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leonklingele / gist:6470baad564b754f025628d69727de7d
Created September 23, 2016 19:58 — forked from tqbf/gist:be58d2d39690c3b366ad
(Updated) Cryptographic Right Answers

Encrypting data (Was: AES-CTR with HMAC): Use, in order of preference: (1) The Nacl/libsodium default, (2) Chacha20-Poly1305, or (3) AES-GCM.

You care about this if: you're hiding information from users or the network.

All three options get you "AEAD", which is the only way you want to encrypt in 2015. Options (2) and (3) are morally the same thing: a stream cipher with a polynomial ("thermonuclear CRC") MAC. Option (2) gets there with a native stream cipher and a MAC optimized for general purpose CPUs; Poly1305 is also easier than GCM for library designers to implement safely. Option (3)'s AES-GCM is the industry standard; it's fast and usually hardware accelerated on modern processors, but has implementation safety pitfalls on platforms that aren't accelerated.

Avoid: AES-CBC, AES-CTR by itself, block ciphers with 64-bit blocks --- most especially Blowfish, which is inexplicably popular, OFB mode. Don't ever use RC4, which is comically broken.

Symmetric key length (Was: Use 256 bit keys

leonklingele /
Created September 23, 2016 19:56 — forked from mimoo/
Common x509 creation and verification pitfalls

Certificate validation/creation pitfalls

A x509 certificate, and in particular the latest version 3, is the standard for authentication in Public Key Infrastructures (PKIs). Think about Google proving that he's Google before you can communicate with him.

So. Heh. This x509 thing is a tad complicated. Trying to parse such a thing usually end up in the creation of a lot of different vulnerabilities. I won't talk about that here. I will talk about the other complicated thing about them: using them correctly!

So here's a list of pitfalls in the creation of such certificates, but also in the validation and use of them when encountering them in the wild wild web (or in your favorite infrastructure).

  1. KeyUsage
  2. Validity Dates
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eufo pipefail
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then
if ! [ -x "$(command -v $SUDO)" ]; then
echo "Error: Running script as non-root and $SUDO is not installed. Exiting." >&2
exit 1