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Last active November 25, 2018 09:22
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Free Applicative Functors in OCaml
open Higher
See `Free Applicative Functors'
type (_, _) t =
| Pure : 'a -> ('a, 'f) t
| Apply : ('a -> 'b, 'f) t * ('a, 'f) app -> ('b, 'f) t
let pure v = Pure v
let rec (<$>) : 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> ('a, 'f) t -> ('b, 'f) t =
fun f -> function
| Pure v -> Pure (f v)
| Apply (ga, v) -> Apply ((fun g x -> f (g x)) <$> ga, v)
let map f a = f <$> a
let rec (<*>) : 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b, 'f) t -> ('a, 'f) t -> ('b, 'f) t =
fun fa xa ->
match fa with
| Pure f -> f <$> xa
| Apply (ga, v) ->
Apply ((fun g x y -> g y x) <$> ga <*> xa, v)
let app f a = f <*> a
let id x = x
let lift v =
Apply (pure id, v)
(* List *)
module L = Newtype1(struct type 'a t = 'a list end)
let llift v = v |> L.inj |> lift
let flat_map f xs = List.flatten ( f xs)
let rec run_list : 'a. ('a, L.t) t -> 'a list = function
| Pure v -> [v]
| Apply (fs, vs) ->
let fs = run_list fs in
let vs = L.prj vs in
fs |> flat_map (fun f -> vs |> f)
let rec map2 f xs ys =
match xs, ys with
| [], _ | _, [] -> []
| x::xs, y::ys -> f x y :: map2 f xs ys
(* ZipList *)
let rec run_zip_list : 'a. ('a, L.t) t -> 'a list = function
| Pure v -> let rec vs = v::vs in vs
| Apply (fs, vs) ->
map2 (@@)
(run_zip_list fs)
(L.prj vs)
let pl x =
x |> [ (int * int) list] |> print_endline
let la =
(fun x y -> (x, y)) <$> llift [1; 2; 3] <*> llift [5; 6; 7]
let () = run_zip_list la |> pl
let () = run_list la |> pl
(* Option *)
module O = Newtype1(struct type 'a t = 'a option end)
let olift v = v |> O.inj |> lift
let rec run_option : 'a. ('a, O.t) t -> 'a option = function
| Pure v -> Some v
| Apply (f, v) ->
match run_option f, O.prj v with
| None, _
| _, None -> None
| Some f, Some v -> Some (f v)
let po v =
v |> [ string option] |> print_endline
let () = run_option begin
Printf.sprintf "%d, %f" <$> olift (Some 42) <*> olift (Some 3.14)
end |> po
let () = run_option begin
Printf.sprintf "%d, %f" <$> olift (Some 42) <*> olift None
end |> po
let () = run_option begin
Printf.sprintf "%d, %f" <$> olift None <*> olift (Some 3.14)
end |> po
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