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Last active May 8, 2019 22:00
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GoLang solution for Daily Coding Problem #294
package main
import "fmt"
// TestShortestPath solves sample examples
func TestShortestPath() {
elevations := map[int]int{
0: 5,
1: 25,
2: 15,
3: 20,
4: 10,
paths := [][3]int{
{0, 1, 10},
{0, 2, 8},
{0, 3, 15},
{1, 3, 12},
{2, 4, 10},
{3, 4, 5},
{3, 0, 17},
{4, 0, 10},
{4, 2, 1},
findPath(elevations, paths)
elevations = map[int]int{
0: 5,
1: 15,
2: 10,
3: 25,
4: 10,
5: 20,
6: 0,
paths = [][3]int{
{0, 1, 3},
{0, 2, 1},
{1, 5, 5},
{2, 4, 1},
{2, 6, 1},
{4, 0, 0},
{4, 5, 1},
{5, 0, 5},
{5, 4, 1},
{6, 0, 2},
findPath(elevations, paths)
} // TestShortestPath
type path struct {
weight int
path []int
func (p *path) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Weight: %d Path: %v\n", p.weight, p.path)
// findPath initializes necessary data structures to call findPathHelper
func findPath(elevations map[int]int, paths [][3]int) {
neighborsMap := make(map[int]*[]int)
weights := make(map[string]int)
for _, path := range paths {
neighbors, ok := neighborsMap[path[0]]
if !ok {
newNeighbors := make([]int, 0)
neighbors = &newNeighbors
neighborsMap[path[0]] = neighbors
*neighbors = append(*neighbors, path[1])
weightKey := fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d", path[0], path[1])
weights[weightKey] = path[2]
var resultPaths = make([]*path, 0)
var currentPath = make([]int, 0, 1)
currentPath = append(currentPath, 0) // 0 is starting node of path
var visited = make(map[int]bool)
findPathHelper(elevations, neighborsMap, weights, visited, &resultPaths, &currentPath, 0, 0, false)
} // findPath
// findPathHelper recursively finds all the paths and their sum
func findPathHelper(elevations map[int]int, neighbors map[int]*[]int, weights map[string]int, visited map[int]bool, paths *[]*path, currentPath *[]int, current int, pathSum int, descending bool) {
for _, neighbor := range *neighbors[current] {
weightKey := fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d", current, neighbor)
if neighbor == 0 {
if elevations[current] > elevations[neighbor] {
cpath := make([]int, len(*currentPath), len(*currentPath)+1)
copy(cpath, *currentPath)
cpath = append(cpath, neighbor)
*paths = append(*paths, &path{
weight: pathSum + weights[weightKey],
path: cpath})
} else {
// Path didn't descend. Path is not valid. Do nothing
if !descending {
if elevations[current] < elevations[neighbor] {
visited[neighbor] = true
*currentPath = append(*currentPath, neighbor) // add neighbor to current path
findPathHelper(elevations, neighbors, weights, visited, paths, currentPath, neighbor, pathSum+weights[weightKey], false)
*currentPath = (*currentPath)[:len(*currentPath)-1] // remove neighbor from current path
visited[neighbor] = false
} else if elevations[current] > elevations[neighbor] {
visited[neighbor] = true
*currentPath = append(*currentPath, neighbor) // add neighbor to current path
findPathHelper(elevations, neighbors, weights, visited, paths, currentPath, neighbor, pathSum+weights[weightKey], true)
*currentPath = (*currentPath)[:len(*currentPath)-1] // remove neighbor from current path
visited[neighbor] = false
} else {
// Path didn't strictly = ascend or descend. Path not valid. ignore this neighbor
} else { // descending
if elevations[current] > elevations[neighbor] {
visited[neighbor] = true
*currentPath = append(*currentPath, neighbor) // add neighbor to current path
findPathHelper(elevations, neighbors, weights, visited, paths, currentPath, neighbor, pathSum+weights[weightKey], true)
*currentPath = (*currentPath)[:len(*currentPath)-1] // remove neighbor from current path
visited[neighbor] = false
} else {
// Path didn't descend. Path is not valid. Ignore this neighbor
} // findPathHelper
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