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Last active March 30, 2020 18:09
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evenvo.bat | a batch file for easy python virtual environment operations
@echo off
echo [ evenvo ] easy virtual environment operations
IF "%~1" == "" GOTO Initialize
IF "%~1" == "init" GOTO Initialize
IF "%~1" == "freeze" GOTO Freeze
IF "%~1" == "build" GOTO Build
IF "%~1" == "gitignore" GOTO GitIgnore
echo Usage:
echo evenvo.bat [command]
echo init creates or activates the virtual environment and installs requirements.txt if found
echo freeze freezes local pip requirements into requirements.txt
echo build [scriptname] builds the [scriptname] .py/.spec file to a single .exe file using pyinstaller, if installed
echo gitignore downloads a python and virtual environment-ready .gitignore file
IF EXIST %~dp0env (
echo Python environment found, activating...
GOTO Activate
) ELSE (
echo Python environment not found, creating and activating...
GOTO Create
py -m venv %~dp0env
GOTO Activate
call %~dp0env\Scripts\activate.bat
GOTO Install
IF EXIST %~dp0requirements.txt (
pip install -r %~dp0requirements.txt
echo Freezing local pip requirements into requirements.txt...
pip freeze -l > %~dp0requirements.txt
IF "%~2" == "" GOTO Usage
pyinstaller -h >nul 2>&1 && (
if EXIST %2 (
echo Building %2 to /dist folder...
pyinstaller --onefile %2
) else (
echo %2 was not found
) || (
echo Build command was invoked, but pyinstaller was not found. Activate the virtual environment and call pip install pyinstaller
echo Downloading python .gitignore from
powershell -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile .gitignore"
echo # Created by evenvo >> .gitignore
echo env/ >> .gitignore
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