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Last active May 11, 2022 10:13
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  • Save lesteve/478d52599d394ec5e7f56dbf0827a5e9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# Adapted from
from collections import defaultdict
import os
import re
from github import Github
token = os.environ["GITHUB_TOKEN"]
gh = Github(token)
sk_repo = gh.get_repo("scikit-learn/scikit-learn")
meta_issue_number = 22406
meta_issue = sk_repo.get_issue(meta_issue_number)
all_files = [
# Nothing to do it is already using a notebook style example using `# %%`"
# "examples/impute/,
print("Searching for pulls")
# TODO limitation: the PR description needs to mention the meta-issue. In one
# case it was done in a further comment and it was not found by this search
issues = gh.search_issues(
f"repo:scikit-learn/scikit-learn {meta_issue_number} in:body is:pr"
all_pulls = [sk_repo.get_pull(issue.number) for issue in issues]
# Label all open PRs as quick review
open_pulls = [p for p in all_pulls if p.state == "open"]
for p in open_pulls:
p.add_to_labels('Quick Review')
pull_infos = [
(pull.title, pull.number, pull.state == "open", pull.merged) for pull in all_pulls
# %%
file_with_pulls = defaultdict(list)
print("Connecting pulls to files")
for title, number, is_open, merged in pull_infos:
file_found = False
if not is_open and not merged:
for afile in all_files:
# TODO limitation: the basename of the example (possibly without .py)
# needs to be in the PR title. We could look at the files changed by the
# PR instead
if os.path.basename(afile).replace('.py', '') in title:
file_with_pulls[afile].append((f"#{number}", merged))
file_found = True
if not file_found:
print(f"{number} is not associated with any files. title is: {title}")
updated_files = []
for afile in all_files:
link_to_file = f"[{afile}]({afile})"
if afile not in file_with_pulls:
updated_files.append(f"- [ ] {link_to_file}")
pulls = file_with_pulls[afile]
list_str = "- [ ] "
if any(pull[1] for pull in pulls):
list_str = "- [x] "
issue_numbers = " ".join([pull[0] for pull in pulls])
if issue_numbers:
issue_numbers = f" {issue_numbers}"
# %%
old_body = meta_issue.body
pattern = re.compile(r"^begin_auto_generated\s+(.+)^end_auto_generated", flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
old_auto_generated_content =
updated_auto_generated_content = "\n".join(updated_files) + '\n\n'
updated_body = old_body.replace(old_auto_generated_content, updated_auto_generated_content)
# TODO nice to have show a diff and ask for confirmation? I did not find a way
# to do diff -uw with difflib quickly enough
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