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Created February 28, 2019 11:47
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Injure implementation of the toy stores & factories example from
{:paths ["."]
:deps {injure {:mvn/version "1"}}}
(ns toys
(:require [injure.core :refer [target inject]]))
(defrecord SimpleToy [color])
(def simple-factory
`{:toy-factory/toy? (partial instance? SimpleToy)
:toy-factory/toy-color :color
:toy-factory/build-toys #(repeatedly % (partial ->SimpleToy :blue))
:toy-factory/repaint #(->SimpleToy %2)})
(defrecord SpecificToy [])
(def specific-factory
`{:toy-factory/toy? (partial instance? SpecificToy)
:toy-factory/toy-color (target :toy-store/store-color)
:toy-factory/build-toys #(repeatedly % ->SpecificToy)
:toy-factory/repaint #(throw (ex-info "Cannot repaint" {:toy %1 :color %2}))})
(def store
`{::color :green
::inventory (atom [])
::maybe-repaint #(if (= (target ::color) ((target :toy-factory/toy-color) %))
% ((target :toy-factory/repaint) % (target ::color)))
:toy-store/store-color (constantly (target ::color))
:toy-store/get-inventory (partial deref (target ::inventory))
:toy-store/stock! #(swap! (target ::inventory) into
(map (target ::maybe-repaint))
((target :toy-factory/build-toys) %))})
(def simple-store (merge simple-factory store))
(def specific-store (merge specific-factory store))
(inject simple-store
((target :toy-factory/build-toys) 3))
(inject simple-store
(let [before ((target :toy-store/get-inventory))
_ ((target :toy-store/stock!) 2)
after ((target :toy-store/get-inventory))]
[before after]))
(inject specific-store
((target :toy-store/stock!) 2)
(let [inv ((target :toy-store/get-inventory))]
[inv (map (target :toy-factory/toy-color) inv)]))
(inject (assoc simple-store ::color :purple)
((target :toy-store/stock!) 2)
((target :toy-store/get-inventory)))
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