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Created September 27, 2016 14:26
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Validators now receive the kwargs of the related service definition.


def has_payed(request):
    if 'paid' not in request.GET:
        request.errors.add('body', 'paid', 'You must pay!')


def has_payed(request, **kwargs):
    free_access = kwargs.get('free_access')
    if not free_access and 'paid' not in request.GET:
        request.errors.add('body', 'paid', 'You must pay!')

Colander validation

Colander schema validation now requires an explicit validator, and an additional level of mapping for body, querystring or headers instead of the former location attribute. The request.validated hences reflects this additional level.


class SignupSchema(colander.MappingSchema):
    username = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), location='body')
    referrer = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), location='querystring',

def signup_get(request):
    username = request.validated['username']
    referrer = request.validated['referrer']
    return {'success': True}


from cornice.validators import colander_validator

class Querystring(colander.MappingSchema):
    referrer = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), missing=colander.drop)

class Payload(colander.MappingSchema):
    username = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String())

class SignupSchema(colander.MappingSchema):
    body = Payload()
    querystring = Querystring()

signup = cornice.Service()

@signup.get(schema=SignupSchema, validators=(colander_validator,))
def signup_get(request):
    username = request.validated['body']['username']
    referrer = request.validated['querystring']['referrer']
    return {'success': True}

Error handler

  • The error_handler callback of services now receives a request object instead of errors.


def xml_error(errors):
    request = errors.request


def xml_error(request):
    errors = request.errors


The support of config.add_deserializer() and config.registry.cornice_deserializers was dropped.

Services schemas introspection

The schema argument of services is now treated as service kwarg. The service.schemas_for() method was dropped as well as the service.schemas property.


schema = service.schemas_for(method="POST")


schema = [kwargs['schema'] for method, view, kwargs in service.definitions
          if method == "POST"][0]
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