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Created October 16, 2019 12:27
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A `` extension adding support for awaiting multiple websocket events
"""Adds support for multi-event waiting.
This is particularly useful for catching different but closely-related
events, such as `reaction_add` and `reaction_remove`, but it should
support any event type the original `wait_for` event can handle.
Do note that only the first event encountered will be honoured, any
additional events will be dismissed. Also make sure your callback can
handle the event's responses, as they may differ from event to event.
import asyncio
from types import MethodType
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Union, Set
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
async def wait_for_any(
self: discord.Client, event_name: str, *args: str,
check: Optional[Callable[[Any], bool]] = None,
timeout: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None) -> Any:
"""Wait for any out of multiple events.
Only the first matching event will be honoured, the non-matching
events will be discarded.
Note that different events may have different return values.
# If no check has been given, create a dummy that always returns True
if check is None:
def _check(*args: Any) -> bool:
return True
check = _check
# Create a list of all event names that were passed
event_names = set(event_name.lower())
event_names.update(e.lower() for e in args)
# Create a future for every event name
futures = [self.loop.create_future() for e in event_names]
# Register one event / future tuple for every event name
for index, name in enumerate(event_names):
# Get the list of active event listeners for this event, or create it
# if it does not exist
listeners = self._listeners[name]
except KeyError:
listeners = []
self._listeners[name] = listeners
# Append the tuple
listeners.append((futures[index], check))
# Wait for at least one of the futures to be completed
done: Set[asyncio.Future[Any]]
pending: Set[asyncio.Future[Any]]
done, pending = await asyncio.wait(futures, timeout=timeout,
# Cancel the incomplete futures
for future in pending:
await future
except asyncio.CancelledError:
# If none of the futures were completed in time, raise a TimeoutError
if not done:
raise asyncio.TimeoutError
# If one of the futures did complete, return its result
return done.pop().result()
def setup(bot: commands.Bot) -> None:
"""Entry point for the bot extension loader."""
bot.wait_for_any = MethodType(wait_for_any, bot)
def teardown(bot: commands.Bot) -> None:
"""Clean-up utility when unloading the extension."""
del bot.wait_for_any
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