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Created October 6, 2021 20:50
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Suggestions that might help with the Playfair Cipher project
package com.eonsahead
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
object AlphabetTable extends App {
// This program contains some functions that
// you might find useful in your effort to
// create a program that encrypts messages
// with the Playfair Cipher.
// Note: This code refers to a 5 x 5 array
// that contains all letters of the alphabet
// except J. However, the code does not actually
// create a 5 x 5 array. Instead, it creates...
// * a 1-dimensional array that contains the 25
// letters
// * a map that contains 25 key/value pairs
// * functions that allow a translation between
// addresses in these data structures and
// addresses in a virtual 5 x 5 array
// Create an array that contains all uppercase
// letters except 'J'.
val letters = for (letter <- 'A' to 'Z' if letter != 'J')
yield letter
// Alternatively, filter an array that contains
// all 26 letters.
//val alphabet = letters.filter((letter) => letter != 'J')
// Can you find a way to shuffle letters?
// Given the index of an element of the
// 1-dimensional letters array, find the row
// and column in a virtual 5 x 5 2-dimensional table.
val indexToCoordinates =
(index: Int) => new Pair(index / 5, index % 5)
// Given the row and column of an element
// of a virtual 5 x 5 2-dimensional table, find its
// index.
// The index is the number we get if we start
// at the upper left corner of the table, move
// left to right and top to bottom, counting as
// we go, until we land on the element at the
// specified row and column.
val coordinatesToIndex =
(coordinates:Pair[Int,Int]) =>
coordinates.fst * 5 + coordinates.snd
// Make a map that will allow easy retrieval
// of a letter's coordinates in a virtual 5 x 5 table.
val alphabet = Map[Char, Pair[Int,Int]]()
for( n <- 0 until letters.size)
alphabet(letters(n)) = indexToCoordinates(n)
// Define a function that finds the letter
// at a given row and column in the virtual 5 x 5 table.
val getLetter = (coordinates:Pair[Int,Int]) =>
// Define a function that, given a letter,
// finds the letter's row and column in the
// virtual 5 x 5 table.
val getCoordinates = (letter:Char) => alphabet(letter)
for( key <- alphabet.keys) {
val coordinates = alphabet(key)
val row = coordinates.fst
val col = coordinates.snd
println( f"$key is at ($row, $col)" )
} // for
} // end of AlphabetTable
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