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Last active February 24, 2023 06:29
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  • What is Software Development
  • The future of Software Development
  • A brief history of Software Development
  • Agile Software Development
  • Other Software Development Methodologies
  • How (and Why) to learn Software Development



  • Unit tests
  • Integration tests
  • Functional tests

There is sometimes a confusion between integration tests and functional tests as they both require multiple components to interact with each other. The difference is that an integration test may simply verify that you can query the database while a functional test would expect to get a specific value from the database as defined by the product requirements.

  • End-to-end tests

  • Acceptance testing

  • Performance testing

  • Smoke testing

Agile manifesto



What are stories, epics, and initiatives?

  • Stories, also called “user stories,” are short requirements or requests written from the perspective of an end user.
  • Epics are large bodies of work that can be broken down into a number of smaller tasks (called stories).
  • Initiatives are collections of epics that drive toward a common goal.

Product Management

Agile at scale

Software development


Agile marketing

The agile advantage



Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily - leading to multiple integrations per day. Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible. Many teams find that this approach leads to significantly reduced integration problems and allows a team to develop cohesive software more rapidly. This article is a quick overview of Continuous Integration summarizing the technique and its current usage.

Continuous Delivery is a software development discipline where you build software in such a way that the software can be released to production at any time.

You’re doing continuous delivery when: [1]

  • Your software is deployable throughout its lifecycle
  • Your team prioritizes keeping the software deployable over working on new features
  • Anybody can get fast, automated feedback on the production readiness of their systems any time somebody makes a change to them
  • You can perform push-button deployments of any version of the software to any environment on demand


Software Development


Environment/Tier Name Description
Local Developer's desktop/workstation
Development/Trunk Development server acting as a sandbox where unit testing may be performed by the developer
Integration CI build target, or for developer testing of side effects
Testing/Test/QC/Internal Acceptance The environment where interface testing is performed. A quality control team ensures that the new code will not have any impact on the existing functionality and tests major functionalities of the system after deploying the new code in the test environment.
Staging/Stage/Model/Pre-production/External-Client Acceptance/Demo Mirror of production environment
Production/Live Serves end-users/clients

Summary: “Kanban vs. scrum” is a discussion about two different strategies for implementing an agile development or project management system. Kanban methodologies are continuous and more fluid, whereas scrum is based on short, structured work sprints.

Two popular formula:

  1. Triangular distribution:

Triangular Distribution: E = (o + m + p ) / 3

where E is Estimate; o = optimistic estimate; p = pessimistic estimate; m = most likely estimate

  1. Beta (or PERT):

Beta Distribution (PERT): E = (o + 4m + p ) / 6



Testing levels

Broadly speaking, there are at least three levels of testing: unit testing, integration testing, and system testing.[39][40][41][42] However, a fourth level, acceptance testing, may be included by developers. This may be in the form of operational acceptance testing or be simple end-user (beta) testing, testing to ensure the software meets functional expectations.[43][44][45] Based on the ISTQB Certified Test Foundation Level syllabus, test levels includes those four levels, and the fourth level is named acceptance testing.[46] Tests are frequently grouped into one of these levels by where they are added in the software development process, or by the level of specificity of the test.

  • Unit testing Unit testing refers to tests that verify the functionality of a specific section of code, usually at the function level. In an object-oriented environment, this is usually at the class level, and the minimal unit tests include the constructors and destructors.[47]

  • Integration testing Integration testing is any type of software testing that seeks to verify the interfaces between components against a software design. Software components may be integrated in an iterative way or all together ("big bang"). Normally the former is considered a better practice since it allows interface issues to be located more quickly and fixed.

  • System testing System testing tests a completely integrated system to verify that the system meets its requirements.[6]: 74  For example, a system test might involve testing a login interface, then creating and editing an entry, plus sending or printing results, followed by summary processing or deletion (or archiving) of entries, then logoff.

  • Acceptance testing Acceptance testing commonly includes the following four types:[46]

    • User acceptance testing (UAT)
    • Operational acceptance testing (OAT)
    • Contractual and regulatory acceptance testing
    • Alpha and beta testing
Test Case
Test Design
Test Plan

Test Report is needed to reflect testing results in a formal way, which gives an opportunity to estimate testing results quickly. It is a document that records data obtained from an evaluation experiment in an organized manner, describes the environmental or operating conditions, and shows the comparison of test results with test objectives.


  • Agile Test Report Template
  • Sample Status Report
  • Software Test Report Template
  • Test Case Report Template
  • Test Reports Template
  • Test Result Evaluation Report
  • Test Summary Report Template
Test Scenario
Test Strategy
Traceability Matrix

Source: "Introduction to OpenUP (Open Unified Process)",

Introduction to OpenUP (Open Unified Process)

What is OpenUP

OpenUP is a minimally sufficient software development process – meaning that only fundamental content is included. Thus, it does not provide guidance on many topics that projects may deal with, such as large team sizes, compliance, contractual situations, safety or mission critical applications, technology-specific guidance, etc. However, OpenUP is complete in the sense it can be manifested as an entire process to build a system. For addressing needs that are not covered in its content, OpenUP is extensible to be used as foundation on which process content can be added or tailored as needed.

OpenUP is an agile process. Though OpenUP is lightweight, there is much more to agility than simply being light. Most recognized agile practices are intended to get a team communicating with one another providing a shared understanding of the project. Agile methods have drawn our attention back to the importance of coordinating understanding, benefiting stakeholders over unproductive deliverables and formality.

OpenUP has the essential characteristics of a lean Unified Process that applies iterative and incremental approaches within a proven structured lifecycle. OpenUP is based on use cases and scenarios, risk management, and an architecture-centric approach to drive development.

OpenUP principles

Table 1 – Mapping between OpenUP principles and Agile Manifesto

How OpenUP is organized

Content Areas

The OpenUP content addresses organization of work at personal, team and stakeholder levels, as seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – Organization of work and content focus in OpenUP


The essential skills needed by small and co-located teams are represented by OpenUP roles:

  • Stakeholder represents interest groups whose needs must be satisfied by the project. It is a role that may be played by anyone who is (or potentially will be) materially affected by the outcome of the project
  • Analyst represents customer and end-user concerns by gathering input from stakeholders to understand the problem to be solved and by capturing and setting priorities for requirements.
  • Architect is responsible for designing the software architecture, which includes making the key technical decisions that constrain the overall design and implementation of the project.
  • Developer is responsible for developing a part of the system, including designing it to fit into the architecture, and then implementing, unit-testing, and integrating the components that are part of the solution.
  • Tester is responsible for the core activities of the test effort, such as identifying, defining, implementing, and conducting the necessary tests, as well as logging the outcomes of the testing and analyzing the results.
  • Project Manager leads the planning of the project in collaboration with stakeholders and team, coordinates interactions with the stakeholders, and keeps the project team focused on meeting the project objectives.
  • Any Role represents anyone on the team that can perform general tasks.


The OpenUP method content is focused on the following disciplines:

  • Requirements,
  • Architecture,
  • Development,
  • Test,
  • Project Management,
  • and Configuration & Change Management.

Other disciplines and areas of concern were omitted, such as Business Modeling, Environment, advanced Requirements Management and Configuration Management tools setup. These concerns are either considered unnecessary for a small project or are handled by other areas of the organization, outside the project team.

Process Phase and Process

OpenUP applies the Unified Process phases:

  • Inception,
  • Elaboration,
  • Construction,
  • and Transition.

When taken together, these basic building blocks are also used to address the objectives for each phase (see Table 2 for a mapping between patterns and phases objectives).

Table 2 – mapping between patterns and phases objectives

When we sequence the iteration template patterns (occurring as many times as needed), we have a delivery process – a complete and integrated approach for performing a specific project type (as seen in Figure 3). A delivery process describes a complete project lifecycle and is used as a reference for running similar projects.

Figure 2 – OpenUP delivery process

Reusable method content is created separately from its application in processes. Method content provides step-by-step explanations, describing how specific development goals are achieved independent of the placement of method elements within a development lifecycle.

Processes take these method elements and relate them into semi-ordered sequences that are customized to specific types of projects. Method elements are organized into reusable pieces of process called capability patterns, providing a consistent development approach to common project needs. These patterns are made from organizing tasks (from the method content) into activities, grouping them in a sequence that makes sense for the particular area where that pattern is applied.

Patterns can be small and focused in particular areas like iteration management, project initiation, architecture definition and so on. These are considered the basic building blocks to create larger patterns or delivery processes (defined below).

One example of basic building block in OpenUP is Develop Solution Increment pattern, as depicted in Figure 4.

This activity provides a way to perform goal-based planning and execution of work. Work is taken on by developers, and work progress is tracked based on the goals achieved using the designed, developer-tested, and integrated source code.

Figure 3 – There are activities in the workflow of Elaboration phase includes the "Develop Solution Increment"

Figure 4 – The "Develop Solution Increment" activity


A task is unit of work a role may be asked to perform. In OpenUP, there are 18 tasks that the roles perform either as primary performers (the responsible for executing the task) or additional performers (supporting and providing information used in the task execution).

The collaborative nature of OpenUP is manifested by having the primary performers work with a range of other individuals when performing a task.


An artifact is something that is produced, modified, or used by a task. Roles are responsible for creating and updating artifacts. Artifacts are subject to version control throughout the project lifecycle.

Figure 5 – The workflow of Inception phase

Figure 6 – The workflow of Elaboration phase

Figure 7 – The workflow of Construction phase

Figure 8 – The workflow of Transition phase

Eclipse Process Framework

The OpenUP Notebook

  • 02.02.Inception Phase.pdf
  • 02.03.Elaboration Phase.pdf
  • 02.04.Construction Phase.pdf
  • 02.05.Transition Phase.pdf

Unified Process Tutorials

Youtube Playlist,

  • Lesson Overview - Georgia Tech - Software Development Process
  • History of RUP - Georgia Tech - Software Development Process
  • Key Features of RUP - Georgia Tech - Software Development Process
  • Use Case Driven - Georgia Tech - Software Development Process
  • Architecture Centric - Georgia Tech - Software Development Process
  • Iterative and Incremental - Georgia Tech - Software Development Process
  • Cycle Example - Georgia Tech - Software Development Process
  • Phases within a Cycle - Georgia Tech - Software Development Process
  • Iterations - Georgia Tech - Software Development Process
  • Iterative Approach Quiz - Georgia Tech - Software Development Process
  • Inception Phase - Georgia Tech - Software Development Process
  • Elaboration Phase - Georgia Tech - Software Development Process
  • Construction Phase - Georgia Tech - Software Development Process
  • Transition Phase - Georgia Tech - Software Development Process
  • Phases and Iterations - Georgia Tech - Software Development Process
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