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Last active September 16, 2018 19:35
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Pets Smart Contract
* Pet-Tamagotchi-Alike Smart Contract
* The idea is to copy the original tamagotchi to the chain :)
* @author Leo Ribeiro
#include <eosiolib/asset.hpp>
#include <eosiolib/eosio.hpp>
#include <eosiolib/transaction.hpp>
#include <eosiolib/singleton.hpp>
using namespace eosio;
using std::string;
using std::hash;
/* ****************************************** */
/* ------------ Types Declarations ---------- */
/* ****************************************** */
typedef uint64_t uuid;
constexpr uint8_t PET_TYPES = 109;
constexpr uint32_t DAY = 86400;
constexpr uint32_t HOUR = 3600;
constexpr uint8_t MAX_HEALTH = 100;
constexpr uint32_t HUNGER_TO_ZERO = 10 * HOUR;
constexpr uint32_t MIN_HUNGER_INTERVAL = 3 * HOUR;
constexpr uint8_t MAX_HUNGER_POINTS = 100;
constexpr uint8_t HUNGER_HP_MODIFIER = 1;
constexpr uint32_t HAPPINESS_TO_ZERO = 20 * HOUR;
constexpr uint8_t MAX_HAPPINESS_POINTS = 100;
constexpr uint8_t HAPPINESS_HP_MODIFIER = 2;
constexpr uint32_t AWAKE_TO_ZERO = 20 * HOUR;
constexpr uint32_t SLEEP_TO_ZERO = 8 * HOUR;
constexpr uint32_t MIN_AWAKE_INTERVAL = 8 * HOUR;
constexpr uint32_t MIN_SLEEP_PERIOD = 4 * HOUR;
constexpr uint8_t MAX_AWAKE_POINTS = 100;
constexpr uint8_t AWAKE_HP_MODIFIER = 2;
constexpr uint32_t CLEAN_TO_ZERO = 24 * HOUR;
constexpr uint8_t MAX_CLEAN_POINTS = 100;
constexpr uint8_t CLEAN_HP_MODIFIER = 3;
/* ****************************************** */
/* ------------ Contract Definition --------- */
/* ****************************************** */
class pet : public eosio::contract {
pet(account_name self)
/* ****************************************** */
/* ------------ Contract Actions ------------ */
/* ****************************************** */
void createpet(name owner,
string pet_name) {
st_pet_config pc = _get_pet_config();
print("creating pet");
uuid new_id = _next_id();
// creates the pet
pets.emplace(_self, [&](auto &r) {
st_pets pet{}; = new_id; = pet_name;
pet.owner = owner;
pet.created_at = now();
pet.last_fed_at = pet.created_at;
pet.last_play_at = pet.created_at;
pet.last_bed_at = pet.created_at;
pet.last_shower_at = pet.created_at;
pet.type = (_hash_str(pet_name) + pet.created_at + + owner) % PET_TYPES;
r = pet;
// first update in the next minute
transaction update{};
permission_level{_self, N(active)},
_self, N(updatepet),
std::make_tuple(new_id, 1)
update.delay_sec = 60;
update.send(new_id, _self);
void updatepet(uuid pet_id, uint32_t iteration) {
print(pet_id, "|", iteration, ": updating pet ");
auto itr_pet = pets.find(pet_id);
eosio_assert(itr_pet != pets.end(), "E404|Invalid pet");
st_pets pet = *itr_pet;
pets.modify(itr_pet, 0, [&](auto &r) { =;
r.death_at = pet.death_at;
r.hunger = pet.hunger;
r.awake = pet.awake;
r.happiness = pet.happiness;
r.clean = pet.clean;
// recursive infinite update if not dead, each minute
uint32_t new_iteration = iteration + 1;
uint64_t new_trx_id = (pet_id << 32 | new_iteration);
transaction update{};
permission_level{_self, N(active)},
_self, N(updatepet),
std::make_tuple(pet_id, new_iteration)
update.delay_sec = 60;
update.send(new_trx_id, _self);
void feedpet(uuid pet_id) {
auto itr_pet = pets.find(pet_id);
eosio_assert(itr_pet != pets.end(), "E404|Invalid pet");
st_pets pet = *itr_pet;
pets.modify(itr_pet, 0, [&](auto &r) { =;
r.death_at = pet.death_at;
r.hunger = pet.hunger;
r.awake = pet.awake;
r.happiness = pet.happiness;
r.clean = pet.clean;
uint32_t current_time = now();
bool can_eat = (current_time - pet.last_fed_at) > MIN_HUNGER_INTERVAL && r.is_sleeping == 0;
bool is_alive = > 0;
if (can_eat && is_alive) { = MAX_HEALTH;
r.last_fed_at = now();
} else if (r.is_sleeping > 0) {
} else if (!can_eat) {
print("I110|Not hungry");
} else if(!is_alive) {
print("I199|Dead don't feed");
void bedpet(uuid pet_id) {
auto itr_pet = pets.find(pet_id);
eosio_assert(itr_pet != pets.end(), "E404|Invalid pet");
st_pets pet = *itr_pet;
pets.modify(itr_pet, 0, [&](auto &r) { =;
r.death_at = pet.death_at;
r.hunger = pet.hunger;
r.awake = pet.awake;
r.happiness = pet.happiness;
r.clean = pet.clean;
uint32_t current_time = now();
bool can_sleep = (current_time - pet.last_awake_at) > MIN_AWAKE_INTERVAL && r.is_sleeping == 0;
bool is_alive = > 0;
if (can_sleep && is_alive) {
r.is_sleeping = 1;
r.last_bed_at = now();
} else if (!can_sleep) {
print("I201|Not now sir!");
} else if(!is_alive) {
print("I299|Dead don't sleep");
void awakepet(uuid pet_id) {
auto itr_pet = pets.find(pet_id);
eosio_assert(itr_pet != pets.end(), "E404|Invalid pet");
st_pets pet = *itr_pet;
pets.modify(itr_pet, 0, [&](auto &r) { =;
r.death_at = pet.death_at;
r.hunger = pet.hunger;
r.awake = pet.awake;
r.happiness = pet.happiness;
r.clean = pet.clean;
uint32_t current_time = now();
bool can_awake = (current_time - pet.last_bed_at) > MIN_SLEEP_PERIOD && r.is_sleeping == 1;
bool is_alive = > 0;
if (can_awake && is_alive) {
r.is_sleeping = 0;
r.last_awake_at = now();
} else if (!can_awake) {
} else if(!is_alive) {
print("I399|Dead don't awake");
void playpet(uuid pet_id) {
print("play lazy developer");
void washpet(uuid pet_id) {
print("wash lazy developer");
void transfer(uint64_t sender, uint64_t receiver) {
print("\n>>> sender >>>", sender, " - name: ", name{sender});
print("\n>>> receiver >>>", receiver, " - name: ", name{receiver});
// ??? Don't need to verify because we already did it in EOSIO_ABI_EX ???
// eosio_assert(code == N(eosio.token), "I reject your non-eosio.token deposit");
auto transfer_data = unpack_action_data<st_transfer>();
if(transfer_data.from == _self || != _self) {
print("\n>>> transfer data quantity >>> ", transfer_data.quantity);
eosio_assert(transfer_data.quantity.symbol == string_to_symbol(4, "EOS"),
"MonsterEOS only accepts EOS for deposits");
eosio_assert(transfer_data.quantity.is_valid(), "Invalid token transfer");
eosio_assert(transfer_data.quantity.amount > 0, "Quantity must be positive");
_tb_balances balances(_self, transfer_data.from);
asset new_balance;
auto itr_balance = balances.find(transfer_data.quantity.symbol);
if(itr_balance != balances.end()) {
balances.modify(itr_balance, transfer_data.from, [&](auto& r){
// Assumption: total currency issued by eosio.token will not overflow asset
r.funds += transfer_data.quantity;
new_balance = r.funds;
} else {
balances.emplace(transfer_data.from, [&](auto& r){
r.funds = transfer_data.quantity;
new_balance = r.funds;
print("\n", name{transfer_data.from}, " deposited: ", transfer_data.quantity);
print("\n", name{transfer_data.from}, " funds available: ", new_balance);
struct st_transfer {
account_name from;
account_name to;
asset quantity;
string memo;
/* ****************************************** */
/* ------------ Contract Tables ------------- */
/* ****************************************** */
// @abi table pets i64
struct st_pets {
uuid id;
name owner;
string name;
uint8_t type;
uint32_t created_at;
uint32_t death_at = 0;
uint8_t health = MAX_HEALTH;
uint8_t hunger = MAX_HUNGER_POINTS;
uint32_t last_fed_at;
uint8_t awake = MAX_AWAKE_POINTS;
uint32_t last_bed_at;
uint32_t last_awake_at = 0;
uint8_t is_sleeping = 1;
uint8_t happiness = MAX_HAPPINESS_POINTS;
uint32_t last_play_at;
uint8_t clean = MAX_CLEAN_POINTS;
uint32_t last_shower_at;
uint64_t primary_key() const { return id; }
typedef multi_index<N(pets), st_pets> _tb_pet;
_tb_pet pets;
// @abi table balances i64
struct st_balance {
asset funds;
uint64_t primary_key() const { return funds.symbol; }
typedef multi_index<N(balances), st_balance> _tb_balances;
/* ****************************************** */
/* ------------ Contract Config Data -------- */
/* ****************************************** */
struct st_pet_config {
uuid last_id = 1000000000;
asset creation_fee = asset{10000,S(4,EOS)};
typedef singleton<N(pet_config), st_pet_config> pet_config_singleton;
pet_config_singleton pet_config;
/* ****************************************** */
/* ------------ Private Functions ----------- */
/* ****************************************** */
st_pet_config _get_pet_config(){
st_pet_config pc;
if (pet_config.exists()) {
pc = pet_config.get();
} else {
pc = st_pet_config{};
pet_config.set(pc, _self);
return pc;
uuid _next_id(){
st_pet_config pc = _get_pet_config();
pet_config.set(pc, _self);
return pc.last_id;
uint64_t _hash_str(const string &str) {
return hash<string>{}(str);
void _update(st_pets &pet) {
eosio_assert( > 0 && pet.death_at == 0, "E099|Pet is dead");
uint32_t current_time = now();
uint8_t effect_hp_hunger = _calc_hunger_hp(pet, current_time);
int8_t hp = MAX_HEALTH - effect_hp_hunger;
if (hp <= 0) { = 0;
pet.death_at = current_time;
} else { = hp;
uint8_t _calc_hunger_hp(st_pets &pet, const uint32_t &current_time) {
// how long it's hungry?
uint32_t hungry_seconds = current_time - pet.last_fed_at;
uint8_t hungry_points = (uint8_t) (hungry_seconds * MAX_HUNGER_POINTS / HUNGER_TO_ZERO);
// calculates the effective hunger on hp, if pet hunger is 0
uint8_t effect_hp_hunger = 0;
if (hungry_points < MAX_HUNGER_POINTS) {
pet.hunger = MAX_HUNGER_POINTS - hungry_points;
} else {
effect_hp_hunger = (uint8_t) ((hungry_points - MAX_HUNGER_POINTS) / HUNGER_HP_MODIFIER);
pet.hunger = 0;
return effect_hp_hunger;
// EOSIO_ABI(pet, (createpet)(updatepet)(feedpet)(bedpet)(awakepet)(playpet)(washpet)(transfer))
// extend from EOSIO_ABI
extern "C" { \
void apply( uint64_t receiver, uint64_t code, uint64_t action ) { \
if( action == N(onerror)) { \
/* onerror is only valid if it is for the "eosio" code account and authorized by "eosio"'s "active permission */ \
eosio_assert(code == N(eosio), "onerror action's are only valid from the \"eosio\" system account"); \
} \
auto self = receiver; \
if( code == self || code == N(eosio.token) || action == N(onerror) ) { \
TYPE thiscontract( self ); \
switch( action ) { \
} \
/* does not allow destructor of thiscontract to run: eosio_exit(0); */ \
} \
} \
EOSIO_ABI_EX(pet, (createpet)(updatepet)(feedpet)(bedpet)(awakepet)(playpet)(washpet)(transfer))
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leordev commented Jun 7, 2018

Thanks to this awesome reply I could implement the EOSIO_ABI_EX.

Downside to this approach is that, as for today's date, we need to uncomment line 411 (EOSIO_ABI macro) and comment the whole EOSIO_ABI_EX to generate the ABIs, and after that comment EOSIO_ABI macro again and uncomment the EOSIO_ABI_EX to generate my contract for deployment.

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ghost commented Jul 13, 2018

Thanks for the peace of code!
To not bother yourself with this comments trick you can try using conditional compilation - it really works for me:

#if defined(ABIGEN_MODE)
EOSIO_ABI(pet, (createpet)(updatepet)(feedpet)(bedpet)(awakepet)(playpet)(washpet)(transfer))
#elif defined(COMP_MODE)
extern "C" { \
   void apply( uint64_t receiver, uint64_t code, uint64_t action ) { \
      if( action == N(onerror)) { \
         /* onerror is only valid if it is for the "eosio" code account and authorized by "eosio"'s "active permission */ \
         eosio_assert(code == N(eosio), "onerror action's are only valid from the \"eosio\" system account"); \
      } \
      auto self = receiver; \
      if( code == self || code == N(eosio.token) || action == N(onerror) ) { \
         TYPE thiscontract( self ); \
         switch( action ) { \
            EOSIO_API( TYPE, MEMBERS ) \
         } \
         /* does not allow destructor of thiscontract to run: eosio_exit(0); */ \
      } \
   } \
EOSIO_ABI_EX(pet, (createpet)(updatepet)(feedpet)(bedpet)(awakepet)(playpet)(washpet)(transfer))
#error "Wrong mode!"

And add something like -DCOMP_MODE to the compiler options, and -extra-arg=-DABIGEN_MODE to the abigen options inside your makefile.

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@IvanYakimov i try this

eosiocpp -o ./ctr/ctr.wast ./ctr/ctr.cpp -D COMP_MODE=1
eosiocpp -g ./ctr/ctr.abi ./ctr/ctr.cpp -D ABIGEN_MODE=1

not work. can you paste your solution? thanks.

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smlu commented Aug 8, 2018

You can simplify Ivan's solution by redefining the EOSIO_ABI macro.
This way eosio abi generator will automatically pick up and generate correct abi file.


#undef EOSIO_ABI
extern "C" { \
   void apply( uint64_t receiver, uint64_t code, uint64_t action ) { \
      if( action == N(onerror)) { \
         /* onerror is only valid if it is for the "eosio" code account and authorized by "eosio"'s "active permission */ \
         eosio_assert(code == N(eosio), "onerror action's are only valid from the \"eosio\" system account"); \
      } \
      auto self = receiver; \
      if( code == self || code == N(eosio.token) || action == N(onerror) ) { \
         TYPE thiscontract( self ); \
         switch( action ) { \
            EOSIO_API( TYPE, MEMBERS ) \
         } \
         /* does not allow destructor of thiscontract to run: eosio_exit(0); */ \
      } \
   } \

EOSIO_ABI(pet, (createpet)(updatepet)(feedpet)(bedpet)(awakepet)(playpet)(washpet)(transfer))

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@smlu works perfect. thanks!

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update the EOS_ABI code as updated in this link

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