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Created May 14, 2024 11:12
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Type level arithmetic in Rust
/// Limitations: $F could only be a single ident, not a path.
macro Apply($F:ident, $($Args:ty),+ $(,)?) {
<() as $F<$($Args),+>>::Apply
type Mark<X> = std::marker::PhantomData<*mut X>;
trait Bool {}
struct True;
struct False;
impl Bool for True {}
impl Bool for False {}
trait Not<B: Bool> {
type Apply: Bool;
impl Not<True> for () {
type Apply = False;
impl Not<False> for () {
type Apply = True;
trait And<X: Bool, Y: Bool> {
type Apply: Bool;
impl And<True, True> for () {
type Apply = True;
impl And<True, False> for () {
type Apply = False;
impl And<False, True> for () {
type Apply = False;
impl And<False, False> for () {
type Apply = False;
trait Or<X: Bool, Y: Bool> {
type Apply: Bool;
impl Or<True, True> for () {
type Apply = True;
impl Or<True, False> for () {
type Apply = True;
impl Or<False, True> for () {
type Apply = True;
impl Or<False, False> for () {
type Apply = False;
message="This proposition is false"
trait If<B: Bool> {}
impl If<True> for () {}
// data Nat = Z | Succ Nat
trait Nat {}
struct Z;
impl Nat for Z {}
struct Succ<X: Nat>(Mark<X>);
impl<X: Nat> Nat for Succ<X> {}
// add :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
// add Z n = n
// add (Succ k) n = Succ add_nat(k, n)
trait Add<X: Nat, Y: Nat> {
type Apply: Nat;
impl<N: Nat> Add<Z, N> for () {
type Apply = N;
impl<K: Nat, N: Nat> Add<Succ<K>, N> for ()
(): Add<K, N>,
type Apply = Succ<Apply![Add, K, N]>;
trait Eq<X: Nat, Y: Nat> {
type Apply: Bool;
impl Eq<Z, Z> for () {
type Apply = True;
impl<K: Nat> Eq<Z, Succ<K>> for () {
type Apply = False;
impl<M: Nat, N: Nat> Eq<Succ<M>, Succ<N>> for ()
(): Eq<M, N>,
type Apply = Apply![Eq, M, N];
// mul :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
// mul Z n = Z -- 0 * n = 0
// mul (Succ k) n = add n (mul k n) -- (1 + k) * n = n + (k * n)
trait Mul<X: Nat, Y: Nat> {
type Apply: Nat;
impl<N: Nat> Mul<Z, N> for () {
type Apply = Z;
impl<K: Nat, N: Nat> Mul<Succ<K>, N> for ()
(): Mul<K, N>,
(): Add<N, Apply![Mul, K, N]>,
(): Add<N, Apply![Mul, K, N]>,
type Apply = Apply![Add, N, Apply![Mul, K, N]];
trait ToU64<N: Nat> {
const VAL: u64;
impl ToU64<Z> for () {
const VAL: u64 = 0;
impl<K: Nat> ToU64<Succ<K>> for ()
(): ToU64<K>,
const VAL: u64 = <() as ToU64<K>>::VAL + 1;
fn nat_to_u64<N: Nat>() -> u64
(): ToU64<N>,
<() as ToU64<N>>::VAL
macro Assert($B:ty) {{
struct AssertEquity<B>(Mark<B>)
(): If<$B>;
fn main() {
// Proof: 2 * 2 = 2 + 2 is True
type Two = Succ<Succ<Z>>;
type TwoTimesTwo = Apply![Mul, Two, Two];
type TwoPlusTwo = Apply![Add, Two, Two];
type Equity = Apply![Eq, TwoTimesTwo, TwoPlusTwo];
Assert! {Equity};
// QED
// Proof: Not True is True
Assert! {Apply![Not, True]}; // Compile error: This proposition is false ...
// Nop!
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