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Created January 17, 2016 11:56
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Creating and using a class (including instance variables and methods) at runtime with Heliograph
#import <Heliograph/Heliograph.h>
static CGSize DummySizeImpl(NSObject *self, SEL cmd) {
HGInstanceVariableMirror *ivar = [[reflect(self) classMirror] instanceVariableNamed:@"_rectIvar"];
CGRect rect;
HGStructureValueMirror *value = [ivar valueIn:self];
[value readStructureValue:&rect];
return rect.size;
HGClassMirror *class = [reflect([NSObject class]) addSubclassNamed:@"FooBarBaz"];
HGInstanceVariableMirror *ivar = [class addInstanceVariableNamed:@"_rectIvar" withEncoding:@encode(CGRect)];
NSString *methodEncoding = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%s%s%s", @encode(CGSize), @encode(id), @encode(SEL)];
HGMethodMirror *method = [class addMethodNamed:NSSelectorFromString(@"size") withImplementation:(IMP)DummySizeImpl andEncoding:[methodEncoding UTF8String]];
[class registerClass];
id instance = [[[class mirroredClass] alloc] init];
[ivar setValue:[NSValue valueWithCGRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, 123, 456)] in:instance];
CGSize resultSize;
[method invokeOn:instance withArguments:@[] returnValue:&resultSize];
NSLog(@"%@", NSStringFromCGSize(resultSize));
// => {123, 456}
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