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Created October 14, 2016 08:35
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On a Blind Date with React: Animating the video slide in
componentDidMount() {
const el = findDOMNode(this);
// Determine if we should animate from the left or from the right
const percentage = this.props.direction === 'left' ? -100 : 100;
this._tl = new TimelineLite({ paused: true });
// Force full width, because our parent element is a Flex item. Otherwise,
// we wouldn't get enough width from the flexbox algorithm.
this._tl.set(el, { width: '100%' });
// This adds a point in the timeline where we can reference to
// Animate the X coordinate from -100% to 0% (if direction is 'left')
// or from 100% to 0% (if direction is 'right')
this._tl.from(el, 1, { xPercent: percentage });
// Called when the timeline is completed, also on repeated playback
this._tl.eventCallback('onComplete', () => {
// This lets the parent component know we're done animating, so it can
// start video playback
// Kick off timeline playback;
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (prevProps.person !== this.props.person) {
// New person selected means we need to repeat the animation from
// the 'repeatable' label'repeatable');
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