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Created October 2, 2019 13:25
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# Copy/paste the line below into Terminal to execute:
# robot -d results tests/amazon.robot
Test Teardown Close Browser
*** Variables ***
*** Test Cases ***
User must sign in to check out
[Documentation] This is some basic info about the test
[Tags] Smoke
Open Browser chrome
Wait Until Page Contains Your
Input Text id=twotabsearchtextbox Ferrari 458
Click Button xpath=//*[@id="nav-search"]/form/div[2]/div/input
Wait Until Page Contains results for "Ferrari 458"
Click Element css:.a-carousel-row #anonCarousel1 li:nth-child(1) .a-section h2 a
Wait Until Page Contains Back to results
Click Button id=add-to-cart-button
Wait Until Page Contains Added to Cart
Wait Until Element Is Visible css:#attach-sidesheet-checkout-button .a-button-input
Click Element css:#attach-sidesheet-checkout-button .a-button-input
Page Should Contain Element continue
Close Browser
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