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Last active March 27, 2022 05:44
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An OCaml implementation of a call-by-value abstract machine for lambda-calculus +
control, shift, control0, shift0, and prompt.
based on "A dynamic continuation-passing style for dynamic delimited continuations"
type variable = string
type term =
| Var of variable
(** variable *)
| Lam of variable * term
(** abstraction *)
| App of term * term
(** application *)
| Reset of term
(** reset (prompt) *)
| Control of variable * term
(** control *)
| Shift of variable * term
(** shift *)
| Control0 of variable * term
(** control0 *)
| Shift0 of variable * term
(** shift0 *)
module EnvMap = Map.Make(String)
let (.%[]) env key = EnvMap.find key env
let (.%[]<-) env key v = EnvMap.add key v env
(** mapping from variable to value *)
type env = value EnvMap.t
and value =
| Closure of variable * term * env
(** function closure *)
| ContC of context * trail
(** continuation captured by control, control0 *)
| ContS of context * trail
(** continuation captured by shift, shift0 *)
(** head part of a continuation *)
and context =
| End
(** [\[\]] *)
| Arg of (term * env) * context
(** [\[\] term] *)
| Fun of value * context
(** [value \[\]] *)
(** trail part of a continuation. head + trail part can be captured by control, etc. *)
and trail = context list
(** meta continuation *)
and meta_context = (context * trail) list
(** machine state *)
type state =
| Eval of term * env * context * trail * meta_context
(** term evaluation *)
| Cont1 of context * value * trail * meta_context
(** context application *)
| Trail1 of trail * value * meta_context
(** trail application *)
| Cont2 of meta_context * value
(** meta_context application *)
type step =
| Finish of value
| Next of state
(** create initial state *)
let init term = Eval (term, EnvMap.empty, End, [], [])
(** one-step reduction *)
let step1 = function
(* -- Eval transition -- *)
| Eval (Var x, env, c, t, mc) ->
Next (Cont1 (c, env.%[x], t, mc))
| Eval (Lam (x, e), env, c, t, mc) ->
Next (Cont1 (c, Closure (x, e, env), t, mc))
| Eval (App (e0, e1), env, c, t, mc) ->
Next (Eval (e0, env, Arg ((e1, env), c), t, mc))
| Eval (Reset e, env, c, t, mc) ->
Next (Eval (e, env, End, [], (c, t) :: mc))
| Eval (Control (x, e), env, c, t, mc) ->
Next (Eval (e, (env.%[x] <- ContC (c, t)), End, [], mc))
| Eval (Shift (x, e), env, c, t, mc) ->
Next (Eval (e, (env.%[x] <- ContS (c, t)), End, [], mc))
| Eval (Control0 (x, e), env, c, t, (c', t') :: mc) ->
Next (Eval (e, (env.%[x] <- ContC (c, t)), c', t', mc))
| Eval (Control0 (x, e), env, c, t, []) ->
Next (Eval (e, (env.%[x] <- ContC (c, t)), End, [], []))
| Eval (Shift0 (x, e), env, c, t, (c', t') :: mc) ->
Next (Eval (e, (env.%[x] <- ContS (c, t)), c', t', mc))
| Eval (Shift0 (x, e), env, c, t, []) ->
Next (Eval (e, (env.%[x] <- ContS (c, t)), End, [], []))
(* -- Cont1 transition -- *)
| Cont1 (End, v, t, mc) ->
Next (Trail1 (t, v, mc))
| Cont1 (Arg ((e, env), c), v, t, mc) ->
Next (Eval (e, env, Fun (v, c), t, mc))
| Cont1 (Fun (Closure (x, e, env), c), v, t, mc) ->
Next (Eval (e, (env.%[x] <- v), c, t, mc))
| Cont1 (Fun (ContC (c', t'), c), v, t, mc) ->
Next (Cont1 (c', v, t' @ (c :: t), mc))
| Cont1 (Fun (ContS (c', t'), c), v, t, mc) ->
Next (Cont1 (c', v, t', (c, t) :: mc))
(* -- Trail1 transition -- *)
| Trail1 ([], v, mc) ->
Next (Cont2 (mc, v))
| Trail1 (c :: t, v, mc) ->
Next (Cont1 (c, v, t, mc))
(* -- Cont2 transition -- *)
| Cont2 ((c, t) :: mc, v) ->
Next (Cont1 (c, v, t, mc))
| Cont2 ([], v) ->
Finish v
(** evaluation *)
let eval term =
let rec loop = function
| Finish v -> v
| Next s -> loop (step1 s)
in loop @@ Next (init term)
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