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Created September 28, 2019 17:38
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Python implementation of the distance method in 'Quantification of network
structural dissimilarities', by Schieber et al.
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from collections import Counter
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.stats import entropy
def jensen_shannon(dists):
"""Jensen-Shannong entropy of a family of distributions.
dists is a N by M matrix where each row is the ditribution over a set
of M elements.
size = dists.shape[0]
vec = np.log(dists.sum(axis=0)) - np.log(size)
first_term = (-1/size) *
second_term = entropy(dists.T).mean()
return first_term - second_term
def nnd(graph, dists=None):
"""Compute Network Node Dispersion (NND)."""
if dists is None:
dists = node_distance(graph)
diam = dists.shape[1]
return jensen_shannon(dists) / np.log(diam + 1)
def node_distance(graph):
"""All shortest path distances.
The nodes must be labeled by integers from 0 to graph.order() - 1.
size = graph.order()
if size < 2:
return 1
result = np.zeros((size, size)) # does this need to be sparse?
dists = nx.shortest_path_length(graph)
dists = np.array([[dists[n1][n2] if dists[n1][n2] < np.inf else size
for n2 in dists[n1]]
for n1 in dists])
for idx, row in enumerate(dists):
counts = Counter(row)
result[idx] = [counts[l] for l in range(size)]
diam = (result.sum(axis=0) > 0).sum()
result = result[:, :diam]
return result / size
def alpha_centrality(graph, normalize=False):
"""Bonacich centrality."""
size = graph.order()
degrees =
degrees = np.array([degrees[n] for n in graph.nodes()]) / (size - 1)
alpha = 1 / size
exogenous = degrees
mat = sparse.identity(size) - alpha * nx.adjacency_matrix(graph).T
res = sparse.linalg.inv(mat.asformat('csc')).dot(exogenous)
return res if not normalize else res / res.sum()
def pad(array, num_cols):
"""Pad with all-zero columns."""
rows = array.shape[0]
cols_to_add = num_cols - array.shape[1]
return np.hstack([array, np.zeros((rows, cols_to_add))])
def schieber(graph1, graph2, w1, w2, w3=None, complement=False):
"""Distance between two graphs. See eqn 2 in the paper."""
dists1 = node_distance(graph1)
dists2 = node_distance(graph2)
if dists1.shape[1] > dists2.shape[1]:
pad(dists2, dists1.shape[1])
elif dists2.shape[1] > dists1.shape[1]:
pad(dists1, dists2.shape[1])
first_term = np.vstack([dists1.mean(axis=0), dists2.mean(axis=0)])
first_term = w1 * np.sqrt(jensen_shannon(first_term) / np.log(2))
second_term = np.sqrt(nnd(graph1, dists1)) - np.sqrt(nnd(graph2, dists2))
second_term = w2 * np.abs(second_term)
if w3 is not None:
alpha1 = alpha_centrality(graph1, normalize=True)
alpha2 = alpha_centrality(graph2, normalize=True)
all_alphas = np.vstack([alpha1, alpha2])
third_term = np.sqrt(jensen_shannon(all_alphas) / np.log(2))
if complement:
alpha_comp1 = alpha_centrality(nx.complement(graph1), normalize=True)
alpha_comp2 = alpha_centrality(nx.complement(graph2), normalize=True)
all_alphas = np.vstack([alpha_comp1, alpha_comp2])
third_term += np.sqrt(jensen_shannon(all_alphas) / np.log(2))
third_term = w3 * third_term / 2
return first_term + second_term + third_term
return first_term + second_term
def main():
"""Compute distance between pre-computed graphs."""
graph = nx.karate_club_graph()
print(schieber(graph, graph, 0.5, 0.5))
print(schieber(graph, graph, 0.45, 0.45, 0.1))
print(schieber(graph, graph, 0.45, 0.45, 0.1, True))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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