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Created October 19, 2013 04:30
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from :
def heapsort(a):
''' input : an unordered array a'''
count = len(a)
# first place a in max-heap order
end = count-1 # for zero-based arrays, the chiledren are 2*i+1 / 2*i+2
while end > 0:
# swap the root(maximum value) of the heap
# with tha last element of the heap.
swap(a, end, 0)
# decrease the size of the heap by one
# so that the previous max value will stay in its proper placement
end = end-1
# put the heap back in max-heap order
siftdown(a, 0, end)
def heapify(a):
count = len(a)
start = (count - 2)//2 # the index in a of the last parent node.
while start >= 0:
# sift down the node at index start to the proper place
# such that all nodes below the start index are in heap order.
siftdown(a, start, count-1)
start = start -1
def siftdown(a, start, end):
''' end: represents the limit of how far down the heap to sift.'''
root = start
while root*2 + 1 <= end: # while the root has at least one child
child = root*2 + 1 # the left child
swap_target = root # keeps track of child to swap with
if a[swap_target] < a[child]: # if root is smaller than left child:
swap_target = child
if child+1 <= end and a[swap_target] < a[child+1]:
# if right child exists and it's begger than
# what we're currently swapping with
# ( max(root, left_child) )
swap_target = child + 1
if swap_target != root: # if we need to swap at all
swap(a, root, swap_target)
root = swap_target
# repeat to continue sifting down the child now
def swap(li, index1, index2):
li[index1], li[index2] = li[index2], li[index1]
import random
def test():
print a
print a
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