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Created November 7, 2011 07:56
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credit_card = => '4111111111111111', :month => '8',:year => '2013', :first_name => 'Tobias', :last_name => 'Luetke', :verification_value => '123')
gateway = => "xxx", :user => "xxx", :password => "xxx")
response = gateway.purchase(10000, credit_card, :order_id => "1", :store => "abcdefg")
=> #<ActiveMerchant::Billing::Response:0x007f830ac655e0 @params={"orderID"=>"137", "PAYID"=>"12303272", "NCSTATUS"=>"0", "NCERROR"=>"0", "ACCEPTANCE"=>"test123", "STATUS"=>"9", "IPCTY"=>"99", "CCCTY"=>"US", "ECI"=>"7", "CVCCheck"=>"NO", "AAVCheck"=>"NO", "VC"=>"NO", "amount"=>"100", "currency"=>"EUR", "PM"=>"CreditCard", "BRAND"=>"VISA", "NCERRORPLUS"=>"!"}, @message="The transaction was successful", @success=true, @test=true, @authorization="12303272;SAL", @fraud_review=nil, @avs_result={"code"=>"R", "message"=>"System unavailable.", "street_match"=>nil, "postal_match"=>nil}, @cvv_result={"code"=>"P", "message"=>"Not Processed"}>
response = gateway.purchase(10000, "abcdefg", :order_id => "2")
=> #<ActiveMerchant::Billing::Response:0x007f830a85ca98 @params={"orderID"=>"138", "PAYID"=>"0", "NCSTATUS"=>"5", "NCERROR"=>"50001111", "ACCEPTANCE"=>"", "STATUS"=>"0", "ECI"=>"9", "amount"=>"", "currency"=>"EUR", "PM"=>"", "BRAND"=>"", "NCERRORPLUS"=>" Alias abcdefg not Found"}, @message="Alias abcdefg not found", @success=false, @test=true, @authorization="0;SAL", @fraud_review=nil, @avs_result={"code"=>nil, "message"=>nil, "street_match"=>nil, "postal_match"=>nil}, @cvv_result={"code"=>nil, "message"=>nil}>
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