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Last active March 16, 2022 14:44
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goness - A golang Nessus XML parser for use in your shell pipeline


A golang Nessus XML parser for use in your shell pipeline


Just searching for "MS15":

$ goness -f exported_download.nessus | grep "MS15"
MS15-034: Vulnerability in HTTP.sys Could Allow Remote Code Execution (3042553) (uncredentialed check)|www|

Getting all hosts with NULL ciphers:

$ goness -f exported_download.nessus | grep -i "ssl null" | cut -d"|" -f 3 | sort | uniq


Save the main.go and either run it directly, build it and run the binary or install it.

go run main.go  // just run it
go build -o goness && ./goness // build an executable and run it
go install  // build and install the executable in your $GOPATH/bin directory
package main
import (
type reportHost struct {
HostName string `xml:"name,attr"`
ReportItems []reportItem `xml:"ReportItem"`
type reportItem struct {
PluginName string `xml:"pluginName,attr"`
ServiceName string `xml:"svc_name,attr"`
Port int `xml:"port,attr"`
const version = "0.1"
func banner() {
fmt.Printf("goness - v%s\n", version)
fmt.Printf(" A golang Nessus XML parser for use in your shell pipeline.\n\n")
func main() {
var fileType string
const (
defaultFile = ""
usage = "The Nessus XML file to parse"
// flags
flag.StringVar(&fileType, "file", defaultFile, usage)
flag.StringVar(&fileType, "f", defaultFile, usage+" (shorthand)")
if fileType == "" {
file, err := os.Open(fileType)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error opening source XML file: ", err)
// close the xml when we are done
defer file.Close()
decoder := xml.NewDecoder(file)
for {
token, err := decoder.Token()
if err != nil {
if token == nil {
switch element := token.(type) {
case xml.StartElement:
tagName := element.Name.Local
// Read the ReportHosts from the XML
if tagName == "ReportHost" {
var host reportHost
decoder.DecodeElement(&host, &element)
for _, item := range host.ReportItems {
fmt.Printf("%s|%s|%s:%d\n", item.PluginName, item.ServiceName, host.HostName, item.Port)
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