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Last active January 4, 2018 12:45
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base58 Hexadecimal Euclidian Division
Red [
Title: "For debug"
??: func [
"Prints a word and the value it refers to (molded)"
'value [word! path! string!]
; initialization
if start [
system/words/__DEBUG_LINE_COUNTER__: 0
; cum
system/words/__DEBUG_LINE_COUNTER__: system/words/__DEBUG_LINE_COUNTER__ + 1
if (not value? '__TRACING__) [__TRACING__: false]
if not (__TRACING__ = false) [
either (type? :value) = string! [
print rejoin ["[" system/words/__DEBUG_LINE_COUNTER__ "]" " - " :value]
prin rejoin ["[" system/words/__DEBUG_LINE_COUNTER__ "]" " - "]
prin mold :value
prin ": "
print either value? :value [
mold get/any :value
] ["unset!"]
Red [
Title: "base58 library"
remove-leading-zeros: func[string /hex /local x][
parse string [some #"0" copy x to end]
if hex [
if (mod (length? x) 2) > 0 [
x: rejoin ["0" x]
return x
to-string: func[value /hex /local temp][
either binary? value [
parse mold value [thru "#{" copy value to "}"]
;value: remove-leading-zeros/hex value
either hex [
remove-leading-zeros/hex to-string to-binary :value
to string! :value
last: func ["Returns the last value in a series" s [series!] /n length][
either n [
copy skip head s ((length? s) - length)
pick back tail s 1
if NOT value? 'sys-to-hex [
sys-to-hex: :to-hex
to-hex: func[value [integer! string!] /hex /local temp][
if ((type? value) = integer!) [
temp: to-string/hex value
return debase/base temp 16
;return sys-to-hex value
if (type? value) = string! [
; the line below generates bug
;value: remove-leading-zeros/hex value
temp: debase/base value 16
either none? temp [
return to-binary value;
either hex [
?? value
return to-binary value
return debase/base value 16
split-hex: func[hex-string][
return split/segment hex-string "" 6 ; ["48656C" "6C6F"]
to-hex2: func[value [integer! string!] /local temp][
if ((type? value) = integer!) [
temp: to-string/hex value
return debase/base temp 16
;return sys-to-hex value
if (type? value) = string! [
; the line below generates bug
value: remove-leading-zeros/hex value
return debase/base value 16
to-integer: func ["Convert to integer! single value or block" value /hex /local out][
either block? value [
out: copy []
foreach element value [
append out to-integer element
if hex [
value: to-hex :value
if error? try [
return to integer! :value
return to integer! (to-hex :value)
split: func[ {Break a string series into pieces using the provided delimiters}
series [any-string!] dlm [string! char! bitset!] /segment n /local s
either segment [
parse series [collect some keep [n skip | thru end]]
num: either string? dlm [length? dlm] [1]
parse series [collect any [copy s [to dlm | to end] keep (s) num skip]]
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