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Last active September 15, 2021 06:48
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SICP amb
;; missionary implementation of SICP's [amb](
(ns amb
(:refer-clojure :exclude [require eval])
(:require [missionary.core :as m]))
(deftype FlowIterator [^:unsynchronized-mutable iterator
^:unsynchronized-mutable pending?]
(invoke [this]
(set! iterator
(iterator (partial this false)
(partial this true)))
(invoke [this done?]
(locking this
(set! pending? false)
(when done? (set! iterator nil))
(.notify this)))
(hasNext [this]
(locking this
(while pending?
(try (.wait this)
(catch InterruptedException _
(some? iterator)))
(next [this]
(locking this
(set! pending? true)
(defmacro eval [& body]
`((->FlowIterator (m/ap ~@body) true)))
(defn try-again [^java.util.Iterator it]
(if (.hasNext it) (.next it) :done))
(defmacro require [form]
`(when-not ~form (m/amb>)))
(defmacro an-element-of [items]
`(loop [items# (seq ~items)]
(require items#)
(m/amb> (first items#)
(recur (next items#)))))
(defmacro an-integer-starting-from [n]
`(loop [n# ~n] (m/amb> n# (recur (+ n# 1)))))
(defn find-divisor
([n] (find-divisor n 2))
([n d]
(< n (* d d)) n
(zero? (mod n d)) d
:else (recur n (inc d)))))
(defn prime? [n]
(= n (find-divisor n)))
(defn prime-sum-pair [l1 l2]
(let [a (an-element-of l1)
b (an-element-of l2)]
(require (prime? (+ a b)))
(list a b))))
(def i1 (prime-sum-pair '(1 3 5 8) '(20 35 110)))
(try-again i1) ;; (3 20)
(try-again i1) ;; (3 110)
(try-again i1) ;; (8 35)
(try-again i1) ;; :done
(def i2 (prime-sum-pair '(19 27 30) '(11 36 58)))
(try-again i2) ;; (30 11)
(try-again i2) ;; :done
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