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Last active September 20, 2022 09:56
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module Make() : sig
type field = ..
type 'a field_access =
{ get : field -> 'a option
; set : 'a -> field
; default : 'a
type t
val empty : t
val ( .-() ) : t -> 'a field_access -> 'a
val ( .-()<- ) : t -> 'a field_access -> 'a -> t
val get : 'a field_access -> t -> 'a
val set : 'a field_access -> 'a -> t -> t
end = struct
type field = ..
type t = field list
type 'a field_access =
{ get : field -> 'a option
; set : 'a -> field
; default : 'a
let empty = []
let (.-()) t f =
Option.value (List.find_map f.get t) ~default:f.default
let (.-()<-) t f v = f.set v :: t
let get f t =
let set f v t =
t.-(f) <- v
(* type r = { .. } *)
module R = Make()
(* type r += { a : int = 0 } *)
type R.field += A of int
let a =
{ R.get = (function A v -> Some v | _ -> None)
; R.set = (fun v -> A v)
; R.default = 0
(* type r += { b : string = "" } *)
type R.field += B of string
let b =
{ R.get = (function B v -> Some v | _ -> None)
; R.set = (fun v -> B v)
; R.default = ""
let () =
let open R in
let r1 =
|> set a 42
|> set b "foobar"
let va = r1.-(a) in
let vb = r1.-(b) in
Printf.printf "{ a = %d; b = %s }\n" va vb
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