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lestrrat lestrrat

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Quid pro quo

If you use this software to build products in a for-profit organization, we ask you to follow the guidelines below. This is NOT a licensing term: it's only a plea for people to acknowledge the work from FOSS developers whose work you rely on each and everyday. The following does NOT apply to individuals, non-profit organizations, and for-profit organizations with fewer than 100 employees.

  • For every 100 employees (direct hires) of your organization, please contribute minimum of $5 every year to either this project, or FOSS projects that this project uses. For example, for 100 employees, we ask you contribute $500 yearly; for 10,000 employees, we ask you contribute $50000 yearly.
  • If possible, please make this information public. You do not need to disclose the amount you are contributing, but please make the information that you are contributing to particular FOSS projects public.

I unexpectedly had to quit my previous job and am now in search of a new one. If you are interested in hiring me or have leads, I would very much appreciate it if you could contact me at my ID + gmail.

Past experiences

During 2000-2019, I worked as a backend software engineer, writing anything from small tools to servers handling billions of requests. Now I focus on writing software with Go. During 2019-2024, I worked as TechPR, acting to promote my employer to the outside engineering community, as well as enabling and otherwise making internal engineers happier. I still wrote code for FOSS, but not for a living.

I have 15+ years experience writing about programming in commercial publishing.

package examples_test
import (
package examples_test
import (
package examples_test
import (
lestrrat /
Last active September 27, 2021 05:09
"Ripple" shift the contents of an SBV file
# perl $ref $delta file.sbv
use strict;
use POSIX qw(floor);
# $ref is the time code (in seconds) where the ripple should start
my $ref = shift @ARGV;
lestrrat@finch bench % benchstat -sort -delta stdlib.txt v0.4.2.txt
name old time/op new time/op delta
JWK/Serialization/RSA/PrivateKey/jwk.Parse-8 50.0µs ± 1% 15.8µs ± 8% -68.40% (p=0.008 n=5+5)
JWK/Serialization/RSA/PrivateKey/jwk.ParseString-8 50.4µs ± 1% 18.5µs ±15% -63.23% (p=0.008 n=5+5)
JWK/Serialization/EC/PrivateKey/jwk.Parse-8 15.6µs ± 1% 5.8µs ± 5% -63.11% (p=0.008 n=5+5)
JWK/Serialization/EC/PrivateKey/jwk.ParseString-8 15.9µs ± 3% 5.9µs ± 2% -62.64% (p=0.008 n=5+5)
JWK/Serialization/RSA/PrivateKey/jwk.ParseReader-8 50.9µs ± 1% 19.2µs ± 6% -62.31% (p=0.008 n=5+5)
JWK/Serialization/EC/PrivateKey/jwk.ParseReader-8 15.7µs ± 1% 6.0µs ± 4% -61.50% (p=0.008 n=5+5)
JWS/Serialization/JSON/jws.Parse-8 21.1µs ± 1% 8.3µs ± 2% -60.65% (p=0.008 n=5+5)
JWS/Serialization/JSON/jws.ParseString-8 21.3µs ± 2%
lestrrat /
Last active November 17, 2020 23:23
開始時間/終了時間/英語/日本語 の4つのカラムのTSVファイルから、日本語訳文をSRTファイル形式に整形するツール。1行目にヘッダがある想定。使い方はコメントの中に。
# Preparation:
# 1. Install perl5, cpanm
# 2. cpanm -L local -n Text::CSV_XS
# Execution:
# perl source.tsv
lestrrat /
Created December 20, 2019 00:44
use strict;
use lib "local/lib/perl5";
use Data::Dumper;
use Image::ExifTool qw(:Public);
use Time::Piece;
my $name = "___CHILD'S_NAME___";
my @files;
for my $file (glob("*.jpg")) {
# Installs mariadb in Debian 9 GCP VM, creates self-signed certificates,
# sets up the server config, and restarts the mysql server
set -e
set -x
apt-get update
apt-get install -y mysql-server