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Last active March 12, 2024 10:50
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bash script generated by ChatGPT to search lines in input_file that are not included in the directory_to_check and output results in output_file
input_file="input_list" # Replace with the path to your input file
output_file="output_list" # Replace with the desired output file
directory_to_check="path/to/hosts" # Replace with the directory you want to check
# Create an empty output file or clear existing content
echo "" > "$output_file"
while IFS= read -r line || [ -n "$line" ]; do
# Check if the line is contained in the directory using ripgrep
echo -n "testing $line : "
if rg -q "$line" "$directory_to_check"; then
# If contained, do nothing
echo "$line is included."
# If not contained, copy the line to the output file
echo "$line is NOT included. Adding to list"
echo "$line" >> "$output_file"
done < "$input_file"
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