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Forked from alassek/extendEach.js
Created January 15, 2012 22:51
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Easy multiple-inheritance in Backbone.js
multiple inheritance/mixins for backbone js
automatic init call to super classes and defaults attribute inheritance
clsbla = Backbone.Model.extend4000(cls1,cls2,mixin6,{ bla: 3 })
(function () {
function extend4000 () {
var args =,
child = this;
var initf = []
var defaults = {}
if (child.prototype.defaults) {
defaults = _.clone(child.prototype.defaults)
_.each(args, function (superc) {
// did I receive a dictionary or an object/backbone model?
if (superc.prototype) { superc = superc.prototype }
// inherit defaults
if (superc.defaults) {
defaults = _.extend(defaults,superc.defaults)
// build a list of initialize functions if you find more then one
if (superc.initialize) {
(initf.length) || initf.push(child.prototype.initialize);
child = child.extend(superc);
// construct a combined init function
if (initf.length) {
child = child.extend({ initialize : function(attributes,options) {
var self = this,function(initf) {,attributes,options) })
child.prototype.defaults = defaults
return child;
Backbone.Model.extend4000 =
Backbone.Collection.extend4000 =
Backbone.Router.extendEach =
Backbone.View.extend4000 = extend4000;
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