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Created December 10, 2015 20:22
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A 256:1 gearbox
include <MCAD/involute_gears.scad>
$fn = 100;
gear_module = 0.75;
pressure_angle = 20;
gear_thickness = 5/2;
shaft_radius = 1.5;
small_teeth = 11;
small_pitch_radius = gear_module*small_teeth/2;
large_teeth = 44;
large_pitch_radius = gear_module*large_teeth/2;
space_between = small_pitch_radius+large_pitch_radius;
clearance = 0.2; // space between gear planes (increase to 2 to easily see if things are sane)
frame_thickness = 2;
extra = 4; // how do you calculate the parts that protrude from the pitch?
frame_length = 3*large_pitch_radius + 2*small_pitch_radius + 2*extra;
frame_width = large_pitch_radius*2 + extra*2;
frame_height = 4*gear_thickness*2 + 5*clearance;
echo(frame_length + 2*frame_thickness, "x", frame_width, "x", frame_height + 2*frame_thickness);
spacer_radius = shaft_radius+1;
spacer_small = 4*gear_thickness*2 + 4*clearance; //temp hack to make it a bit tighter
spacer_medium = gear_thickness*2 + clearance; // temp hack to make it a bit tighter
module smallGear(with_clearance) {
circular_pitch = 360 * small_pitch_radius / small_teeth,
pressure_angle = pressure_angle,
number_of_teeth = small_teeth,
clearance = 0,
gear_thickness = with_clearance ? (gear_thickness + clearance*2) : gear_thickness,
rim_thickness = with_clearance ? (gear_thickness*2 + clearance*2) : gear_thickness*2,
//rim_thickness = gear_thickness*2+clearance*2,
//rim_width = gear_thickness,
hub_thickness = 0,
//hub_diameter = shaft_radius*2*2,
bore_diameter = shaft_radius*2,
circles = 0,
backlash = 0.1, // eh?
flat = false
module largeGear(thick_hub) {
circular_pitch = 360 * large_pitch_radius / large_teeth,
pressure_angle = pressure_angle,
number_of_teeth = large_teeth,
clearance = 0,
gear_thickness = gear_thickness,
//gear_thickness = gear_thickness*2,
rim_thickness = gear_thickness*2,
rim_width = gear_thickness,
hub_thickness = thick_hub ? gear_thickness*2 : gear_thickness*2,
//hub_diameter = shaft_radius*2*3,
hub_diameter = shaft_radius*2*4,
//hub_diameter = 0,
bore_diameter = shaft_radius*2,
//circles = 8,
circles = 0,
backlash = 0.1, // eh?
flat = false
if (!thick_hub) {
translate([0, 0, gear_thickness*2-clearance])
module frame() {
difference() {
translate([-small_pitch_radius-extra, -frame_width/2, -frame_thickness-clearance])
cube([frame_length + 2*frame_thickness, frame_width, frame_height + 2*frame_thickness]);
translate([-small_pitch_radius-extra+frame_thickness, -frame_width/2-0.1, -clearance])
cube([frame_length, frame_width+0.2, frame_height]);
// shafts
translate([0, 0, -frame_thickness*2])
cylinder(r=shaft_radius, h=frame_height + frame_thickness*4);
translate([space_between, 0, -frame_thickness*2])
cylinder(r=shaft_radius, h=frame_height + frame_thickness*4);
translate([space_between*2, 0, -frame_thickness*2])
cylinder(r=shaft_radius, h=frame_height + frame_thickness*4);
module largeGears() {
translate([space_between, 0, 0])
translate([space_between*2, 0, gear_thickness*2+clearance])
translate([space_between, 0, gear_thickness*4+clearance*2])
translate([space_between*2, 0, gear_thickness*6+clearance*3])
module smallSpacer() {
difference() {
cylinder(r=3, h=spacer_small);
translate([0, 0, -0.1])
cylinder(r=shaft_radius, h=spacer_small+0.2);
module mediumSpacer() {
difference() {
cylinder(r=3, h=spacer_medium);
translate([0, 0, -0.1])
cylinder(r=shaft_radius, h=spacer_small+0.2);
module spacers() {
translate([0, 0, gear_thickness*2+clearance])
translate([space_between, 0, gear_thickness*8+clearance*4])
translate([2*space_between, 0, 0])
//rotate([90, 0, 0])
color("PowderBlue", 0.4)
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