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Last active July 14, 2024 11:49
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Simple SQLite Cache
import os
import errno
import sqlite3
import sys
from time import time
from cPickle import loads, dumps
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SqliteCache:
Ripped heavily from:
This implementation is a simple Sqlite based cache that
supports cache timers too. Not specifying a timeout will
mean that the value will exist forever.
# prepared queries for cache operations
_create_sql = (
'( key TEXT PRIMARY KEY, val BLOB, exp FLOAT )'
_create_index = 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS keyname_index ON entries (key)'
_get_sql = 'SELECT val, exp FROM entries WHERE key = ?'
_del_sql = 'DELETE FROM entries WHERE key = ?'
_set_sql = 'REPLACE INTO entries (key, val, exp) VALUES (?, ?, ?)'
_add_sql = 'INSERT INTO entries (key, val, exp) VALUES (?, ?, ?)'
_clear_sql = 'DELETE FROM entries'
# other properties
connection = None
def __init__(self, path):
""" Inits a new SqliteCache instance """
self.path = os.path.abspath(path)
logger.debug('Instantiated with cache_db path as {path}'.format(
# prepare the directory for the cache sqlite db
logger.debug('Successfully created the storage path for {path}'.format(
except OSError, e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST or not os.path.isdir(self.path):
def _get_conn(self):
""" Returns a Sqlite connection """
if self.connection:
return self.connection
# specify where we want the cache db to live
cache_db_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'cache.sqlite')
# setup the connection
conn = sqlite3.Connection(cache_db_path, timeout=60)
logger.debug('Connected to {path}'.format(path=cache_db_path))
# ensure that the table schema is available. The
# 'IF NOT EXISTS' in the create_sql should be
# pretty self explanitory
with conn:
logger.debug('Ran the create table && index SQL.')
# set the connection property
self.connection = conn
# return the connection
return self.connection
def get(self, key):
""" Retreive a value from the Cache """
return_value = None
# get a connection to run the lookup query with
with self._get_conn() as conn:
# loop the response rows looking for a result
# that is not expired
for row in conn.execute(self._get_sql, (key,)):
expire = row[1]
if expire == 0 or expire > time():
return_value = loads(str(row[0]))
# TODO: Delete the value that is expired?
return return_value
def delete(self, key):
""" Delete a cache entry """
with self._get_conn() as conn:
conn.execute(self._del_sql, (key,))
def update(self, key, value, timeout=None):
""" Sets a k,v pair with a optional timeout """
# if no timeout is specified, then we will
# leave it as a non-expiring value. Other-
# wise, we add the timeout in seconds to
# the current time
expire = 0 if not timeout else time() + timeout
# serialize the value with protocol 2
# ref:
data = buffer(dumps(value, 2))
# write the updated value to the db
with self._get_conn() as conn:
conn.execute(self._set_sql, (key, data, expire))
def set(self, key, value, timeout=None):
""" Adds a k,v pair with a optional timeout """
# if no timeout is specified, then we will
# leave it as a non-expiring value. Other-
# wise, we add the timeout in seconds to
# the current time
expire = 0 if not timeout else time() + timeout
# serialize the value with protocol 2
# ref:
data = buffer(dumps(value, 2))
# adding a new entry that may cause a duplicate key
# error if they key already exists. In this case
# we will fall back to the update method.
with self._get_conn() as conn:
conn.execute(self._add_sql, (key, data, expire))
except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
# call the update method as fallback
'Attempting to set an existing key {k}. Falling back to update method.'.format(
self.update(key, value, timeout)
def clear(self):
""" Clear a cache """
with self._get_conn() as conn:
conn.execute(self._clear_sql, )
def __del__(self):
""" Cleans up the object by destroying the sqlite connection """
if self.connection:
# allow this module to be used to clear the cache
if __name__ == '__main__':
# check args
if len(sys.argv) != 3 or sys.argv[1] != 'clear':
print '[!] Error: You have to specify the clear with `python %s clear <path to cache.sqlite>`' % sys.argv[0]
if not os.path.isdir(sys.argv[2]):
print '[!] Error: %s does not seem to be a path!' % sys.argv[2]
# setup the cache instance and clear it.
c = SqliteCache(sys.argv[2])
print ' * Cache cleared'
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