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Created January 7, 2021 14:31
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module With_position = struct
type 'a t =
{ value : 'a
; pos : Lexing.position
type 'dict atom =
[ `Symbol of string
| `Vector of 't array
] constraint 'dict = < t : 't; atom : 'atom; tail : 'tail >
type 'dict t_ =
[ 'dict atom
| `List of 't list
| `DottedList of 't list * 'tail
] constraint 'dict = < t : 't; atom : 'atom; tail : 'tail >
type dict =
< t : dict t_
; atom : dict atom
; tail : dict atom
type t = dict t_
type pdict =
< t : pdict t_ With_position.t
; atom : pdict atom
; tail : pdict atom With_position.t
type positioned = pdict t_ With_position.t
type patom = pdict atom
let rec strip (x : positioned) : t =
match x with
| { With_position.value = #patom; _ } as v ->
(strip_atom v :> t)
| { With_position.value = `List xs } ->
`List ( strip xs)
| { With_position.value = `DottedList (xs, tl) } ->
`DottedList ( strip xs, strip_atom tl)
and strip_atom = function
| { With_position.value = (`Symbol _ as v); _ } -> v
| { With_position.value = (`Vector arr); _ } ->
`Vector ( strip arr)
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