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Created September 28, 2023 15:51
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from inspect import ismethod, isfunction
from math import sqrt
from platform import system
from os import makedirs, path
import json
import pywinctl as pwc
import pymonctl as pmc
import obspython as obs
import time
from screeninfo import get_monitors
from collections import namedtuple
version = "v.2023.09.14"
debug = False
sys= system()
darwin = (sys == "Darwin")
cwd = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))
file_name = path.basename(__file__).removesuffix(".py")
settings_dir = "settings"
settings_file_name = f"{file_name}.json"
zoom_id_tog = None
follow_id_tog = None
new_source = True
props = None
ZOOM_NAME_TOG = f"{file_name}.zoom.toggle"
FOLLOW_NAME_TOG = f"{file_name}.follow.toggle"
LOAD_SOURCES_NAME_HK = f"{file_name}"
LOAD_MONITORS_NAME_HK = f"{file_name}"
ZOOM_DESC_TOG = f"Enable/Disable Mouse Zoom ({file_name})"
FOLLOW_DESC_TOG = f"Enable/Disable Mouse Follow ({file_name})"
USE_MANUAL_MONITOR_SIZE = "Manual Monitor Size"
CROP_FILTER_NAME = f"ZoomCrop_{file_name}"
This script is intended to be called from OBS Studio. Provides
mouse-based zoom and tracking for desktop/monitor/window/game sources.
For more information please visit:
description = (f"""Crops and resizes a source to simulate a zoomed in tracked to the mouse.\n
Set activation hotkey in Settings.\n
Active Border enables lazy/smooth tracking; border size calculated as percent of smallest dimension. Border of 50% keeps mouse locked in the center of the zoom frame.\n
Manual Monitor Dimensions constrain the zoom to just the area in the defined size; useful for restricting zooming to a small area in large format monitors.\n
Manual Offset will move, relative to the top left of the monitor/source, the constrained zoom area. In the large format monitor example, this can be used to offset the constrained area to be on the right of the screen, preventing the zoom from following the cursor to the left side.\n
By tryptech
def get_cursor_position():
# macOS flips Y coordinate
# return pmc._pymonctl_macos._getMousePos(darwin) if darwin else pmc.getMousePos()
return pmc.getMousePos()
def log(*args):
global debug
if debug:
string = ''
for arg in args:
string += str(arg)
if (len(args) > 1): string += " "
Size = namedtuple("Size", ["width", "height"])
Rect = namedtuple("Rect", ["left", "top", "right", "bottom"])
Point = namedtuple("Point", ["x", "y"])
def get_m_dict():
monitors_dict = {}
for m in get_monitors():
monitor_info = {
"colordepth": 32,
"dpi": [int(m.width / m.width_mm * 25.4), int(m.height / m.height_mm * 25.4)],
"frequency": 60,
"is_primary": m.is_primary,
"orientation": 0,
"position": Point(x=m.x, y=m.y),
"scale": [100, 100],
"size": Size(width=m.width, height=m.height),
"workarea": Rect(left=m.x, top=m.y, right=m.x + m.width, bottom=m.y + m.height),
monitors_dict[] = monitor_info
return monitors_dict
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
class ZoomSettings:
log("Create ZoomSettings")
file_dir = ""
file_name = ""
file_path = ""
def __init__(self, cwd, settings_dir, settings_file_name):
log("Run ZoomSettings init")
self.file_dir = path.join(cwd,settings_dir)
self.file_name = settings_file_name
self.file_path = path.join(self.file_dir,self.file_name)
if settings_dir:
log(f"Checking settings directory: {path.join(cwd,settings_dir)}")
if not path.exists(self.file_dir):
log("Settings directory does not exist")
log("Creating settings directory")
log("Settings directory found")
def save(self, settings, *args, **kwargs):
log(f"Saving to {self.file_path}")
f = open(self.file_path,
"w" if path.exists(self.file_path)
else "a")
output = json.loads(obs.obs_data_get_json(settings))
if kwargs:
for key, value in kwargs.items():
skipped_values = ["windows", "monitors", "monitors_list"]
new_keys = [i for i in dir(value)
if not i.startswith("_")
and i not in skipped_values
and not ismethod(getattr(value, i))
and not isfunction(getattr(value, i))]
new_values = [getattr(value, i) for i in new_keys]
new_dict = dict(zip(new_keys, new_values))
output[key] = new_dict
except Exception as e:
log(f"{e}: Cannot write settings to file")
def load(self):
log("Loading settings")
if not path.exists(self.file_path):
f = open(self.file_path)
if f:
log(f"Settings file found:",self.file_path)
d = json.load(f)
return d
except Exception as e:
log(f"{e}: Cannot load settings from file")
return None
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
class WindowCaptureSources:
def __init__(self, sources):
self.sources = sources
class MonitorCaptureSources:
def __init__(self, windows, macos, linux): = windows
self.macos = macos
self.linux = linux
def all_sources(self):
return | self.macos | self.linux
class AppleSiliconCaptureSources:
def __init__(self, sources):
self.sources = sources
class CaptureSources:
def __init__(self, window, monitor, applesilicon):
self.window = window
self.monitor = monitor
self.applesilicon = applesilicon
def mac_sources(self):
return self.monitor.all_sources() | self.applesilicon.sources
def all_sources(self):
return self.window.sources | self.mac_sources()
# Matches against values returned by obs.obs_source_get_id(source).
# See populate_list_property_with_source_names() below.
SOURCES = CaptureSources(
window=WindowCaptureSources({'window_capture', 'game_capture'}),
linux={'monitor_capture', 'xshm_input',
class CursorWindow:
lock | Toggles zoom
track | Toggles follow
update | Animation status
ticking | Timer subscribe lock
active_border | Ratio of smallest CaptureWindow dimension to track
manual_offset |
max_speed | Maximum CaptureWindow movement per frame (px)
monitor |
monitor_override |
monitor_override_id |
monitor_scale |
monitor_size_override |
monitors_dict | Cached list of monitor objects as reported by PyMonCtl
monitors_key | Cached list of monitors as reported by PyMonCtl
refresh_rate | OBS frame rate
smooth | Smoothing factor for CaptureWindow movement (0.0 - 1.0)
source_load |
source_name | Name of source to be modified
source_type | Type of source to be modified
source_w_raw | Source width as reported by PyWinCtl/PyMonCtl
source_h_raw | Source height as reported by PyWinCtl/PyMonCtl
source_x_raw | Source x position as reported by PyWinCtl/PyMonCtl
source_y_raw | Source y position as reported by PyWinCtl/PyMonCtl
source_w_override | Custom source width
source_h_override | Custom source height
source_x_offset | Custom source x offset relative to source_x_raw
source_y_offset | Custom source y offset relative to source_y_raw
source_w | Final computed source width
source_h | Final computed source height
source_x | Final computed source x position
source_y | Final computed source y position
source_refs | Array of source names referenced from OBS
window |
window_handle |
window_name |
windows |
zi_timer | Zoom in animation frame timer
zo_timer | Zoom out animation frame timer
zoom_time | Zoom animation length (ms)
zoom_h | CaptureWindow Height
zoom_w | CaptureWindow Width
zoom_x | CaptureWindow x position (relative to source)
zoom_y | CaptureWindow y position (relative to source)
zoom_x_target | CaptureWindow x interpolation target
zoom_y_target | CaptureWindow y interpolation target
log("Create CursorWindow")
lock = False
track = True
update = True
ticking = False
zi_timer = zo_timer = 0
windows = monitor = window = window_handle = window_name = ''
monitors_dict = get_m_dict()
monitors_key = list(dict.keys(monitors_dict))
monitor_override = manual_offset = monitor_size_override = False
monitor_override_id = ''
monitor_scale = 1
zoom_x = zoom_y = 0
zoom_x_target = zoom_y_target = 0
source_w_raw = source_h_raw = source_x_raw = source_y_raw = 0
source_x_offset = source_y_offset \
= source_w_override = source_h_override = 0
source_x = source_y = source_w = source_h = 0
source_load = False
refresh_rate = 16
source_name = source_type = ''
zoom_w = 1280
zoom_h = 720
active_border = 0.15
max_speed = 160
smooth = 1.0
zoom_time = 300
source_refs = []
def get_obs_source(self, source_name):
if source_name not in self.source_refs:
return obs.obs_get_source_by_name(source_name)
def update_sources(self, settings_update = False):
Update the list of Windows and Monitors from PyWinCtl
global darwin
if not darwin or not settings_update:
if (not darwin): = pwc.getAllWindows()
self.monitors_dict = get_m_dict()
self.monitors_key = list(dict.keys(self.monitors_dict))
def update_window_dim(self, window):
Update the stored window dimensions to those of the selected
:param window: Window with new dimensions
log("Updating stored dimensions to match current dimensions")
if window != None:
# FIXME: on macos get window bounds results in an error and
# does not work
# NSInternalInconsistencyException - NSWindow drag regions
# should only be invalidated on the Main Thread!
window_dim = window.getClientFrame()
if (self.source_w_raw != window_dim.right - window_dim.left
or self.source_h_raw != window_dim.bottom -
or self.source_x_raw != window_dim.left
or self.source_y_raw !=
log("Width, Height, X, Y")
log(f"{self.source_w_raw}, {self.source_h_raw}, {self.source_x_raw},"
f" {self.source_y_raw}")
self.source_w_raw = window_dim.right - window_dim.left
self.source_h_raw = window_dim.bottom -
self.source_x_raw = window_dim.left
self.source_y_raw =
log("Width, Height, X, Y")
log(f"{self.source_w_raw}, {self.source_h_raw}, {self.source_x_raw},"
f" {self.source_y_raw}")
log("Dimensions did not change")
def update_monitor_dim(self, monitor):
Update the stored dimensions based on the selected monitor
:param monitor: Single monitor as returned from the PyMonCtl
Monitor function getAllMonitorsDict()
global darwin
log("Updating stored dimensions to match monitor's dimensions")
current_monitor_scale = monitor['dpi'][0]/72 if darwin else 1
if (self.source_w_raw != monitor['size'].width * current_monitor_scale
or self.source_h_raw != monitor['size'].height * current_monitor_scale
or self.source_x_raw != monitor['position'].x * current_monitor_scale
or self.source_y_raw != monitor['position'].y * current_monitor_scale
or (darwin and (self.monitor_scale != current_monitor_scale))):
log("Width, Height, X, Y")
log(f"{self.source_w_raw}, {self.source_h_raw}, {self.source_x_raw}, \
self.monitor_scale = current_monitor_scale if darwin else 1.0
log(f"Scale: {self.monitor_scale}")
self.source_w_raw = monitor['size'].width * current_monitor_scale
self.source_h_raw = monitor['size'].height * current_monitor_scale
self.source_x_raw = monitor['position'].x * current_monitor_scale
self.source_y_raw = monitor['position'].y * current_monitor_scale
log("Width, Height, X, Y")
log(f"{self.source_w_raw}, {self.source_h_raw}, {self.source_x_raw}, \
if darwin:
log(f"Scale: {self.monitor_scale}")
log("Dimensions did not change")
log(f"{self.source_w_raw}, {self.source_h_raw}, {self.source_x_raw}, \
if darwin:
log(f"Scale: {self.monitor_scale}")
def window_capture_gen(self, data):
TODO: More Linux testing, specifically with handles Windows
capture for Windows and Linux. In Windows, application data is
stored as "Title:WindowClass:Executable"
global new_source
# Assuming the OBS data is formatted correctly, we should
# be able to identify the window
# If New Source/Init
# If Handle Exists
# Else
if new_source:
# If new source selected / OBS initialize
# Build window, window_handle, and
# window_name
log("New Source")
log("Retrieving target window info from OBS")
self.window_name = data['window'].split(":")[0]
log(f"Searching for: {self.window_name}")
for w in
if w.title == self.window_name:
window_match = w
self.window_handle = w.getHandle()
new_source = False
log(f"Window Match: {window_match.title}")
log("Window Match Handle:"
f" {str(self.window_handle)}")
if self.window_handle != '':
# If window handle is already stored
# Get window based on handle
# Check if name needs changing
log(f"Handle exists: {str(self.window_handle)}")
handle_match = False
for w in
if w.getHandle() == self.window_handle:
handle_match = True
f"Found Handle: {str(w.getHandle())} | {self.window}")
window_match = w
if window_match.title != self.window:
log("Changing target title")
log(f"Old Title: {self.window_name}")
self.window_name = w.title
log(f"New Title: {self.window_name}")
if handle_match == False:
# TODO: If the handle no longer exists,
# eg. Window or App closed
log("I don't know how it gets here.")
window_match = None
log(f"Source {self.source_name} has changed."
" Select new source window")
window_match = None
return window_match
def monitor_capture_gen(self, data):
If monitor override, update with monitor override
Else if no monitor ID, monitor does not exist
Else search for the monitor and update
monitor_id = data.get('monitor', None)
if len(self.monitors_dict.items()) == 1:
log("Only one monitor detected. Forcing override.")
for monitor in self.monitors_dict.items():
elif self.monitor_override is True:
log(f"Monitor Override: {self.monitor_override}")
for monitor in self.monitors_dict.items():
if monitor[0] == self.monitors_key[
elif monitor_id == None:
log(f"Key 'monitor' does not exist in {data}")
log(f"Searching for monitor {monitor_id}")
for monitor in self.monitors_dict.items():
if (monitor[1]['id'] == monitor_id):
log(f"Found monitor {monitor[1]['id']} | {monitor}")
def window_capture_mac(self, data):
Window capture for macOS
macos uses an exclusive property 'window_name' pywinctl does not
report application windows correctly for macos yet, so we must
capture based on the actual window name and not based on the
application like we do for windows.
self.window_name = data.get('window_name')
# TODO: implement
# Maybe when there's a non-laggy way to capture windows.
# According to PyWinCtl:
# macOS doesn't "like" controlling windows from other apps, so there are two separate classes you can use:
# To control your own application's windows: MacOSNSWindow() is based on NSWindow Objects (you have to pass the NSApp() Object reference).
# To control other applications' windows: MacOSWindow() is based on Apple Script, so it is non-standard, slower and, in some cases, tricky (uses window name as reference, which may change or be duplicate), but it's working fine in most cases. You will likely need to grant permissions on Settings -> Security&Privacy -> Accessibility. Notice some applications will have limited Apple Script support or no support at all, so some or even all methods may fail!
def screen_capture_mac(self, data):
From macOS 12.5+, OBS reports all window and display captures
as the same type.
data.type is in {0, 1, 2} where:
data.type is only returned if data.type is not 0 or system has more
than one monitor connected
Use is expected to be for DISPLAY
log("Apple Silicon")
log(f"data: {data}")
screen_capture_type = data.get('type')
# When a new screen capture is created and then called in one session,
# the obs source object does not populate any attributes
# This auto check will fail on some versions of macOS (tested on 13.5.1)
# Instead, all monitor related dimensions must be manually overridden
if len(self.monitors_dict) == 1:
log("Only one monitor cached")
for monitor in self.monitors_key:
elif self.monitor_override:
log("Monitor override")
monitor_id = data.get('display')
for monitor in self.monitors_dict.items():
if (monitor[1]['id'] == monitor_id):
log(f"Found monitor {monitor[1]['id']} | {monitor[0]}")
def monitor_capture_mac(self, data):
The 'display' property is an index value and not the true
monitor id. It is only returned when there is more than one
monitor on your system. We will assume that the order of the
monitors returned from pywinctl are in the same order that OBS
is assigning the display index value.
monitor_index = data.get('display', 0)
log(f"Retrieving monitor {monitor_index}")
for monitor in self.monitors_dict.items():
if (monitor['id'] == monitor_index):
log(f"Found monitor {monitor['id']} | {monitor}")
def update_computed_source_values(self):
Compute source location and size with optional overrides applied
if self.manual_offset:
self.source_x = self.source_x_raw + self.source_x_offset
self.source_y = self.source_y_raw + self.source_y_offset
self.source_x = self.source_x_raw
self.source_y = self.source_y_raw
if self.monitor_size_override:
self.source_w = self.source_w_override
self.source_h = self.source_h_override
self.source_w = self.source_w_raw
self.source_h = self.source_h_raw
def update_source_size(self):
Adjusts the source size variables based on the source given
global darwin
global new_source
log("Update source size")
# Try to pull the data for the source object
# OBS stores the monitor index/window target in the
# window/game/display sources settings
# Info is stored in a JSON format
log("self.source_name:", self.source_name)
source = self.get_obs_source(self.source_name)
source_settings = obs.obs_source_get_settings(source)
data = obs.obs_data_get_json(source_settings)
data_json = json.loads(data)
# If it cannot be pulled, it is likely one of the following:
# The source no longer exists
# The source's name has changed
# OBS does not have the sources loaded yet when launching
# the script on start
log("Source '" + self.source_name + "' not found.")
# If the source data is pulled, it exists. Therefore other
# information must also exists. Source Type is pulled to
# determine if the source is a display, game, or window
log(f"Source loaded successfully: {self.source_type}")
self.source_type = obs.obs_source_get_id(source)
log(f"Source Type: {self.source_type}")
if (self.source_type in SOURCES.window.sources):
window_match = ''
#if 'window_name' in data_json:
if darwin:
log("No macOS window capture due to performance issues")
# self.window_capture_mac(data)
elif 'window' in data_json:
window_match = self.window_capture_gen(data_json)
if window_match is not None:
log("Proceeding to resize")
self.window = pwc.getWindowsWithTitle(self.window_name)[0]
elif (self.source_type in | SOURCES.monitor.linux):
elif (self.source_type in SOURCES.applesilicon.sources):
elif (self.source_type in SOURCES.monitor.macos):
def cubic_in_out(p):
Cubic in/out easing function. Accelerates until halfway, then
:param p: Linear temporal percent progress through easing from
0 to 1
:return: Adjusted percent progress
if p < 0.5:
return 4 * p * p * p
f = (2 * p) - 2
return 0.5 * f * f * f + 1
def check_offset(arg1, arg2, smooth):
Checks if a given value is offset from pivot value and provides
an adjustment towards the pivot based on a smoothing factor
:param arg1: Pivot value
:param arg2: Checked value
:param smooth: Smoothing factor; larger values adjusts more smoothly
:return: Adjustment value
return round((arg1 - arg2) / smooth)
def follow(self, mousePos):
Updates the position of the zoom window.
:param mousePos: [x,y] position of the mouse on the canvas of
all connected displays
:return: If the zoom window was moved
track = False
mouseX, mouseY = mousePos
mouseX *= self.monitor_scale
mouseY *= self.monitor_scale
# Don't follow cursor when it is outside the source in both dimensions
if (mouseX > (self.source_x + (self.source_w * self.monitor_scale))
or mouseX < self.source_x) \
and (mouseY > (self.source_y + (self.source_h * self.monitor_scale))
or mouseY < self.source_y):
return False
# Get active zone edges relative to the source
use_lazy_tracking = self.active_border < 0.5
if use_lazy_tracking:
# Find border size in pixels from shortest dimension (usually height)
border_size = int(min(self.zoom_w, self.zoom_h) * self.active_border) * self.monitor_scale
zoom_edge_left = self.zoom_x_target + border_size
zoom_edge_right = self.zoom_x_target + (self.zoom_w * self.monitor_scale) - border_size
zoom_edge_top = self.zoom_y_target + border_size
zoom_edge_bottom = self.zoom_y_target + (self.zoom_h * self.monitor_scale) - border_size
# Active zone edges are at the center of the zoom window to keep
# the cursor there at all times
zoom_edge_left = zoom_edge_right = \
self.zoom_x_target + int((self.zoom_w * self.monitor_scale) * 0.5)
zoom_edge_top = zoom_edge_bottom = \
self.zoom_y_target + int((self.zoom_h * self.monitor_scale) * 0.5)
# Cursor relative to the source, because the crop values are relative
source_mouse_x = mouseX - self.source_x_raw
source_mouse_y = mouseY - self.source_y_raw
if darwin:
source_mouse_y = (self.source_y_raw + self.source_h_raw) - mouseY
if source_mouse_x < zoom_edge_left:
self.zoom_x_target += source_mouse_x - zoom_edge_left
elif source_mouse_x > zoom_edge_right:
self.zoom_x_target += source_mouse_x - zoom_edge_right
if source_mouse_y < zoom_edge_top:
self.zoom_y_target += source_mouse_y - zoom_edge_top
elif source_mouse_y > zoom_edge_bottom:
self.zoom_y_target += source_mouse_y - zoom_edge_bottom
# Only constrain zoom window to source when not centering mouse cursor
if use_lazy_tracking:
# Set smoothing values
smoothFactor = 1.0 if self.update else \
max(1.0, self.smooth * 40 / self.refresh_rate)
# Set x and y zoom offset
offset_x = (self.zoom_x_target - self.zoom_x) / smoothFactor
offset_y = (self.zoom_y_target - self.zoom_y) / smoothFactor
# Max speed clamp. Don't clamp if animating zoom in/out or
# if keeping cursor in center of zoom window
if (not self.update) or use_lazy_tracking:
speed_squared = (offset_x * offset_x) + (offset_y * offset_y)
if speed_squared * self.monitor_scale > (self.max_speed * self.max_speed):
# Only spend CPU on sqrt if we really need it
speed_factor = self.max_speed / sqrt(speed_squared)
offset_x *= speed_factor
offset_y *= speed_factor
# Interpolate the values we apply to the crop filter
self.zoom_x += offset_x
self.zoom_y += offset_y
return offset_x != 0 or offset_y != 0
def check_pos(self):
Checks if zoom window exceeds window dimensions and clamps it if true
x_min = 0
x_max = self.source_w - (self.zoom_w * self.monitor_scale)
y_min = 0
y_max = self.source_h - (self.zoom_h * self.monitor_scale)
self.zoom_x_target = max(x_min, min(self.zoom_x_target, x_max))
self.zoom_y_target = max(y_min, min(self.zoom_y_target, y_max))
def center_on_cursor(self):
Instantly sets the zoom window target location to have the cursor at its
center. If completely zoomed out (not interpolating) also sets the
current location, so there's no visible travel from where the previous
known location was when zooming in again.
global darwin
mouseX, mouseY = get_cursor_position()
self.zoom_x_target = (mouseX - self.zoom_w * 0.5)
self.zoom_y_target = (mouseY - self.zoom_h * 0.5)
# Clamp to a valid location inside the source limits
# Are we fully zoomed out?
if self.zi_timer == 0:
# Synchronize the current crop zoom location
self.zoom_x = self.zoom_x_target
self.zoom_y = self.zoom_y_target
log("Skip to cursor location")
def obs_set_crop_settings(self, left, top, width, height):
Interfaces with OBS to set dimensions of the crop filter used for
zooming, creating the filter if necessary.
:param left: crop filter new left edge location in pixels
:param top: crop filter new top edge location in pixels
:param width: crop filter new width in pixels
:param height: crop filter new height in pixels
source = self.get_obs_source(self.source_name)
crop = obs.obs_source_get_filter_by_name(source, CROP_FILTER_NAME)
if crop is None: # create filter
obs_data = obs.obs_data_create()
obs.obs_data_set_bool(obs_data, "relative", False)
obs_crop_filter = obs.obs_source_create_private(
obs.obs_source_filter_add(source, obs_crop_filter)
crop_settings = obs.obs_source_get_settings(crop)
def set_crop_setting(name, value):
obs.obs_data_set_int(crop_settings, name, int(value))
set_crop_setting("left", left)
set_crop_setting("top", top)
set_crop_setting("cx", width)
set_crop_setting("cy", height)
obs.obs_source_update(crop, crop_settings)
def obs_set_initial_bounding_box_type(self):
Sets the bounding box type and size if not previously set
Defaults to "Scale to inner bounds" and canvas size
source = self.get_obs_source(self.source_name)
scene = obs.obs_scene_from_source(obs.obs_frontend_get_current_scene())
if scene and source:
sceneitems = [obs.obs_scene_sceneitem_from_source(scene,source)]
for sceneitem in sceneitems:
if obs.obs_sceneitem_get_bounds_type(sceneitem) == 0:
obs.obs_sceneitem_set_bounds_type(sceneitem, 2)
obs.obs_sceneitem_set_bounds_alignment(sceneitem, 0)
video = obs.obs_video_info()
bounds = obs.vec2()
setattr(bounds, "x", getattr(video, "base_width"))
setattr(bounds, "y", getattr(video, "base_height"))
def set_crop(self):
Compute rectangle of the zoom window, interpolating for zoom in and out
transitions and update the crop filter used for zooming in the source.
totalFrames = int(self.zoom_time / self.refresh_rate)
crop_left = crop_top = crop_width = crop_height = 0
if not self.lock:
# Zooming out
if self.zo_timer < totalFrames:
self.zo_timer += 1
# Zoom in will start from same animation position
self.zi_timer = totalFrames - self.zo_timer
time = self.cubic_in_out(self.zo_timer / totalFrames)
crop_left = int(((1 - time) * self.zoom_x))
crop_top = int(((1 - time) * self.zoom_y))
crop_width = (self.zoom_w * self.monitor_scale) + int(time * (self.source_w_raw - (self.zoom_w * self.monitor_scale)))
crop_height = (self.zoom_h * self.monitor_scale) + int(time * (self.source_h_raw - (self.zoom_h * self.monitor_scale)))
self.update = True
# Leave crop left and top as 0
crop_width = self.source_w_raw
crop_height = self.source_h_raw
self.update = False
# Zooming in
if self.zi_timer < totalFrames:
self.zi_timer += 1
# Zoom out will start from same animation position
self.zo_timer = totalFrames - self.zi_timer
time = self.cubic_in_out(self.zi_timer / totalFrames)
crop_left = int(time * self.zoom_x)
crop_top = int(time * self.zoom_y)
crop_width = self.source_w_raw - int(time * (self.source_w_raw - (self.zoom_w * self.monitor_scale)))
crop_height = self.source_h_raw - int(time * (self.source_h_raw - (self.zoom_h * self.monitor_scale)))
self.update = True if time < 0.8 else False
crop_left = int(self.zoom_x)
crop_top = int(self.zoom_y)
crop_width = int(self.zoom_w * self.monitor_scale)
crop_height = int(self.zoom_h * self.monitor_scale)
self.update = False
self.obs_set_crop_settings(crop_left, crop_top, crop_width, crop_height)
# Stop ticking when zoom out is complete or
# when zoomed in and not following the cursor
if ((not self.lock) and (self.zo_timer >= totalFrames)) \
or (self.lock and (not self.track) and (self.zi_timer >= totalFrames)):
def tick_enable(self):
if self.ticking:
# Update refresh rate in case user has changed settings. Otherwise
# animations will feel slower/faster
self.refresh_rate = int(obs.obs_get_frame_interval_ns() / 1000000)
obs.timer_add(self.tick, self.refresh_rate)
self.ticking = True
log(f"Ticking: {self.ticking}")
def tick_disable(self):
self.ticking = False
log(f"Ticking: {self.ticking}")
def tracking(self):
Tracking state function
if self.lock:
if self.track or self.update:
def tick(self):
Containing function that is run every frame
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
zs = ZoomSettings(cwd, settings_dir, settings_file_name)
zoom = CursorWindow()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def populate_list_property_with_source_names(list_property):
Updates Zoom Source's available options.
Checks a source against SOURCES to determine availability.
global darwin
global new_source
log("Updating Source List")
sources = obs.obs_enum_sources()
if sources is not None:
obs.obs_property_list_add_string(list_property, "", "")
for source in sources:
source_type = obs.obs_source_get_id(source)
if darwin and source_type not in SOURCES.all_sources():
log(f"{obs.obs_source_get_name(source)} | {source_type} | {source}")
# Print this value if a source isn't showing in the UI as expected
# and add it to SOURCES above for either window or monitor capture.
filter = SOURCES.all_sources() if not darwin else SOURCES.mac_sources()
if source_type in filter:
name_val = name = obs.obs_source_get_name(source)
name = name + "||" + source_type
obs.obs_property_list_add_string(list_property, name_val, name)
zoom.source_load = True
new_source = True
log(f"New source: {str(new_source)}")
def populate_list_property_with_monitors(list_property):
log("Updating Monitor List")
if zoom.monitors_dict is not None:
obs.obs_property_list_add_int(list_property, "", -1)
monitor_index = 0
for monitor in zoom.monitors_key:
monitor_obj = zoom.monitors_dict.get(monitor, None)
if monitor_obj:
screen_size = monitor_obj['size']
f"{monitor}: {screen_size.width} x {screen_size.height}",
monitor_index += 1
log("Monitor override list updated")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def script_description():
return description
def script_defaults(settings):
log("Run script_defaults")
obs.obs_data_set_default_string(settings, "source", "")
"Manual Monitor Override", False)
obs.obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, "Manual Offset", False)
obs.obs_data_set_default_int(settings, "Width", 1280)
obs.obs_data_set_default_int(settings, "Height", 720)
obs.obs_data_set_default_double(settings, "Border", 0.15)
obs.obs_data_set_default_int(settings, "Speed", 160)
obs.obs_data_set_default_double(settings, "Smooth", 1.0)
obs.obs_data_set_default_int(settings, "Zoom", 300)
obs.obs_data_set_default_int(settings, "Manual X Offset", 0)
obs.obs_data_set_default_int(settings, "Manual Y Offset", 0)
obs.obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, "debug", False)
def script_update(settings):
log("Run script_update")
if zoom.source_load:
sources = obs.obs_enum_sources()
if len(sources) == 0:
log("No sources, likely OBS startup.")
global new_source
source_string = obs.obs_data_get_string(settings, "source")
if source_string == "":
zoom.source_name = zoom.source_type = ""
# Update overrides before source, so the updated overrides are used
# in update_source_size
zoom.monitor_override = obs.obs_data_get_bool(settings,
"Manual Monitor Override")
zoom.monitor_override_id = obs.obs_data_get_int(settings, "monitor")
zoom.monitor_size_override = obs.obs_data_get_bool(settings,
"Manual Monitor Dim")
if zoom.monitor_size_override:
zoom.source_w_override = obs.obs_data_get_int(settings,
"Monitor Width")
zoom.source_h_override = obs.obs_data_get_int(settings,
"Monitor Height")
zoom.manual_offset = obs.obs_data_get_bool(settings, "Manual Offset")
if zoom.manual_offset:
zoom.source_x_offset = obs.obs_data_get_int(settings,
"Manual X Offset")
zoom.source_y_offset = obs.obs_data_get_int(settings,
"Manual Y Offset")
source_string = obs.obs_data_get_string(settings, "source")
if source_string == "":
zoom.source_name = zoom.source_type = ""
if source_string.index("|"):
[source, source_type] = source_string.split("||")
if zoom.source_name != source:
zoom.source_name = source
zoom.source_type = source_type
new_source = True
if new_source:
log("Source update")
log("Non-initial update")
zoom.zoom_w = obs.obs_data_get_int(settings, "Width")
zoom.zoom_h = obs.obs_data_get_int(settings, "Height")
zoom.active_border = obs.obs_data_get_double(settings, "Border")
zoom.max_speed = obs.obs_data_get_int(settings, "Speed")
zoom.smooth = obs.obs_data_get_double(settings, "Smooth")
zoom.zoom_time = obs.obs_data_get_double(settings, "Zoom")
global debug
debug = obs.obs_data_get_bool(settings, "debug"), settings, CursorWindow=zoom)
def callback(props, prop, *args):
global darwin
prop_name = obs.obs_property_name(prop)
log(f"Triggered callback: {prop_name}")
monitor = obs.obs_properties_get(props, "monitor")
monitor_override = obs.obs_properties_get(props, "Manual Monitor Override")
monitor_size_override = obs.obs_properties_get(props, "Manual Monitor Dim")
refresh_monitor = obs.obs_properties_get(props, "Refresh monitors")
source_type = zoom.source_type
global debug
debug = obs.obs_properties_get(props, "debug")
case "source":
if source_type in SOURCES.monitor.all_sources() or darwin:
obs.obs_property_set_visible(monitor_override, True)
obs.obs_property_set_visible(refresh_monitor, True)
obs.obs_property_set_visible(monitor_size_override, True)
obs.obs_property_set_visible(monitor_override, False)
obs.obs_property_set_visible(refresh_monitor, False)
obs.obs_property_set_visible(monitor_size_override, False)
case "Refresh monitors":
obs.obs_properties_get(props, "Monitor Width"),
obs.obs_properties_get(props, "Monitor Height"),
obs.obs_properties_get(props, "Manual X Offset"),
obs.obs_properties_get(props, "Manual Y Offset"),
obs.obs_property_set_visible(monitor, zoom.monitor_override
and obs.obs_property_visible(monitor_override))
return True
def script_properties():
log("Run script_properties")
global props
props = obs.obs_properties_create()
sources = obs.obs_properties_add_list(
"Zoom Source",
ls = obs.obs_properties_add_button(props,
"Reload sources",
"Reload list of sources",
lambda props, prop: True if callback(props, sources) else True)
monitor_override = obs.obs_properties_add_bool(props,
"Manual Monitor Override",
"Enable Monitor Override")
m = obs.obs_properties_add_list(
"Monitor Override",
rm = obs.obs_properties_add_button(props,
"Refresh monitors",
"Refresh list of monitors",
lambda props, prop: True if callback(props, m) else True)
mon_size = obs.obs_properties_add_bool(props,
"Manual Monitor Dim", "Enable Manual Monitor Dimensions")
mon_w = obs.obs_properties_add_int(props,
"Monitor Width", "Manual Monitor Width", -8000, 8000, 1)
mon_h = obs.obs_properties_add_int(props,
"Monitor Height", "Manual Monitor Height", -8000, 8000, 1)
offset = obs.obs_properties_add_bool(props,
"Manual Offset", "Enable Manual Offset")
mx = obs.obs_properties_add_int(props,
"Manual X Offset", "Manual X Offset", -8000, 8000, 1)
my = obs.obs_properties_add_int(props,
"Manual Y Offset", "Manual Y Offset", -8000, 8000, 1)
"Width", "Zoom Window Width", 320, 3840, 1)
"Height", "Zoom Window Height", 240, 3840, 1)
"Border", "Active Border", 0, 0.5, 0.01)
"Speed", "Max Scroll Speed", 0, 540, 10)
"Smooth", "Smooth", 0, 10, 0.1)
"Zoom", "Zoom Duration (ms)", 0, 1000, 1)
debug_tog = obs.obs_properties_add_bool(props,
"Enable debug logging")
mon_show = (
True if zoom.source_type in SOURCES.monitor.all_sources() else False)
obs.obs_property_set_visible(monitor_override, mon_show)
obs.obs_property_set_visible(m, zoom.monitor_override)
obs.obs_property_set_visible(rm, zoom.monitor_override)
obs.obs_property_set_visible(mon_h, zoom.monitor_size_override)
obs.obs_property_set_visible(mon_w, zoom.monitor_size_override)
obs.obs_property_set_visible(mx, zoom.manual_offset)
obs.obs_property_set_visible(my, zoom.manual_offset)
obs.obs_property_set_modified_callback(sources, callback)
obs.obs_property_set_modified_callback(monitor_override, callback)
obs.obs_property_set_modified_callback(mon_size, callback)
obs.obs_property_set_modified_callback(offset, callback)
obs.obs_property_set_modified_callback(debug_tog, callback)
return props
def script_load(settings):
log("Run script_load")
settings_updated = []
settings_import = zs.load()
if settings_import:
for setting in settings_import.keys():
match setting:
case "CursorWindow":
for value in settings_import[setting]:
setattr(zoom, value, settings_import[setting][value])
case _:
if setting not in dir(zoom):
elif setting == "source":
if settings_import[setting].index("||"):
value = settings_import[setting].split("||")[0]
value = settings_import[setting]
setattr(zoom, setting, value)
global zoom_id_tog
zoom_id_tog = obs.obs_hotkey_register_frontend(
hotkey_save_array = obs.obs_data_get_array(settings, ZOOM_NAME_TOG)
obs.obs_hotkey_load(zoom_id_tog, hotkey_save_array)
global follow_id_tog
follow_id_tog = obs.obs_hotkey_register_frontend(
hotkey_save_array = obs.obs_data_get_array(settings, FOLLOW_NAME_TOG)
obs.obs_hotkey_load(follow_id_tog, hotkey_save_array)
log(f"Loaded settings: {settings_updated}")
def script_unload():
log("Run script_unload")
source = zoom.get_obs_source(zoom.source_name)
crop = obs.obs_source_get_filter_by_name(source, CROP_FILTER_NAME)
if crop is not None:
obs.obs_source_filter_remove(source, crop)
def script_save(settings):
log("Run script_save")
hotkey_save_array = obs.obs_hotkey_save(zoom_id_tog)
obs.obs_data_set_array(settings, ZOOM_NAME_TOG, hotkey_save_array)
hotkey_save_array = obs.obs_hotkey_save(follow_id_tog)
obs.obs_data_set_array(settings, FOLLOW_NAME_TOG, hotkey_save_array)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def toggle_zoom(pressed):
if pressed:
if new_source:
if zoom.source_name != "" and not zoom.lock:
for attr in ['source_w_raw', 'source_h_raw','source_x_raw','source_y_raw']:
log("reinit source params")
if zoom.source_type not in SOURCES.monitor.all_sources():
zoom.lock = True
log(f"Mouse position: {get_cursor_position()}")
elif zoom.lock:
zoom.lock = False
zoom.tick_enable() # For the zoom out transition
log(f"Zoom: {zoom.lock}")
def toggle_follow(pressed):
if pressed:
if zoom.track:
zoom.track = False
elif not zoom.track:
zoom.track = True
# Tick if zoomed in, to enable follow updates
if zoom.lock:
log(f"Tracking: {zoom.track}")
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