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Last active April 27, 2018 22:54
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Jot note v1.0 always on top with timestamp and resize window
Comment {
Tutorials: [
Demo-Instruction: {
- Install Red:
- Download and install from
- or copy and paste this oneliner in Powershell
- Script can be pasted directly in Redlang Console
- or without downloading, type in Red console:
do read
Compile-Instruction: {
- TODO: coming soon
Red [
Title: ""
Description: {quick note taking app with options to stay always on top and timestamp}
History: [
v1.0: [
.description: {
### this version
- allows user to resize/maximize window
### TODO:
- option to ask confirmation for save on close
v0.9: [
.description: {initial version
### which supports:
- topmost window (by default or use Jot/no-topmost)
- timestamp (by default or use Jot/no-timestamp)
- save on close
### TODO:
- allow user to resize/maximize window
- option to ask confirmation for save on close
Flowchart: [
Main: [
Jot -> Jot-already-launched? [
Yes: [Set-Jot-to-Foreground -> Jot-Launched]
No: [Launch-Jot -> load-note-file -> Jot-Launched]
Jot-Launched: [
Click-Save?: [Save-note-file -> Jot-Launched]
Date-Stamp?: [Append-Date-Stamp -> Jot-Launched]
Close?: [Save-note-file -> End]
;self script path
script-path: system/options/script
set-topmost: function [.hwnd-file /show][ ; uses win32 API
command: {function Set-TopMost($handle) {$FnDef = '[DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern bool SetWindowPos(int hWnd, int hAfter, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, uint Flags);';$user32 = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $FnDef -Name 'User32' -Namespace 'Win32' -PassThru;$user32::SetWindowPos($handle, -1, 0,0,0,0, 3)};Add-Type 'using System;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;using System.Text; public class APIFuncs {[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]public static extern int GetWindowText(IntPtr hwnd,StringBuilder lpString, int cch);[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError=true, CharSet=CharSet.Auto)] public static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError=true, CharSet=CharSet.Auto)] public static extern Int32 GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd,out Int32 lpdwProcessId);[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError=true, CharSet=CharSet.Auto)] public static extern Int32 GetWindowTextLength(IntPtr hWnd);}';while(1){$w = [apifuncs]::GetForegroundWindow();Write-Host $w.toString();$len = [apifuncs]::GetWindowTextLength($w);$sb = New-Object text.stringbuilder -ArgumentList ($len + 1);$rtnlen = [apifuncs]::GetWindowText($w,$sb,$sb.Capacity);write-host "Window Title: $($sb.tostring())";$windowTitle=$sb.tostring();if ($windowTitle -eq "Jot Note:") {Set-TopMost($w);$w.toString() | Out-File -filepath ".hwnd-file" -Encoding "UTF8";exit};sleep 1}}
replace/all command {"} {\"}
replace command ".hwnd-file" (to-local-file .hwnd-file)
powershell-command: rejoin [{powershell -command} { } {"} command {"}]
either show [
call/show powershell-command ; if non gui console otherwise doesn't seem to work
call powershell-command ; if gui console otherwise show ugly powershell console
set-active-window: function[.hwnd][
command: {$sig = '[DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern bool ShowWindowAsync(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow);[DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern int SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hwnd);';if ($Maximize) { $Mode = 3 } else { $Mode = 4 };$type = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $sig -Name WindowAPI -PassThru;$hwnd = .hwnd;$null = $type::ShowWindowAsync($hwnd, $Mode);$null = $type::SetForegroundWindow($hwnd)}
replace/all command {"} {\"}
replace command ".hwnd" .hwnd
powershell-command: rejoin [{powershell -command} { } {"} command {"}]
call powershell-command
window-opened?: function[.window-title][
out: copy ""
call/output {powershell -command "Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.MainWindowTitle -ne \"\"} | Select-Object MainWindowTitle"} out
if find out .window-title [
return true
return false
;=========================================================================================== function [ /no-topmost /no-timestamp /local static-path
/extern note-file event-handler text-area resized-window resized-window-width; extern necessary when using view/no-wait
; this is to memorize the path of the script as Red has no way to know it :(
; as in some context the path is not always the current dir nor .system/options/script
static-path: []
; initialization
if empty? static-path [
if error? try [
append static-path split-path .system/context/script ; context execution is within the .system
either system/options/script [
append static-path split-path system/options/script ; context execution is script standalone
; system/options/script = none if code pasted in console
append static-path compose [ (what-dir) none ]
hwnd-file: rejoin [static-path/1 %hwnd.txt] ; for passing back hwnd to Win32
note-file: rejoin [static-path/1 %note.txt] ; for saving note file
if window-opened? "Jot Note:" [
; if Jot launched already, Set Jot to Foreground
if (exists? hwnd-file) [ ; hwnd file has been created to store Win32 window handle when Set-Topmost is called
hwnd: read hwnd-file ; have to read from a file as a layman's way to do interop
set-active-window hwnd ; Set Jot to Foreground calling win32
return false ; false means not created
Title: "Jot Note:" ; title of window bar
Area-Size: 270x700 ; vertical jot note
note: copy rejoin ["# " now/date " " now/time ] ; date stamp
append note newline append note newline ; for nicer formatting
if (exists? note-file) [ ; first time note-file doesn't exist
note: read note-file
unless (note = "") [ append note newline]
unless no-timestamp [
append note rejoin ["# " now/date " " now/time ]
append note newline append note newline
on-events: func [face event /local static-counter] compose [
case [
'close = event/type [
write note-file text-area/text
remove-event-func :event-handler
return none
'resize = event/type [
static-counter: []; to fix a weird behavior in resize first time in some context (.system context)
either empty? static-counter [
append static-counter 0
static-counter/1: static-counter/1 + 1
unless ((value? '.system) and (static-counter/1 = 1)) [ ; to fix a weird behavior in resize first time in some context
resized-window: event/window
resized-window-width: first resized-window/size
text-area/size: to-pair rejoin [ (resized-window-width - 20) "x" (second text-area/size)]
return event
win: copy[]
append win compose/deep [
title (Title)
text-area: area (Area-Size) note
button "save" [
write note-file text-area/text
print "saved"
button "DateStamp" [
text-area/text: rejoin [text-area/text "# " now/date " " now/time newline newline]
do [ event-handler: insert-event-func :on-events ]
either (system/console = none) [
; for compiled version (no console)
unless no-topmost [set-topmost/show hwnd-file]
view/flags win ['resize]
either system/console/gui? [
; for interpreted version with gui console
unless no-topmost [set-topmost hwnd-file]
view/flags/no-wait win ['resize]
; for interpreted version with non-gui console (vscode)
unless no-topmost [set-topmost/show hwnd-file]
view/flags win ['resize]
Jot-Note: ; alias
Jot: ; alias
subgraph Main
((Wait-for-Jot)) ->> Jot? -
Jot? - Yes ->> Jot-already-launched?
Jot-already-launched? - Yes ->> Jot-Launched
Jot-already-launched? - No ->> Launch-Jot
Launch-Jot ->> load-note-file
load-note-file ->> Jot-Launched
subgraph Jot-Launched
Jot-Launched ->> Click-Save?
Click-Save? - Yes ->> Save-note-file
Save-note-file ->> Jot-Launched
Jot-Launched ->> Date-Stamp?
Date-Stamp? - Yes ->> Append-Date-Stamp
Append-Date-Stamp ->> Jot-Launched
Jot-Launched ->> Close?
Close? - Yes ->> Save-note-file-before-close
Save-note-file-before-close ->> end
Copy link

lepinekong commented Apr 27, 2018

paste jot.note.chartmage source above into

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