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Created November 9, 2021 13:27
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Utility functions for working with Eytzinger indices
const std = @import("std");
pub fn parent(idx: u32) u32 {
std.debug.assert(idx > 0);
return (idx - 1) / 2;
pub fn left(idx: u32) u32 {
return 2 * idx + 1;
pub fn right(idx: u32) u32 {
return 2 * idx + 2;
pub fn fromLinear(indexLinear: u32, len: u32) u32 {
std.debug.assert(len > 0);
std.debug.assert(indexLinear < len);
if (len == 1) return 0;
const height = std.math.log2_int_ceil(u32, len + 1);
// Account for incomplete bottom layer
const num_nodes_in_complete = (@as(u32, 1) << @intCast(u5, height)) - 1;
const num_missing = num_nodes_in_complete - len;
const missing_starts = len - num_missing;
const index_adjusted = indexLinear + (indexLinear -| missing_starts);
const layer = height - @ctz(u32, index_adjusted + 1);
const layer_start_index = (@as(u32, 1) << @intCast(u5, layer - 1)) - 1;
const pos_in_layer = (index_adjusted >> @intCast(u5, height - layer + 1));
return layer_start_index + pos_in_layer;
pub fn toLinear(indexEytzinger: u32, len: u32) u32 {
std.debug.assert(len > 0);
std.debug.assert(indexEytzinger < len);
if (len == 1) return 0;
const l = std.math.log2_int_ceil(u32, indexEytzinger + 2);
const h = std.math.log2_int_ceil(u32, len + 1);
const half_stride = (@as(u32, 1) << @intCast(u5, h - l));
const layer_start_index = (@as(u32, 1) << @intCast(u5, l - 1)) - 1;
const pos_in_layer = indexEytzinger - layer_start_index;
const stride_of_layer = half_stride << 1;
// Account for incomplete bottom layer
const start_of_bottom = (@as(u32, 1) << @intCast(u5, h - 1)) - 1;
const num_nodes_in_bottom_layer_before_index = half_stride * pos_in_layer + (half_stride / 2);
const num_missing_before_index = num_nodes_in_bottom_layer_before_index + start_of_bottom -| len;
return half_stride - 1 + pos_in_layer * stride_of_layer - num_missing_before_index;
test "linear/eytzinger index conversion" {
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 15), fromLinear(0, 31));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 21), fromLinear(12, 31));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), fromLinear(15, 31));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 19), fromLinear(8, 31));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 5), fromLinear(19, 31));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 9), fromLinear(9, 31));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 95), toLinear(8, 511));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 3965), toLinear(2014, 4095));
test "fuzz linear/eytzinger index conversion" {
const iterations = 100;
var prng = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(;
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < iterations) : (i += 1) {
const len =;
if (len == 0) continue;
const linear_idx = prng.random.uintLessThan(u32, len);
try testLinearEytzingerConversion(linear_idx, len);
fn testLinearEytzingerConversion(linearIdx: u32, len: u32) !void {
errdefer std.log.err("linear index = {}, len = {}", .{ linearIdx, len });
const eytzinger_idx = fromLinear(linearIdx, len);
errdefer std.log.err("eytzinger index = {}", .{eytzinger_idx});
try std.testing.expect(eytzinger_idx < len);
try std.testing.expectEqual(linearIdx, toLinear(eytzinger_idx, len));
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