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Last active December 21, 2022 01:52
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At the validation stage, models with few or no hyperparameters are straightforward to validate and tune. Thus, a relatively small dataset should suffice.

In contrast, models with multiple hyperparameters require enough data to validate likely inputs. CV might be helpful in these cases, too. Generally, apportioning 80 percent of the records to train, 10 percent to validate, and 10 percent to test scenarios ought to be a reasonable initial split.

Variables of interest in an experiment (those that are measured or observed) are called response or dependent variables. Other variables in the experiment that affect the response and can be set or measured by the experimenter are called predictor, explanatory, or independent variables.

For example, you might want to determine the recommended baking time for a cake recipe or provide care instructions for a new hybrid plant.

Subject Possible predictor variables Possible response variables
Cake recipe Baking time, oven temperature Moisture of the cake, thickness of the cake
Plant growth Amount of light, pH of the soil, frequency of watering Size of the leaves, height of the plant

A continuous predictor variable is sometimes called a covariate and a categorical predictor variable is sometimes called a factor. In the cake experiment, a covariate could be various oven temperatures and a factor could be different ovens.

Usually, you create a plot of predictor variables on the x-axis and response variables on the y-axis.



  • 2014 Machine Learning: The High Interest Credit Card of Technical Debt,

    Machine learning offers a fantastically powerful toolkit for building complex systems quickly. This paper argues that it is dangerous to think of these quick wins as coming for free. Using the framework of technical debt, we note that it is remarkably easy to incur massive ongoing maintenance costs at the system level when applying machine learning. The goal of this paper is highlight several machine learning specific risk factors and design patterns to be avoided or refactored where possible. These include boundary erosion, entanglement, hidden feedback loops, undeclared consumers, data dependencies, changes in the external world, and a variety of system-level anti-patterns.

Cookiecutter Data Science

├── Makefile           <- Makefile with commands like `make data` or `make train`
├──          <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
├── data
│   ├── external       <- Data from third party sources.
│   ├── interim        <- Intermediate data that has been transformed.
│   ├── processed      <- The final, canonical data sets for modeling.
│   └── raw            <- The original, immutable data dump.
├── docs               <- A default Sphinx project; see for details
├── models             <- Trained and serialized models, model predictions, or model summaries
├── notebooks          <- Jupyter notebooks. Naming convention is a number (for ordering),
│                         the creator's initials, and a short `-` delimited description, e.g.
│                         `1.0-jqp-initial-data-exploration`.
├── references         <- Data dictionaries, manuals, and all other explanatory materials.
├── reports            <- Generated analysis as HTML, PDF, LaTeX, etc.
│   └── figures        <- Generated graphics and figures to be used in reporting
├── requirements.txt   <- The requirements file for reproducing the analysis environment, e.g.
│                         generated with `pip freeze > requirements.txt`
├──           <- Make this project pip installable with `pip install -e`
├── src                <- Source code for use in this project.
│   ├──    <- Makes src a Python module
│   │
│   ├── data           <- Scripts to download or generate data
│   │   └──
│   │
│   ├── features       <- Scripts to turn raw data into features for modeling
│   │   └──
│   │
│   ├── models         <- Scripts to train models and then use trained models to make
│   │   │                 predictions
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   │
│   └── visualization  <- Scripts to create exploratory and results oriented visualizations
│       └──
└── tox.ini            <- tox file with settings for running tox; see


    With Machine Learning Model Operationalization Management (MLOps), we want to provide an end-to-end machine learning development process to design, build and manage reproducible, testable, and evolvable ML-powered software.

  • An Overview of the End-to-End Machine Learning Workflow,

    • Data Engineering
      • Data Ingestion - Collecting data by using various frameworks and formats, such as Spark, HDFS, CSV, etc. This step might also include synthetic data generation or data enrichment.
      • Exploration and Validation - Includes data profiling to obtain information about the content and structure of the data. The output of this step is a set of metadata, such as max, min, avg of values. Data validation operations are user-defined error detection functions, which scan the dataset in order to spot some errors.
      • Data Wrangling (Cleaning) - The process of re-formatting particular attributes and correcting errors in data, such as missing values imputation.
      • Data Labeling - The operation of the Data Engineering pipeline, where each data point is assigned to a specific category.
      • Data Splitting - Splitting the data into training, validation, and test datasets to be used during the core machine learning stages to produce the ML model.
    • Model Engineering
      • Model Training - The process of applying the machine learning algorithm on training data to train an ML model. It also includes feature engineering and the hyperparameter tuning for the model training activity.
    • Model Evaluation - Validating the trained model to ensure it meets original codified objectives before serving the ML model in production to the end-user.
      • Model Testing - Performing the final “Model Acceptance Test” by using the hold backtest dataset.
      • Model Packaging - The process of exporting the final ML model into a specific format (e.g. PMML, PFA, or ONNX), which describes the model, in order to be consumed by the business application.
    • Model Deployment
      • Model Serving - The process of addressing the ML model artifact in a production environment.
      • Model Performance Monitoring - The process of observing the ML model performance based on live and previously unseen data, such as prediction or recommendation. In particular, we are interested in ML-specific signals, such as prediction deviation from previous model performance. These signals might be used as triggers for model re-training.
      • Model Performance Logging - Every inference request results in the log-record.
  • MLOps Principles,

    Summary of MLOps Principles and Best Practices:

MLOps Principles Data ML Model Code
1) Data preparation pipelines
2) Features store
3) Datasets
4) Metadata

1) ML model training pipeline
2) ML model (object)
3) Hyperparameters
4) Experiment tracking

1) Application code
2) Configurations
1) Data Validation (error detection)
2) Feature creation unit testing

1) Model specification is unit tested
2) ML model training pipeline is integration tested
3) ML model is validated before being operationalized
4) ML model staleness test (in production)
5) Testing ML model relevance and correctness
6) Testing non-functional requirements (security, fairness, interpretability)

1) Unit testing
2) Integration testing for the end-to-end pipeline
1) Data transformation
2) Feature creation and manipulation
1) Data engineering pipeline
2) ML model training pipeline
3) Hyperparameter/Parameter selection

1) ML model deployment with CI/CD
2) Application build
1) Backup data
2) Data versioning
3) Extract metadata
4) Versioning of feature engineering

1) Hyperparameter tuning is identical between dev and prod
2) The order of features is the same
3) Ensemble learning: the combination of ML models is same
4)The model pseudo-code is documented

1) Versions of all dependencies in dev and prod are identical
2) Same technical stack for dev and production environments
3) Reproducing results by providing container images or virtual machines
1) Feature store is used in dev and prod environments
1) Containerization of the ML stack
3) On-premise, cloud, or edge

1) On-premise, cloud, or edge
1) Data distribution changes (training vs. serving data)
2) Training vs serving features
1) ML model decay
2) Numerical stability
3) Computational performance of the ML model
1) Predictive quality of the application on serving data
  • MLOps Stack Canvas,

    To specify an architecture and infrastructure stack for Machine Learning Operations, we suggest a general MLOps Stack Canvas framework designed to be application- and industry-neutral. We align to the CRISP-ML(Q) model and describe the eleven components of the MLOps stack and line them up along with the ML Lifecycle and the “AI Readiness” level to select the right amount of MLOps processes and technlogy components.

    Figure 1. Mapping the CRISP-ML(Q) process model to the MLOps stack.

Microsoft Team Data Science Process

Learn about the process

The Amazon Machine Learning Process - Amazon Machine Learning


Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps)

Introduction to Machine Learning in Production

In the first course of Machine Learning Engineering for Production Specialization, you will identify the various components and design an ML production system end-to-end: project scoping, data needs, modeling strategies, and deployment constraints and requirements; and learn how to establish a model baseline, address concept drift, and prototype the process for developing, deploying, and continuously improving a productionized ML application.

Understanding machine learning and deep learning concepts is essential, but if you’re looking to build an effective AI career, you need production engineering capabilities as well. Machine learning engineering for production combines the foundational concepts of machine learning with the functional expertise of modern software development and engineering roles to help you develop production-ready skills.

Week 1: Overview of the ML Lifecycle and Deployment Week 2: Selecting and Training a Model Week 3: Data Definition and Baseline

Machine Learning Data Lifecycle in Production

In the second course of Machine Learning Engineering for Production Specialization, you will build data pipelines by gathering, cleaning, and validating datasets and assessing data quality; implement feature engineering, transformation, and selection with TensorFlow Extended and get the most predictive power out of your data; and establish the data lifecycle by leveraging data lineage and provenance metadata tools and follow data evolution with enterprise data schemas.

Understanding machine learning and deep learning concepts is essential, but if you’re looking to build an effective AI career, you need production engineering capabilities as well. Machine learning engineering for production combines the foundational concepts of machine learning with the functional expertise of modern software development and engineering roles to help you develop production-ready skills.

Week 1: Collecting, Labeling, and Validating data Week 2: Feature Engineering, Transformation, and Selection Week 3: Data Journey and Data Storage Week 4: Advanced Data Labeling Methods, Data Augmentation, and Preprocessing Different Data Types

Machine Learning Modeling Pipelines in Production

In the third course of Machine Learning Engineering for Production Specialization, you will build models for different serving environments; implement tools and techniques to effectively manage your modeling resources and best serve offline and online inference requests; and use analytics tools and performance metrics to address model fairness, explainability issues, and mitigate bottlenecks.

Understanding machine learning and deep learning concepts is essential, but if you’re looking to build an effective AI career, you need production engineering capabilities as well. Machine learning engineering for production combines the foundational concepts of machine learning with the functional expertise of modern software development and engineering roles to help you develop production-ready skills.

Week 1: Neural Architecture Search Week 2: Model Resource Management Techniques Week 3: High-Performance Modeling Week 4: Model Analysis Week 5: Interpretability

Deploying Machine Learning Models in Production

In the fourth course of Machine Learning Engineering for Production Specialization, you will learn how to deploy ML models and make them available to end-users. You will build scalable and reliable hardware infrastructure to deliver inference requests both in real-time and batch depending on the use case. You will also implement workflow automation and progressive delivery that complies with current MLOps practices to keep your production system running. Additionally, you will continuously monitor your system to detect model decay, remediate performance drops, and avoid system failures so it can continuously operate at all times.

Understanding machine learning and deep learning concepts is essential, but if you’re looking to build an effective AI career, you need production engineering capabilities as well. Machine learning engineering for production combines the foundational concepts of machine learning with the functional expertise of modern software development and engineering roles to help you develop production-ready skills.

Week 1: Model Serving Introduction Week 2: Model Serving Patterns and Infrastructures Week 3: Model Management and Delivery Week 4: Model Monitoring and Logging

Feature Store


  • Feature Store for ML,

    What is a Feature Store?

    The ‘Feature Store’ is an emerging concept in data architecture that is motivated by the challenge of taking ML applications into production. Technology companies like Uber and Gojek have published popular reference architectures and open source solutions, respectively, for ‘Feature Stores’ that address some of these challenges.

    The concept of Feature Stores is nascent and we’re seeing a need for education and information regarding this topic. Most innovative products are now driven by machine learning. Features are at the core of what makes these machine learning systems effective. But still, many challenges exist in the feature engineering life-cycle. Developing features from big data is an engineering heavy task, with challenges in both the scaling of data processes and the serving of features in production systems.

    Benefits of Feature Stores for ML

    • Track and share features between data scientists including a version-control repository
    • Process and curate feature values while preventing data leakage
    • Ensure parity between training and inference data systems
    • Serve features for ML-specific consumption profiles including model training, batch and real-time predictions
    • Accelerate ML innovation by reducing the data engineering process from months to days
    • Monitor data quality to rapidly identify data drift and pipeline errors
    • Empower legal and compliance teams to ensure compliant use of data
    • Bridging the gap between data scientists and data & ML engineers
    • Lower total cost of ownership through automation and simplification
    • Faster Time-To-Market for new model-driven products
    • Improved model accuracy: the availability of features will improve model performance
    • Improved data quality via data ->feature -> model lineage
  • 20201009 Feature Store vs Data Warehouse. ML Engineer Guide | by Jim Dowling | Feature Stores for ML | Medium,









  • RAPIDS-Open GPU Data Science,

  • 20191221 Benchmarking Nvidia RAPIDS cuDF versus Pandas,

    The benchmarking was done on both an Nvidia DGX-1 and an IBM POWER Systems AC922 using a single GPU in each. The GPUs in the servers were both Nvidia V100 models, with the DGX-1 GPU having the model with 32GB of RAM and the AC922 having the 16GB model.

    GDF Outperforms PDF

    • For time to load the input file, the GDF outperformed the PDF by an average of 8.3x faster (range 4.3x-9.5x). For the input file with 40 million records, the GDF was created and loaded in 5.87 seconds while the PDF took 56.03 seconds.
    • When sorting the data frame by values in one column, the GDF outperformed the PDF by an average of 15.5x faster (range 2.1x-23.4x). Due to the GPU in the AC922 only having 16GB of RAM, the 40 million row data frame was not able to be sorted so these number include the results of the sort on the DGX-1 for the 40 million row data frame.
    • When creating a new column that was populated with a calculated value, the GDF outperformed the PDF by an average of 4.8x faster (range 2.0x-7.1x).
    • The most remarkable performance difference was seen when dropping a single column. Amazingly, the GDP outperformed the PDF by an average of 3,979.5x faster (range 255.7x-9,736.9x). Performance scaled linearly as the size of the data frame became larger.
    • When concatenating the 631,726 row data frame onto another data frame, the GDF outperformed the PDF by an average of 10.4x faster (range 1.2x-29.0x). As with sorting, the 16GB GPU ran out of memory when trying to append the data frame onto the 40 million row data frame sorted so these number include the results of the sort on the DGX-1 for the 40 million row data frame.
  • 20190902 Rapids Introduction and Benchmark,

    • Data reading speed comparison between cuDF (RAPIDS) and pandas

    (horizontal axis is the data size, and vertical axis is the execution time (seconds))

    • Performance comparison between GPU and CPU (12 cores) in XGBoost

    (horizontal axis is the data size, and vertical axis is the execution time (seconds))

    • Performance comparison between GPU and CPU (12 core) in RandomForest

    (horizontal axis is the data size, and vertical axis is the execution time (seconds))

    • Performance comparison between GPU and CPU in PCA

    (horizontal axis is the data size, and vertical axis is the execution time (seconds))

    • Performance comparison between GPU and CPU in K-means

    (horizontal axis is the data size, and vertical axis is the execution time (seconds))

  • 20181015 RAPIDS Accelerates Data Science End-to-End,

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