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Created October 5, 2021 18:45
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examples of currying and a closure
object Higher extends App {
// Here's an example of a closure.
// f is a function that returns a
// function to its caller
// the function g that it returns
// knows about the variable count
// that is declared in f
// call to g remembers what was done
// in the n-th call
def f():(Char) => Char = {
var count = 0
def g(c:Char):Char = {
count += 1
if( count % 5 == 0) '*' else c
} // g(Char)
} // f()
// I put a short text file in a folder that I named
// "resources" in the src/main folder of my project
val path = getClass.getResource( "poem.txt")
println( path )
var poem = Source.fromFile( path.getFile, "UTF-8")
val verses = poem.getLines()
for( line <- verses )
println( line )
println( "\nDone with verses!\n")
poem = Source.fromFile( path.getFile, "UTF-8")
val letters = poem.iter.filter( {_.isLetter} ).map( {_.toUpper } )
// Here's an example of "currying a function"
val offset = 3
// First, define a function with 2 parameters (a Char and an Int)
// that returns a Char to its caller
val caesar:(Char, Int) => Char =
(letter, offset) => (((letter - 'A') + offset) % 26 + 'A').toChar
// Second, use that function to define a
// second function with 1 Int parameter that
// returns a function with Char parameter
val myCaesar: (Int) => (Char) => Char =
(offset:Int) => caesar(_, offset )
// assign to shifter a function that
// has 1 Char argument and returns a
// Char to its caller
val shifter = myCaesar(3)
// apply that function to each character
// in a sequence of characters
val shifted = shifter )
// next, put all characters into one big string
// while replacing each character using f,
// the function that we defined with a closure
val y = shifted.foldLeft("") ((a:String,b:Char) => a + b).map( f )
println( y )
//for( c <- shifted )
// println( c )
println( "\nDone with letters!\n" )
} // Higher
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