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Created April 3, 2020 18:25
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Chaining functions using C++ template
template<typename Tin, typename Tout>
struct transformer {
Tout transform(Tin tin) {
std::cout << "Hi!\n";
return tin + 1;
using Tin_type = Tin;
using Tout_type = Tout;
// Returns the Tin of the first element
template<typename... Trs>
struct Tin_list
using type = typename std::tuple_element<0, std::tuple<Trs...>>::type::Tin_type;
// Returns the Tout of the last element
template<typename... Trs>
struct Tout_list
using type = typename std::tuple_element<sizeof...(Trs)-1, std::tuple<Trs...>>::type::Tout_type;
// Base case; only one transformator
template<typename Tr>
typename Tr::Tout_type chain_transform(typename Tr::Tin_type tin, Tr transformer)
return transformer.transform(tin);
// Recursive case
// enable_if will enable this function if Trs... has only one element. Otherwise it will call the above base case
template<typename Tr, typename... Trs>
typename std::enable_if<(sizeof...(Trs) > 0), typename Tout_list<Tr,Trs...>::type>::type
chain_transform(typename Tin_list<Tr,Trs...>::type tin, Tr transformer, Trs... transformers)
auto out = transformer.transform(tin);
return chain_transform(out, transformers...);
struct transformer_0 {
std::string transform(int i) {
return "coucou" + std::to_string(i);
using Tin_type = int;
using Tout_type = std::string;
struct transformer_1 {
double transform(std::string s) {
return (double) s.size();
using Tin_type = std::string;
using Tout_type = double;
struct transformer_2 {
size_t transform(double v) {
return (size_t)v + 123;
using Tin_type = double;
using Tout_type = size_t;
int main() {
auto t0 = transformer_0();
auto t1 = transformer_1();
auto t2 = transformer_2();
std::cout << chain_transform(145, t0, t1, t2) << "\n";
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