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Sébastien Han leseb

View GitHub Profile
use log::info;
use nix::{
sched::{unshare, CloneFlags},
unistd::{getpid, getppid, gettid},
pub type StratisResult<T> = Result<T, StratisError>;
pub enum StratisError {
debug 2022-07-20T12:43:59.262+0000 7f999b93b700 1 ====== starting new request req=0x7f9a58b12650 =====
debug 2022-07-20T12:43:59.266+0000 7f999412c700 1 ====== req done req=0x7f9a58b12650 op status=0 http_status=200 latency=0.003999975s ======
debug 2022-07-20T12:43:59.266+0000 7f999412c700 1 beast: 0x7f9a58b12650: - rook-ceph-internal-s3-user-checker-8f04e2b7-be8a-473f-8181-83f0eb753389 [20/Jul/2022:12:43:59.262 +0000] "PUT /rook-ceph-bucket-checker-8f04e2b7-be8a-473f-8181-83f0eb753389 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 - "aws-sdk-go/1.40.21 (go1.17.11; linux; amd64)" - latency=0.003999975s
bash-4.4$ radosgw-admin --no-mon-config --rgw-backend-store=dbstore --dbstore-db-dir=/var/lib/ceph/radosgw/data user create --uid=leseb --display-name=leseb
did not load config file, using default settings.
2022-06-22T09:10:05.800+0000 7f2ed43eb500 -1 Errors while parsing config file!
2022-06-22T09:10:05.800+0000 7f2ed43eb500 -1 can't open ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory
2022-06-22T09:10:05.800+0000 7f2ed43eb500 -1 Errors while parsing config file!
2022-06-22T09:10:05.800+0000 7f2ed43eb500 -1 can't open ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory
2022-06-22T09:10:05.801+0000 7f2ed43eb500 0 rgw dbstore: DB initialization full db_path(/var/lib/ceph/radosgw/data/dbstore-default_ns)
2022-06-22T09:10:05.801+0000 7f2ed43eb500 0 rgw DBStore backend: Opened database(/var/lib/ceph/radosgw/data/dbstore-default_ns.db) successfully
2022-06-22T09:10:05.801+0000 7f2ed43eb500 0 rgw DBStore backend: DB successfully initialized - name:/var/lib/ceph/radosgw/data/dbstore-default_ns
2022-06-22T09:10:05.802+0000 7f2ed43e
# HELP ceph_health_status Cluster health status
# TYPE ceph_health_status untyped
ceph_health_status 1.0
# HELP ceph_mon_quorum_status Monitors in quorum
# TYPE ceph_mon_quorum_status gauge
ceph_mon_quorum_status{ceph_daemon="mon.a"} 1.0
# HELP ceph_fs_metadata FS Metadata
# TYPE ceph_fs_metadata untyped
# HELP ceph_mds_metadata MDS Metadata
# TYPE ceph_mds_metadata untyped
"kind": "ConfigMap",
"data": {
"maxMonId": "0",
"data": "a=",
"mapping": {}
"name": "rook-ceph-mon-endpoints"
set -e
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/libvirt/images/minikube-*
for i in b c d; do

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am leseb on github.
  • I am leseb ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBmnBW286W3WVUFgfkkWQ93JlRb57znNQ8RKDodWyDxOgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am leseb on github.
* I am leseb ( on keybase.
* I have a public key ASBmnBW286W3WVUFgfkkWQ93JlRb57znNQ8RKDodWyDxOgo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
$ rake generate
## Generating Site with Jekyll
error sass/screen.scss (Line 13 of sass/base/_typography.scss: You may not @extend an outer selector from within @media.
You may only @extend selectors within the same directive.
From "@extend .sans" on line 57 of /Users/leseb/Documents/octopress/sass/partials/_navigation.scss.
Compilation failed in 1 files.
Configuration from /Users/leseb/Documents/octopress/_config.yml
Building site: source -> public
Successfully generated site: source -> public
$ git clone