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post pipelinev2
"id": "5bbdd7046bf097c0ea6445a2",
"name": "admin-v2-pili-pipeline",
"type": "",
"enabled": true,
"team": "VDN",
"target": "",
"build_module_ver": "",
"sub_tasks": [{
"build_os": "trusty",
"enabled": true,
"install_items": [{
"name": "go",
"version": "1.10.1"
}, {
"name": "node",
"version": "6.11.2"
}, {
"name": "bower",
"version": "latest"
}, {
"name": "yarn",
"version": "1.3.2"
"job_ctx": {
"build_steps": [{
"scripts": "#\u003c-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\u003e\n## 当前可用环境变量如下,你可在编译脚本里进行引用使用\n## WORKSPACE 工作目录\n## IMAGE 输出镜像名称\n## PKG_FILE 编译出的 tar 包名称\n## DIST_DIR 编译出 tar 包的目的目录\n## SERVICE 编译的服务名称\n#\u003c-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\u003e\n#!/bin/bash\nset -ex\n\nln -sf $WORKSPACE/gaea-admin/front/src/ $WORKSPACE/\nln -sf $WORKSPACE/ $WORKSPACE/\nln -sf $WORKSPACE/pili-qos-web/front/src/ $WORKSPACE/\nln -sf $WORKSPACE/fusion-compute/app/src/ $WORKSPACE/\nln -sf $WORKSPACE/evmapi/evmadmin/ $WORKSPACE/\nln -sf $WORKSPACE/pandora-portal/admin-portal/src/ $WORKSPACE/\nln -sf $WORKSPACE/morse/frontend/src/ $WORKSPACE/\nln -sf $WORKSPACE/ $WORKSPACE/\nln -sf $WORKSPACE/qvm-admin/ $WORKSPACE/\nln -sf $WORKSPACE/price-biz/front/src/ $WORKSPACE/\n\ncd $WORKSPACE/\nexport PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/front/node_modules/bower/bin\n\nunset http_proxy\nunset https_proxy\n#注意: 是透明代理, 是全局代理,全局代理是否生效测试可通过 curl 验证前后 IP\n#export http_proxy=\n#export https_proxy=\n\n#bower proxy in bowerrc\necho -e '{\\n\"proxy\":\"\",\\n\"https-proxy\":\"\"\\n}'| cat \u003e .bowerrc\n#也可使用外部文件,介个是个人的不建议添加到库里,测试用\n#curl -o .bowerrc\n\nsource\nmake package_staging\ntar xvf admin.tar.gz\ncp admin.tar.gz $DIST_DIR/$PKG_FILE\n\n## upload\ncd $WORKSPACE\nrm -rf devtools\nmkdir -p devtools\npushd devtools\n wget -O qshell -nc\n chmod +x qshell\npopd\n\nrm -rf public\nmv -f $WORKSPACE/ public\n\ncat \u003e conf.json \u003c\u003cEOF\n{\n\t\"src_dir\": \"public\",\n \"bucket\": \"admin-v2-static\",\n \"key_prefix\":\"public/\",\n \"overwrite\": true,\n \"rescan_local\": true\n}\nEOF\n\ndevtools/qshell account $PUBLIC_BUCKET_AK $PUBLIC_BUCKET_SK\ndevtools/qshell qupload 1 conf.json\nrm -rf conf.json\n\ncp -r $WORKSPACE/ $WORKSPACE/\ncp -r $WORKSPACE/ $WORKSPACE/\ncd $WORKSPACE/\ndocker build --rm -t $IMAGE -f adminv2.Dockerfile .\ndocker push $IMAGE",
"type": "shell"
"builds": [{
"branch": "develop",
"checkout_path": "",
"is_primary": false,
"remote_name": "origin",
"repo_name": "",
"repo_owner": "qbox",
"source": "github"
}, {
"branch": "develop",
"checkout_path": "gaea-admin",
"is_primary": false,
"remote_name": "origin",
"repo_name": "gaea-admin",
"repo_owner": "qbox",
"source": "github"
}, {
"branch": "develop",
"is_primary": false,
"remote_name": "origin",
"repo_name": "",
"repo_owner": "qbox",
"source": "github"
}, {
"branch": "master",
"is_primary": false,
"remote_name": "origin",
"repo_name": "pili-qos-web",
"repo_owner": "qbox",
"source": "github"
}, {
"branch": "develop",
"is_primary": false,
"remote_name": "origin",
"repo_name": "fusion-compute",
"repo_owner": "qbox",
"source": "github",
"use_default": true
}, {
"branch": "develop",
"is_primary": false,
"remote_name": "origin",
"repo_name": "evmapi",
"repo_owner": "qbox",
"source": "github",
"use_default": true
}, {
"branch": "develop",
"is_primary": false,
"remote_name": "origin",
"repo_name": "pandora-portal",
"repo_owner": "qbox",
"source": "github"
}, {
"branch": "master",
"is_primary": false,
"remote_name": "origin",
"repo_name": "morse",
"repo_owner": "qbox",
"source": "github",
"use_default": true
}, {
"branch": "develop",
"is_primary": false,
"remote_name": "origin",
"repo_name": "",
"repo_owner": "qbox",
"source": "github"
}, {
"branch": "develop",
"checkout_path": "base",
"is_primary": false,
"remote_name": "origin",
"repo_name": "base",
"repo_owner": "qbox",
"source": "github",
"use_default": true
}, {
"branch": "develop",
"is_primary": false,
"remote_name": "origin",
"repo_name": "qvm-admin",
"repo_owner": "qbox",
"source": "github"
}, {
"branch": "develop",
"is_primary": false,
"remote_name": "origin",
"repo_name": "price-biz",
"repo_owner": "qbox",
"source": "github"
"clean_workspace": false,
"enable_proxy": false,
"envs": [{
"is_credential": true,
"value": "********"
}, {
"is_credential": true,
"value": "********"
}, {
"is_credential": true,
"key": "liulei",
"value": "********"
"stcov_test": {
"enabled": false,
"stcov_product": ""
"test_threshold": 0,
"upload_pkg": true
"log_file": "",
"res_req": "low",
"service_name": "adminv2-pili",
"status": "",
"type": "buildv2"
}, {
"container_name": "adminv2-pili",
"enabled": true,
"namespace": "liulei01",
"product_name": "adminv2-pili",
"service_name": "adminv2-pili",
"type": "deploy"
}, {
"enabled": false,
"install_ctx": null,
"install_items": [{
"name": "",
"version": ""
"job_ctx": {
"build_steps": [{
"scripts": " ",
"type": "shell"
"builds": [{
"branch": "",
"is_primary": false,
"remote_name": "origin",
"repo_name": "",
"repo_owner": "qbox"
"clean_workspace": false,
"enable_proxy": false,
"envs": [],
"stcov_test": {
"enabled": false,
"stcov_product": ""
"test_threshold": 0,
"upload_pkg": false
"log_file": "",
"status": "",
"test_name": "test",
"type": "testingv2"
}, {
"enabled": true,
"type": "jira"
"description": " 测试环境构建 pipeline",
"update_by": "fansiqiong",
"create_time": 1546429780,
"update_time": 1546429780,
"schedules": {
"enabled": true,
"items": [{
"number": 1,
"frequency": "day",
"time": "06:00",
"type": "timing"
}, {
"number": 1,
"frequency": "friday",
"time": "15:42",
"type": "timing"
"hook": {
"enabled": false
"is_deleted": false,
"slack": {
"channel": "",
"enabled": false,
"notifiers": [],
"notify_type": ""
"is_favorite": true,
"multi_run": false
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