.println:2:13: note: 'println' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
public func println<T>(value: T)
iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:156:37: error: 'lastPathComponent' is unavailable: Use lastPathComponent on NSURL instead.
    let terminalName = terminalFile.lastPathComponent.stringByDeletingPathExtension
Foundation.String:198:16: note: 'lastPathComponent' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
    public var lastPathComponent: String { get }
iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:156:55: error: 'stringByDeletingPathExtension' is unavailable: Use URLByDeletingPathExtension on NSURL instead.
    let terminalName = terminalFile.lastPathComponent.stringByDeletingPathExtension
Foundation.String:343:16: note: 'stringByDeletingPathExtension' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
    public var stringByDeletingPathExtension: String { get }
iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:160:5: error: 'println' has been renamed to 'print'
    println("unable to load \(itermFile)")
Swift.println:2:13: note: 'println' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
public func println<T>(value: T)
iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:168:23: error: 'stringByDeletingLastPathComponent' is unavailable: Use URLByDeletingLastPathComponent on NSURL instead.
    let folder = path.stringByDeletingLastPathComponent
Foundation.String:339:16: note: 'stringByDeletingLastPathComponent' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
    public var stringByDeletingLastPathComponent: String { get }
iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:169:27: error: 'lastPathComponent' is unavailable: Use lastPathComponent on NSURL instead.
    let schemeName = path.lastPathComponent.stringByDeletingPathExtension
Foundation.String:198:16: note: 'lastPathComponent' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
    public var lastPathComponent: String { get }
iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:169:45: error: 'stringByDeletingPathExtension' is unavailable: Use URLByDeletingPathExtension on NSURL instead.
    let schemeName = path.lastPathComponent.stringByDeletingPathExtension
Foundation.String:343:16: note: 'stringByDeletingPathExtension' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
    public var stringByDeletingPathExtension: String { get }
iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:171:28: error: missing argument label 'terminalFile:' in call
    convertToTerminalColors(path, terminalPath)
iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:174:3: error: 'println' has been renamed to 'print'
  println("usage: iTermColorsToTerminalColors FILE.itermcolors [...]")
Swift.println:2:13: note: 'println' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
public func println<T>(value: T)

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leonbreedt commented Jun 17, 2016

@Jones-S: seems I don't get email notifications of comments....

Script was not compatible with Swift 2.x.

I have now updated it to Swift 3.0, you'll need the latest Xcode 8.0 beta installed, and active:

$ sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/

Then you can run the script, here's an example:

$ chmod +x iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift
$ ./iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift Spacegray.itermcolors
converting /Users/ljb/Documents/SpaceGray.itermcolors -> /Users/ljb/Documents/SpaceGray.terminal

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in Downloads/
› ./iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift anderson.itermcolors
./iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:189:12: error: instance member 'arguments' cannot be used on type 'Process'
let args = Process.arguments.dropFirst()
^~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
./iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:126:18: error: value of type 'String' does not conform to expected dictionary value type 'AnyObject'
"name" : name,
as AnyObject
./iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:153:53: error: cannot assign value of type 'Data' to type 'AnyObject?'
terminalColorScheme[terminalKey.rawValue] = data
as AnyObject?
./iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:156:12: error: cannot convert return expression of type '[String : AnyObject]' to return type 'NSDictionary'
return terminalColorScheme
as NSDictionary
./iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:162:32: error: cannot convert return expression of type 'Data' to return type 'NSData?'
return NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: font)
as NSData?
./iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:175:48: error: cannot call value of non-function type 'FileManager'
directory = FileManager.default().currentDirectoryPath

in Downloads/
› swift --version
Apple Swift version 3.0.2 (swiftlang-800.0.63 clang-800.0.42.1)
Target: x86_64-apple-macosx10.9

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I ran these commands:

$ sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
xcode-select: error: invalid developer directory '/Applications/'
$ chmod +x iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift
$ ./iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift Untitled.itermcolors

(I'm not sure what the Xcode error is about)

And at the end I get this error:

./iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:188:12: error: instance member 'arguments' cannot be used on type 'Process'
let args = Process.arguments.dropFirst()
           ^~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
./iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:174:48: error: cannot call value of non-function type 'FileManager'
                directory = FileManager.default().currentDirectoryPath

./iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:125:18: error: value of type 'String' does not conform to expected dictionary value type 'AnyObject'
        "name" : name,
                      as AnyObject
./iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:152:53: error: cannot assign value of type 'Data' to type 'AnyObject?'
        terminalColorScheme[terminalKey.rawValue] = data
                                                         as AnyObject
./iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:155:12: error: cannot convert return expression of type '[String : AnyObject]' to return type 'NSDictionary'
    return terminalColorScheme
                               as NSDictionary
./iTermColorsToTerminalColors.swift:161:32: error: cannot convert return expression of type 'Data' to return type 'NSData?'
        return NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: font)
                                                                  as NSData

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$ swift --version
Apple Swift version 4.0.2 (swiftlang-900.0.69.2 clang-900.0.38)
Target: x86_64-apple-macosx10.9

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