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Connect via SSH to a Slurm compute job that runs as Enroot container

Being able to SSH directly into a compute job has the advantage of using all remote development tools such as using your IDE's debugger also for GPU jobs (VSCode, PyCharm, ...).

  • Slurm: Scheduling system that many HPC clusters use
  • Enroot: Container system like Docker for NVIDIA GPUs

General problem:

Containerized compute jobs are not directly accessible via SSH from your local machine (your notebook or PC). Also many HPC clusters do not provide internet access on their compute node (for security reasons).

Proposed solution:

Run your own SSH server within your compute job and make an SSH tunnel from your local machine through the login node, through the compute node, and finally into the compute job.


Custom image with SSHD installed

This Docker image installs an OpenSSH server into a NVDIA's PyTorch image (depending on your setup you may change the base image or install additional software):

# ./Dockerfile

USER root
RUN apt-get update 
RUN apt-get install openssh-server sudo -y

# change port and allow root login
RUN echo "Port <SSH port>" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
RUN echo "LogLevel DEBUG3" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config

RUN mkdir -p /run/sshd
RUN ssh-keygen -A

RUN service ssh start

# init conda env
RUN conda init


CMD ["/usr/sbin/sshd","-D", "-e"]

In order to use the Docker image with Slurm you need to push it to Docker hub and then import it with Enroot:

# build the image
docker build -t <your username>/<your image>:latest .

# push the image
docker push <your username>/<your image>:latest 

# import with enroot
srun enroot import -o <your image path>.sqsh docker://<your username>/<your image>:latest

Adjust your own SSH config (~/.ssh/config)

# add to ~/.ssh/config
# replace <user> with your username
# replace <job> with your job name

Host devcontainer.dfki
	User <user>
	Port <SSH port>
	HostName localhost
	ProxyJump devnode.dfki
	CheckHostIP no

Host devnode.dfki
	User <user>
	CheckHostIP no
	ProxyCommand ssh slurm.dfki "nc \$(squeue --me --name=<job name> --states=R -h -O NodeList) 22"

Host slurm.dfki
	User <user>
	HostName <login node>

Start compute job

You must set --no-container-remap-root.

srun -K \
    --container-mounts=/home/$USER:/home/$USER \
    --container-workdir=$(pwd) \
    --container-image=<your image path>.sqsh \
    --ntasks=1 --nodes=1 -p <your partition> \
    --gpus=1 \
    --job-name <your job name> --no-container-remap-root \
    --time 12:00:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -D -e

Connect to compute job

ssh devcontainer.dfki

That's it!


  • The SSHD port is hard-coded. This will cause problems as soon as multiple people start using this setup. Better make sure to change the port to something unique.
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