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Created July 12, 2023 13:53
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Recursive guessing game with patterns
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math';
final rng = Random();
sealed class State {
const State();
class UninitializedState extends State {
const UninitializedState();
sealed class Context {
const Context();
class Output extends State {
Output(String message) {
class Input extends State {
final String? input = stdin.readLineSync();
class MaybeGuess {
static State from(String string) {
try {
final num = int.parse(string);
return Guess(num);
} catch (e) {
return const InvalidInput();
class Guess extends State {
final int number;
class InvalidInput extends State {
const InvalidInput();
class Gte extends State {
const Gte();
class Lte extends State {
const Lte();
class Success extends State {
const Success();
extension on int? {
State toState() => this == null ? InvalidInput() : Guess(this!);
State program(
int number, [
State state = const UninitializedState(),
]) {
try {
final State newState = switch (state) {
UninitializedState() => Output('Guess a number (h for help)'),
Output() => Input(),
Input(input: null) => Output('Enter a number'),
Input(input: '') => Output('Enter a number'),
Input(input: 'h') => Output('Guess a number between 0 and 100'),
Input(input: final String input) => int.tryParse(input).toState(),
InvalidInput() => Output('Enter a valid number'),
Guess(number: final g) when g > number => Gte(),
Guess(number: final g) when g < number => Lte(),
Guess(number: final g) when g == number => Success(),
Guess() => throw Exception('Why is this needed?'),
Gte() => Output('Too high'),
Lte() => Output('Too low'),
Success() => throw Success(),
return program(number, newState);
} on Success {
print('You guessed it!');
} catch (e) {
void main() {
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