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Created March 14, 2020 15:03
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camlp5o pr_scheme.cmo pr_schemep.cmo > s.scm
type t =
| Leaf of int * string
| Concat of int * t * t
let length = function
| Leaf (i, _) -> i
| Concat (i, _, _) -> i
let leaf s =
Leaf (String.length s, s)
let empty = leaf ""
let (^) t1 t2 =
Concat (length t1 + length t2, t1, t2)
let (@+) s t =
leaf s ^ t
let (+@) t s =
t ^ leaf s
let to_string t =
let buf = Buffer.create @@ length t in
let rec loop = function
| Leaf (_, s) -> Buffer.add_string buf s
| Concat (_, t1, t2) ->
loop t1;
loop t2
loop t;
Buffer.contents buf
(* tail-recursive *)
let to_string' t =
let buf = Buffer.create @@ length t in
let rec loop rest = function
| Leaf (_, s) ->
Buffer.add_string buf s;
begin match rest with
| r::rs ->
loop rs r
| [] ->
Buffer.contents buf
| Concat (_, t1, t2) ->
loop (t2::rest) t1
in loop [] t
let () =
("1" @+ empty) +@ "2" |> to_string' |> print_endline;
"1" @+ (empty +@ "2") |> to_string' |> print_endline;
"1" @+ (empty +@ "2" +@ "3") |> to_string' |> print_endline;
("1" @+ empty +@ "2") +@ "3" |> to_string' |> print_endline;
empty +@ "1" +@ "2" +@ "3" +@ "4" |> to_string' |> print_endline;
let x = leaf "xy" in
let x = "{" @+ "(" @+ x +@ ")" +@ "}" in
x |> to_string' |> print_endline;
let to_string'' t =
let rec loop acc rest = function
| Leaf (_, s) ->
begin match rest with
| [] -> s::acc
| r::rs -> loop (s::acc) rs r
| Concat (_, t1, t2) ->
loop acc (t1::rest) t2
loop [] [] t |> String.concat ""
let () =
("1" @+ empty) +@ "2" |> to_string'' |> print_endline;
"1" @+ (empty +@ "2") |> to_string'' |> print_endline;
"1" @+ (empty +@ "2" +@ "3") |> to_string'' |> print_endline;
("1" @+ empty +@ "2") +@ "3" |> to_string'' |> print_endline;
empty +@ "1" +@ "2" +@ "3" +@ "4" |> to_string'' |> print_endline;
let x = leaf "xy" in
let x = "{" @+ "(" @+ x +@ ")" +@ "}" in
x |> to_string'' |> print_endline;
(type t
(Leaf int string)
(Concat int t t)))
(define length
((Leaf i _) i)
((Concat i _ _) i)))
(define (leaf s) (Leaf (String.length s) s))
(define empty (leaf ""))
(define (^ t1 t2) (Concat (+ (length t1) (length t2)) t1 t2))
(define (@+ s t) (^ (leaf s) t))
(define (+@ t s) (^ t (leaf s)))
(define (to_string t)
(let ((buf (@@ Buffer.create (length t))))
((Leaf _ s) (Buffer.add_string buf s))
((Concat _ t1 t2) (begin (loop t1) (loop t2))))))
(begin (loop t) (Buffer.contents buf)))))
(* tail-recursive *)
(define (to_string' t)
(let ((buf (@@ Buffer.create (length t))))
(((loop rest)
((Leaf _ s)
(Buffer.add_string buf s)
(match rest ([r . rs] (loop rs r)) ([] (Buffer.contents buf)))))
((Concat _ t1 t2) (loop [t2 . rest] t1)))))
(loop [] t))))
(define ()
(|> (|> (+@ (@+ "1" empty) "2") to_string') print_endline)
(|> (|> (@+ "1" (+@ empty "2")) to_string') print_endline)
(|> (|> (@+ "1" (+@ (+@ empty "2") "3")) to_string') print_endline)
(|> (|> (+@ (@+ "1" (+@ empty "2")) "3") to_string') print_endline)
(|> (|> (+@ (+@ (+@ (+@ empty "1") "2") "3") "4") to_string') print_endline)
(let* ((x (leaf "xy")) (x (@+ "{" (@+ "(" (+@ (+@ x ")") "}")))))
(begin (|> (|> x to_string') print_endline) ()))))
(define (to_string'' t)
(((loop acc rest)
((Leaf _ s) (match rest ([] [s . acc]) ([r . rs] (loop [s . acc] rs r))))
((Concat _ t1 t2) (loop acc [t1 . rest] t2)))))
(|> (loop [] [] t) (String.concat ""))))
(define ()
(|> (|> (+@ (@+ "1" empty) "2") to_string'') print_endline)
(|> (|> (@+ "1" (+@ empty "2")) to_string'') print_endline)
(|> (|> (@+ "1" (+@ (+@ empty "2") "3")) to_string'') print_endline)
(|> (|> (+@ (@+ "1" (+@ empty "2")) "3") to_string'') print_endline)
(|> (|> (+@ (+@ (+@ (+@ empty "1") "2") "3") "4") to_string'')
(let* ((x (leaf "xy")) (x (@+ "{" (@+ "(" (+@ (+@ x ")") "}")))))
(begin (|> (|> x to_string'') print_endline) ()))))
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